There are plenty of reasons for this forum to want more users. New users will contribute to the discussion, fluff forum, paint stuff and participate in our competitions and besides the forum could do with some added traffic. GW might have pulled the plug, but there's no reason for us to do so There are a few things I'd ask you to do, but only do so if you want to! 1) Create a user here: 2) Comment and/or like this thread: 3) Make a signature with a link. I'd prefer if they were all the same: Remember to check out Lustria Online, click here (that red text right there is actually a link, you should be able to just copy/paste it into your signature). The goal is obviously that whenever you post something, even if it's just a few times a week, month or whatever, you'll show the other forumites there's something called Lustria Online and give them an easy access to the forum (link). If we all have the same signature we'll be easy to recognize and thus easier to remember. Also if you frequent other forums such as Warseer or maybe country specific forums you can easily do the same there. I hope some of you are up for it
This is indeed a grand idea I myself have already taken up this signature on the ninth age forum and I reckon if more people, did the forum would soon boom. We could always use more frequent users, on this forum and the people on ninth are more than welcome. Provided they favour the Old Ones, of course
Signature updated on 9th age. I'm mostly posting in the lexicon these days there but I make my odd post/comment in the forum there too. More than happy to promote this awesome shrine of the Old Ones to the larger world
Yeah Ive seen your posts Also great work on the lexicon, you'll hopefully soon be able to properly update the stats and rule
Thank you! I'm currently only one of three people doing updates and it takes a lot of time to go through those articles for the small changes and formating. When the beta armybooks are released, I'll be very busy then! P.S. currently all Lizardmen rules are up to date on the lexicon. Let me know if I missed anything!