8th Ed. Total Warhammer: Launch April 28th, Chaos as pre-order DLC

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Pinktaco, Oct 19, 2015.

  1. El Caimán
    Cold One

    El Caimán Active Member

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    Yeah that would make more sense!
    Hopefully each dlc is a bundle of factions

    Yet again if there are 3 standalone games, this just makes more confused and somewhat "angry" lol
  2. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    This is Sega and GW ganging up. Expect the cow to be milked in very possible way imaginable. They'll go all the way ._______.
  3. Tlac'Natai the Observer
    Cold One

    Tlac'Natai the Observer Active Member

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    I am a complete Total War nut, I think they did really great with Rome II, and if it is anywhere near the same quality, we will get a great game. However, it sounds like they have really gone above and beyond with creating this game.

    It hasn't been announced that lizardmen will be in the game, i don't think, but they allude to it and I'm really excited to see how lizards look on the field. Using blowpipes in a Total War game will be the highlight of my entire life lololol
  4. El Caimán
    Cold One

    El Caimán Active Member

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    I will say goodbye to my social life lol
  5. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    A thing people forget about SOME DLC, is that it wasn't meant to be included in the first place.

    Game developers often plan for ONE release, but because the different departments might get ahead of schedule or even finish
    up way to early. Instead of those departments being idle, and in some cases not paid, they are assigned the task of creating extra content.

    As the company has to put in extra hours to make that content a part of the game, it also increases the production cost,
    as the hours spend more often than not exceed those paid for by the original budget.
    Meaning = they have to charge something extra.

    My take is that WoC wasn't meant to be playable this time around, but rather an in-game enemy with fewer and more centralized units than the other armies.(we were told 4 armies would be playable)
    CA probably realized that they were able to get them ready for gameplay, and decided to go for it and use it as an advantage and pre-purchase carrot.

    Regarding the extra cost: nobody has been shafted. in fact CA has chosen the user-friendly approach
    If you pre-purchase, you get more than you originally bargained for. FREE. You pay the same for more.
    If you dont, well you still have the option to purchase it later, so you are not forced to do anything because of a time constraint.

    "But Phat, if you dont pay more when pre-ordering, how do they cover their costs with no price increase?"
    Like this:
    1. A bunch of WoC players (and fans) are gonna chip in now = Increased sales

    2 Pre-ordering gives the advantage of getting money earlier than expected, which means they can be re-invested faster
    and used to improve the business and even marketing for the original product (also increased sales)

    (Example: A man tells you:" I will either give you 1 million dollars today, or 2 million dollars in a year."
    If you chose the 1 million dollars you are also saying: "I think I can make 1 million dollars into more than 2 million dollars in a year"
    If you chose the 2 million dollars you are saying "I CANT make 1 million into more than 2 million dollars in a year"
    Most businesses will go for the early investment, because money RIGHT now is golden for a busy company with plans.

    3. They know their market. A lot of players dont pre-order even with content, as they are waiting for the initial reviews before investing.
    They rather pay more later, than pay less now and take the risk of a spending money on a poor game.
    Total war has its sceptics for various reasons, so this is a very viable consideration.

    Regarding the trailer, it is probably an in-game cinematic which got used for this instead.

    CA is the kind of company who pay a LOT of attention to what their customers is expecting, so blaming them
    for being DLC milkers like other companies might be a little of mark.
  6. El Caimán
    Cold One

    El Caimán Active Member

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    Good thinking, but unless it is CA's, i wont buy your whole idea, with all due respect.

    It all boils down to 2 things: the dlc price and its content.
    If it's worth it, only time will tell!
  7. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    I have zero faith in the gaming industry. They're a bunch of greedy bastards who will stop at nothing to dry your wallet of every single last cent.

    It's impossible to prove that pre-order DLC wasn't originally part of the game because that would require insider knowledge of which none of us have.

    My latest game - MGS V - saw DLC in the scummiest appearance yet. So no I don't give them much credit. It's often bad practice from a consumer point of view
  8. El Caimán
    Cold One

    El Caimán Active Member

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    I already cringe at the idea of aTHREE standalone titles ......
  9. The Red Devil

    The Red Devil Defender of Hexoatl Staff Member

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    While this is a nice thought, it is not always true. Time and time again, it has been found out that DLC's released afterwards, was actually included on the original game disc, just locked away. In addition, DLC does not always add enough content to be worth the cost. Not every company does this, but this is why it has received a bad reputation.

    If you compare the DLC's released to a game, both in cost and content, to the old way to releasing expansion packs to a game. I would take the expansion packs over DLC's any day.

    This is true only in very rare cases, in reality they will never get any funds earlier due to pre-ordering for a AAA game.

    What I mean is that when you pre-order the game from your local store, or even internet store, you never pay upfront. Instead you give them the credit card details, and "agree for them to charge you when the game comes out". (If you actually did pay upfront, it would only help the bottom line of the store you paid it to, not to the company making the game)

    For a game company, pre-orders is good as this gives them "promised/known" sales, even before they released the game. This means they will know how many boxes they should make, both to cover pre-orders, but also to have enough out in the stores to cover sales for people that did not pre-order.
  10. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Anyway.. Let's talk about the actual game :D
  11. El Caimán
    Cold One

    El Caimán Active Member

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    I wonder how summonings will work
  12. serbianwolf
    Cold One

    serbianwolf Active Member

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    how much do dlc ussualy cost?
  13. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Uh.. I think a batch of additional (usually 3) subfactions are $10-15. However Sega are masters at adding minor DLC which just include individual units which obviously are cheaper.

    I'd say we should expect the following:

    • Additional armies, sold individually.
    • Expansion packs with several armies and probably new campaign.
    • Additional individual units.
    • Additional subfactions for existing armies.
    • Additional scripted campaigns.
    • Additional scenarios.
    This is based on previous Total War games.
  14. El Caimán
    Cold One

    El Caimán Active Member

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    "Just take my money"
    Don't we all want a COMPLETE game of warhammer? Why leave it without factions?
  15. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    Thats why I wrote SOME in capitals :p
    Yes many milks the DLC cash cow, but dlc being a part of the initial content are not a stone solid proof that it was meant to be a part of it to begin with.
    "Hey we got it done...now lets not put in the game for convinience".
    An example of when companies does stick it to their customers is with Goro in the newest mortal Kombat. He is a boss in the game, with full move set and a fixed part of the story. For some reason though Nether realms decided to make him dlc rather than make him playable from the get go....which you dont even get acces to with season pass.

    Regarding pre-order.
    When you pre order you sign a deal of debt. You WILL pay for the game. That debt is worth almost as much as actual money in business accounting, as it also affects the overall balance. With positive balance ("we are owed 50dollars = we are good for 50dollars"...roughly explained.) a company have bigger economic liberties.

    But enough with it... If I get a computer worth a damn, ill pre-order the s out of this!
  16. El Caimán
    Cold One

    El Caimán Active Member

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    Are the system requirements out? I wanna check too! even though i'm sure it candle the game, i lost all common knowledge on specs lol
    Everything has a longer and complex name
    At radeon x supreme 250 gaming gear 27x9g
  17. serbianwolf
    Cold One

    serbianwolf Active Member

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    In case they start milking it to much, and knowing GW... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: ill just buy the dlc's with the two races i play with and for the rest there are always alternatives with a hook for a hand, a parot on the shoulder and a lot of rrrrr's if you know what i mean...
  18. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    Well, preorder to get free Chaos Warriors is pretty low.

    Anyway, no Lizards, no paying. However, that dwarfish horn and stuff comming with CE edition...
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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  20. El Caimán
    Cold One

    El Caimán Active Member

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    I say it's still pretty early to preorder

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