7th Ed. Idea for a basic unit FAQ

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by angelwuff, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. angelwuff

    angelwuff New Member

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    so been lurking this like mad, to get my army going a little smoother. and so far have learned a fair amount for not being able to get into games yet (next month I get a battalion box, and should be able to squeeze in 500-1000 point games)

    I noticed a good number of posts are "what units should I take/how can I use X" and had a thought of making a basic FAQ with the beginner pros and cons for units, and a few recommended sizes/options. Wouldn't want something to dictate things, but for most 15-18 saurus is considered optimal. Small 10-12 man 'hammer' units for flanking/flank protection should just nab a musician, as a champion is overpriced for +1 attack in most cases. Never ever grab terradon/skink skirmisher braves (yay, +1 BS...?)

    so, would there be interest in something like this? I don't know enough on heroes (I tend to use a bare minimum, but my preferenes)

    something along the lines of...

    skinks (cohorts)

    Pro: Fast. Cheap and expendable in small units. Can take eliminate ranks in flanking attacks. Javelin ranged attacks can surprise opponents.
    Adding kroxigors brings them to LD7, and adds a solid attack. if in a skink only army, this unit will be your main infantry option.

    Cons: Weedy, melt like butter under anything competent in close combat. Especially multiple attacks. no -1 penalty to being shot. For the cost of 16 and two kroxigors, you'll end up with the cost of a 15 saurus block, eliminating a lot of the 'cheap' bonus they have.

    typical deployments: 10 in 5X2 ranks used as flankers and harassers. 16 w/ full command and 2 kroxigor in '4x6' ranks.

    of course, most of these things have been stated elsewhere, but scattered around in various posts. Just a thought, and don't know how long it'd take me to whip up a basic writeup like that all the units =D
  2. snowywlf
    Cold One

    snowywlf New Member

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    I support this idea! We have enough knowledgeable members that we should be able to get something like this started and finished.

    Hm... if I get some time today I'll try to get started on the Saurus Warriors (my favorite infantry). I'm a little crunched though, last night I received an email stating we have a 500 point progressive tournament starting... today. How's that for time to prepare?
  3. angelwuff

    angelwuff New Member

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    Best of luck! I might see what I can do as well. All of my stuff is mostly theory hammer. but I'd mostly expect it to be quick and dirty basics then going into advanced strategies. I have an odd work schedule though, so probably won't have time to do anything until next week.
  4. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    I would be willing to contribute to something like this as well considering a lot of the treads on the website have a theme of asking some of the same questions over and over. If you'd like to me to offer my insight on a particular unit or help discuss how some of the typical units are used, I'd be happy to. If you need the 'basics' of a paticular unit broken down, just let me know which unit and I'll take a look at it.

    Another thing that I'll mention in this thread, although it's not entirely related is that of army lists. I think it would be great for the group to come up with a few army lists based around starting point values to give newcomers to the site some solid sugggestions on list construction. I grow a little tired of reading the Rate-my-battalion-box-list thread and find myself avoiding those sections of the site because of it. You mentioned you were purchasing a battalion box in your first post starting the thread, so perhaps with some unit analysis we could include suggested lists for values like 1000pts, 1500pts, a battalion box list (of course) and a 2000pt list as well. I'm sure this idea has been brought up before here, but just wondering if that's also a direction you're interested in taking this thread?

    Great idea overall, and I look forward to contributing if I can.
  5. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Yep I have been thinking about something like this too, and have definitely considered writing something. I wanted to get a bit more experience into my lizards before starting anything, but if it gets done first as a community thing I am more than happy to contribute. Saves a lot of time for me. :p

    The only problem is when you have a big FAQ full of information (and it will evolve over time), well the majority of threads seem to end up being basic questions to start with that have been answered before, then evolve into more in depth discussions as people respond. Too many informative sticky threads reduce activity. Maybe it would be better to have a thread as an index which points to some of the fantastic discussions we have already had around the forum, then there can be many threads for each unit/sub-topic and there will be much more in-depth information and the ability to add more to the topics at any time? Of course it still would probably be useful to have a brief summary of every unit/item in the army as well so some dedicated stuff could be written.

    Just a thought.
  6. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    I am a supporter of sticky threads in the army list section...

    Have one basic FAQ with the merits of each unit and their uses, so that we get fewer of the posts by brand new players with the "beginner's mistake" themed lists. I too find that the sheer volume of lists posted becomes daunting, and many of the lists are fraught with the same problems over and over. At least with the basic do's and don'ts listed we can point newcomers in the right direction without constantly rehashing what seems to be the general consensus on the site. Once the initial revisions are made, the player may or may not choose to repost the list, or they may decide they're good to go.

    Lower priority but still possibly useful would be some example lists based around a few different themes.
  7. angelwuff

    angelwuff New Member

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    I like that idea. My main idea was for a 'here's some basic info on how you might want to ponder first units' and let people go from there.
  8. snowywlf
    Cold One

    snowywlf New Member

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    When I imagined the unit FAQs, I imagined that there would actually be a lot of conversation in each thread about the unit. This would actually expand the conversation about the unit instead of limiting it. I can see it go either way frankly. It seems like it would be a nice 'go to' location for a special question about the unit. The first post or two comprising the actual FAQ could be updated as discussion in the thread continues and develops.
  9. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    Guys I had nothing to do with it so this is no advert but go to druchii.net and look in their tactics forum. They have an incredible incredible sticky just like that called the D.R.A.I.C.H. which firstly has a series of articles covering each area of DE play in immense detail. After that is a list of every useful tactics question and thread in the whole forum, with the most helpful asterisked.
  10. Lounge_Lizard
    Cold One

    Lounge_Lizard New Member

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    I think it's a great idea!
    I don't know about you guys, but I'm tired of the old generic descriptions followed by the ubiquitous "but you really should play what you like (which is OK by me, as long as it's after a clear an adequate explanation :smug: ).

    And to show that I'm not all talk, I'll present you with my rants about skink skirmishers. Although more expensive than in 6th and without the possibility to scout anymore, they're still a must-have in any list.

    Pros: Skirmishers - Our little friends are no good in combat, but they are very hard to hit by missiles, and can screen other units in a very cost-effective way, as well as still being the perfect tool to redirect charges.
    Poison: It is priceless, specially against high toughness models. Who doesn't remember the little skinks that could... topple a giant MUWAHAHAHAHA! :bored:
    Cheap: though more expensive than before, they're still the cheapest thing we got (apart from ranked skinks, but skirmishers are so much more cost effective), and a very useful and versatile unit.
    Weapon options: although more short-ranged, javelins make sure you'll get the all-important poison hits. However, for a stand-and-shoot, the look in your oponnent's face when his carging models are pincushioned by 20 plus poison shots is priceless :bored: .
    Speed: 6'' move, 12'' marching. 'Nuff said.

    Cons: They're worthless in combat. And I can't really think of nothing else.

    Well, that's why I love them.

  11. snowywlf
    Cold One

    snowywlf New Member

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  12. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Alright and I suggest that rather than having a sticky thread for each unit, we still have the one thread at the top as an index and have it stickied so there isn't a huge list of sticky threads, that gets messy. The main threads in it would be the dedicated FAQ threads like you posted for saurus, but if people want other threads added to it that can happen.

    If people are cool with that, I can make the initial thread and sticky it or if someone else makes it I can still sticky it.
  13. angelwuff

    angelwuff New Member

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    sounds fun. I have to do my work week, so 3 days where I'm not able to really write anything (12 hour shifts @.@)

    I'm liking the index to lists of articles the most, simpler and gets more discussion
  14. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    Is there a way for you to lock the thread so that people aren't posting in the index thread that is to be stickied, or will this not allow the original poster to edit his posts? I've seen forums do it both ways which is why I am asking. If not, I'd highly recommend asking people not to post in the index thread and to simply comment on the specific thread of their interest or start a new one that is not stickied.
  15. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Yeah I can lock the sticky thread and still edit it.. I don't see too much harm in letting people post in it, it could be where people suggest new threads to add to the index. If it gets SPAM or whatever in it, that can easily be deleted or split out. But if people want it locked then locked it shall be.
  16. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    I'm just going over some probability stuff this week so over the next month or two may be able to finish writing about slann and priest magic, which seems in place for a lizard guide

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