Or see the attached file
Croxisaurus Ancient: 2 attacks at WS 4 Meanwhile, regular Crox get 3 attacks Also, I don't see any innate defense on the standard Tyranno. Is it supposed to not have any?
Yeah the croxisaurus ancient was reduced to a support only hero... RT decision. No need for scaly skin on Tyrannosaurus due to the combined profile
Hopefully playtest will teach this to the RT as well, we completely agree. He was a favourite enemy of some Rule Team members, we tried to salvage as much of him as possible, but he still took a beating
oh, is there a general rule for champions now ? I'm not seeing separate stat lines for them... Cause I was looking to see if the Croxisaurus had +1 attack...
Hi there! I'm lurking here for years now. But could never decide to make an account. But now I was too courious for the 9th age armybook and I couldn't wait to get it. And so I finaly arrived here I lost hope with AoS but now with the 9th age I can start playing Warhammer again! Greetings from Austria!
Welcome Balasch Now certainly sin't the worst time to get into the hobby, with the 9th age beta. Hope you have someone to play with in Austria. It looks like the Tyrannosaurus rex went up 20 points. is there a reason for that, or has he just been proven a bit more effective than initially thought?
Quite the opposite, the none flying units doesn't see the day of light much. It's another weird one on the RT, we wanted something more, so he got lost in the bargaining.... then they change what we bargained for anyway -.- EDIT: Never Mind, I believe Pink is right, it was improve from the original
Hi, I hope you'll enjoy your Stay on Lustria Online. Feel free to ask Anything if you have a question
Quick question, am I correct in noticing that only Saurus Warriors/ Saurian Totem Warriors have access to the spawnings while the TG and COR don't? Is it as intended or just not mentioned?
Intended. Our core lacked flexibility and especially saurus warriors were a bit meh. Our guards (especially with weapon master) and raptor riders are fine. Remember that raptor riders do in fact kinda have one: formerly in 6th Ed riding a raptor was a spawning. I also believe immune to panic was one as well. When spawnings were originally talked about before the committee came to be we actually talked about adding spawnings for these units purely out of consistency. They would have no effect (ride raptor), but just show that these models did actually also have a spawning.
the text of the sun engine - burning gaze spell does not exist... and the other poison spell is also defferently named, this goes as well for the spells in in our slann discipline, just sort out those typos... so the trike with the spear makes atleast 4 impact hits, i like that, laso the spear will be interesting on cowboys and tyros i think.... i think the salies have shorter range now, so will se how that turns out... i like most of the things in the book, except ofcourse the krox hero that one is really bad cause i think he will se no use at all, the slann is very interesting we shall see how the pricing goes...
It wasn't needed. They're quite fine with lances at that price and the LA would've been to expensive anyway. The RT (Rules Team) didn't inform the committee of these new spell names. Obviously these will be changed. The Sallies have a new flame cannon profile. Everything touched is actually hit. So even if you overshoot a unit you'll actually still hit the models. This was the intention, but the RT decided against that a week ago. In it's current state I'm not even sure if I want it there. I'd much rather remove the hero and add skink cavalry, lol. That's just my personal opnion though.