As the new and updated armies finally have arrived, we would like to know what the thoughts about the following various of ranged unit in the 0.9.0 army book are. In this thread we would like to know the feedback regarding the ranged part of the unit; what they mannish during the shooting phase and what they can and cannot do? Is the concept true to your idea about the unit, should it have had less or more value in the shooting phase? Any other thoughts and ideas are more than welcome. The ranged options are: Skink Braves With Javelins Skink Hunters With Blowpipe With Javelins With Razorspiked Bows Chameleons With Blowpipes Skinks Skyriders With javelins With Fire Bolas Spike Lizard Razor Sharp Spikes Pteranodon Hunter Spikes Salamander Spout Flames Spout Venom Triceratops Giant Blowpipe Giant Bow Bare in mind that these are still not the final rules, that will be the end results. It is still mainly up to you to playtest and make sure everything is balanced and in order.
Pretty Disappointed that Spike Lizard & Salamander no longer have handlers or eat handlers on misfire.
Yeah the Rules Team ruled that out quite early in the process despite popular demand. They found the rule to be complex and annoying..
Yea ... not quite the same as having three 5+ ward save an partial immunity to multi-wounds. we should a least get a point reduction for he loss of the handlers. Ps. how do their miscast rolls work now ?
One roll of 1 = -1 To Hit. Two rolls of 1 = -1 wound. With AP1 I hope the unit will finally have a spot in our army. The committee was also confident that we'd see more flying units and gave us several options to deal with that, including the razordon. Also the committee wanted it to be cheaper, but what can you do..
I would not really consider that rule to be "complex and annoying" in the WF universe. Kind of strange to completely ruin the fluff part for that. So now instead we talk to the animals, and ask them to follow or command? Or the slann invade their mind and force them to comply
I have to say I've never played an opponent who understood the rule. It wasn't a good rule in close combat. However fluff wise I'd say it wouldve been great to keep it when miscasting. It could've been a special rule and made to fit and be easy to understand. I'll try and forward it
I think bows should be for r&f skinks not for skirmisher... As if you look at the handling of a bow the two other options are "fluffwise" (if that's the right term here) more suitable for skirmishing units... Imo bows for both kinds of skinks or just for r&f... For the moment that is all from my side as I will go through the book in detail later today...