KoW (Kings of War) Salamanders 2000pts

Discussion in 'Salamanders Army Lists' started by Beelzebufo, Nov 4, 2015.

  1. Beelzebufo
    Jungle Swarm

    Beelzebufo New Member

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    Hey All,

    Been a while, but I'm getting into Kings of War, and I thought I'd share some thoughts on it here, including an army list :) The great thing about Kings of War is that the rules are free (see here), and they have 'starter' army lists that are also free. The Salamanders are coming out in a book this month, but in the meantime the final version Beta Rules are available (for free, from Mantic) online! Best of all, Mantic has also given permission for EasyArmy.com to post unit stats and rules to make it easier to create lists (see here!)

    So, without further ado...

    Salamanders 2000pts
    Salamander Primes Horde (40) (HW/S Saurus)
    Ancients Regiment (20) (Temple Guard)
    Ceremonial Guard Regiment (20) (Spear/Sh Saurus)
    Corsairs Troop (10) (Saurus with pistols - basically Saurus/Skink Skirmisher combo)
    Corsairs Troop (10) (Saurus with pistols - basically Saurus/Skink Skirmisher combo)
    Ghekkotah Hunters Troop (10) w/ Chameleon Cloak, Bows (Chamelion Skinks

    Large Infantry/Large Cavalry:
    Tyrants Horde (6) (Kroxigors)
    Ghekkotah Skyraiders Troop (3) (Terradons/Ripperdactyls)

    Ankylodon Battle Platform w/ Firebolt (Stegadons or Bastiladons)
    Ankylodon Battle Platform w/ Firebolt (Stegadons or Bastiladons)

    Clan Lord on Fire Drake (Scar-Vet/Old Blood on Carnosaur, with "inspiring" - Battle Standard, basically)

    Some Background:
    Force Organization works differently in Kings of War - you can take as many Regiments (20 guys, 5x4 frontage, basically) and Hordes (40 guys, 10x4 frontage) as you want. For each Regiment, you can have 1 Monster OR 1 War Engine OR 1 Individual, and 2 Troops; for Hordes, it's 1 Monster, 1 War Engine, AND 1 Individual, plus 4 troops. Individuals don't join units, but there's no true line of sight so it's easier to hide them (units have set heights, 1-4, with easy rules to know when you can see over stuff). That is it. Nice, right?

    You don't remove models as you take hits, and you never lower the number of attacks you make - attacking an enemy's flank or rear, however, will double or triple the attacks you make. Instead, each 'death' adds to your Nerve rolls, and eventually that will get high enough or your luck will go poorly and the unit Wavers (can't do much of anything for a turn) or Routs (just remove it from the table entirely). Friendly units can move over each other if they can move completely past, and double and triple moves are possible (though only double on a charge). Turn order is Movement phase, Magic/Shooting Phase, and Combat Phase - you can't shoot an enemy unit in combat with one of yours, and magic is very simplified (there are 6 spells, and you pick when you make the list based on what your wizard has access to/comes with). When you charge, only you do damage - after the charge, if the enemy didn't Rout, you back up 1" and they can charge you on their turn (unless they're wavered). Easy peasy.

    The point of this list is to force the enemy to engage the Tyrants (lots of super strong attacks, good nerve) or Primes Horde (nasty numbers of attacks, pathfinder so you can't hide, and good all around stats) and keep off flankers with the Ceremonial Guard (good vs Cavalry) and Ancients (good vs elite infantry). The Corsairs are there to shoot up the enemy and lend flanking support when needed, or distract the enemy into a bad charge. The Ghekkotah Hunters are there to do the same thing, but with longer ranged (24") bows, and they're harder to deal with at range.

    Meanwhile, the Ankylodons are difficult to kill, make nasty flankers, and add a lot of shooting. The Skyraiders are there for War Engine hunting (hey, that's new...) and to take out enemy Individuals, who mostly give bonuses, cast spells, or are useful to add attacks by charging and supporting hordes or regiments with more attacks - which is precisely what the Clan Lord on a Fire Drake is for, except the drake has a really good breath weapon ranged attack.

    This list excels at mid-range and in melee, but has some trouble at long range. What do you all think?
    Scalenex likes this.
  2. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Don't know how much input you will get from this forum, we are mainly a WHFB forum. I do not play the game myself, but i have been playing with the idea of doing so, because Age of Shitmar is so, well, shit. I rather not be dependent on Citadel anymore for my hobby, thank you very much. From a more general perspective, your list seems balanced with monsters and the lot, something i might write as a first list, so you should do fine, but that is advice from a complete noob. :)
  3. Beelzebufo
    Jungle Swarm

    Beelzebufo New Member

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    Thanks for the reply! Regarding Lustria Online, I am aware - I have been a member for a while, and posted a lot more a few years ago when I was building my 2250pt Lizardmen army for the first North Star Tournament back in 7th edition. Since more and more Tournaments around me and elsewhere are switching over to the Kings of War ruleset and the new book with Salamanders in it is coming this month, I thought it would be a good idea to see if others were interested in the Salamanders :D

    Kings of War has very well balanced armies, a growing player base, an extremely similar but simplified ruleset (it's essentially like WHFB v8.5 Lite), there are no model restrictions (you can use any figurines - GW, Mantic, Reaper, etc - and win any tournament, they have specifically stated that in the rules), and you don't even need to mod anything since the basic base sizes are all the same.

    Also, my Lizardmen are coming off the shelf for the first time in ages, and that makes me so very happy that I had to share!
  4. classicflava
    Cold One

    classicflava Active Member

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    been playing KoW quite a bit. As far as your list goes you need more inspiring things. Minimum of 3 in a 2000pt list. Have played around 15 games now and i believe it is better than any edition of warhammer.

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