9th Age Saurian Ancient 0.9.1 FAQ [Updated 09-11-2015]

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by The Sauric Ace, Nov 2, 2015.

  1. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    Despite the best of intentions there’ll always be something to misunderstand or clarifications needed on various design decisions. We’ve collected a bunch of questions we figured might be frequently asked.

    Special Rules
    Q: The community came up with some interesting Spawnings, why are most of these not present in the book?

    A: The spawnings have changed a lot during the process of making the book. The Committee have prioritized some of the Spawnings and the Rules Team also had a saying in some of them. The Spawnings will have to be playtested. Everything is subject to change. [​IMG]

    Magic Items
    Q: A lot of people wanted the Cloak of Feathers when asked about magic items. Why isn't it there?

    A: In ETC 2015 Cloak of Feathers was only used in combination with Lord Kroak and that combo isnt there any more. The Skink Priest now has the option to ride a Pteranodon if he wishes to instead. We were limited to a maximum of 10 magic items in the army book and this one was rarely used / other items bring much more to the table from a gameplay point of view, so with a heavy heart, we had to cut this out.

    Q: What happened to the Lightsabre/Ethereal Blade and the Black Cube that was previously shown in the Sneak Peek thread?

    A: The Ethereal Blade was originally meant the Piranha Blade and Sword of Realities, but as a lighter more affordable choice. It was not mentioned as an issue before the last weekend’s rush hour; so this sword is still up for debate whether or not it can be change again. The Beast bane halberd is in principle a cheaper and better choice, it’s a 20 pts halberd that grants 2 wounds against anything big.
    The Committee also considering an alternative for the Black Cube, but that won’t be in for another week or so.

    Q: Is the Triceratop War Spear supposed to work with the Triceratop Sharp Horn upgrade?

    A: Yes.

    Q: What happened to the category system for the Frogs disciplines?

    A: The Rules Team deemed it an unnecessary "comp" restriction, something which they wanted to avoid. The RT wanted a flat point restriction instead. Since the disciplines were balanced according to a category system the disciplines might have to be tweaked.

    Q: May Path Attributes be cast via Magic Beacons?

    A: If the AHP cast the spell through the beacon, then the attribute is cast through beacon as well

    Q: Is the Anurid High Priest allowed to be placed anywhere in the shrine guards? Because you can put it in the third rank and not lose the two attacks you'd otherwise normally lose.

    A: Yes, it can be put anywhere in the unit, even third and fourth rank if you desire.

    Q: Is the Skink Palanquin allowed to be put in the second rank of Shrine Guards?

    A: No.

    Q: Alternate way of thinking grants 1 more spell. Is that solely from a different lore or from the same lore I picked my first 4 spells from?

    A: It's both. If you want to use it to gain a 5th spell from 1 lore you can do so, however if you decide to pick a spell from a different lore you must notice this on your army list.

    Q: I don't see the purpose with the High Skink Priest. What’s the deal here?

    A: One of the primary design goals of the armybook (given to us by the Executive Board) was to make armies without an AHP attractive. So we went with the Lord level Skink caster. He is just a "normal" Lord level mage that comes with some optional additional benefit as well (Plaque) and he is much cheaper than an AHP, who is a big points investment.

    Q: Why are our character equipments so expensive?

    A: The Rules Team made guidelines for all armies. Because our Characters come with Innate Defence our light armour and shields options are priced accordingly.

    Q: What happened to the old combat oriented Croxisaurus Ancient and why only 2A?

    A: It was argued that we already have quite the assembly of combat oriented models to use. The solution to keep the Croxisaurus ancient was then to alter the model into a supportive role for the unit he joins. Thus he has, for now, lost some offensive powers, to make him more obvious a non combat character.

    Q: I don't understand the spawn-kin special rule. How are attacks allocated in close combat against the Croxisaurus?

    A: Enemy Rank & File models have 2 options: a) they may choose to attack a model in base contact or b) they may elect to randomize their attacks: before rolling to hit roll a D6 for every attack randomized: on a 1-4 you attack the Skinks and on a 5-6 you attack a Croxisaur. After splitting up attacks that way roll to hit and to wound as normal.
    Enemy characters must allocate their attacks to a model(s) in base contact and cannot split up their attacks this way.

    Q: Can the Croxisaurus Ancient be placed in the second rank?

    A: No. (unless the first rank is already full with other characters / command group models of course)

    Q: Skink cavalry (core) had a lot of votes, why isn't it in the army book?

    A: The current plan is to bring them in at a later point of time. With Pteranodons (similar role) and lots of other redirectors in the army we didnt feel that Skink Fast Cavalry. was something that Reptilians really needed from a game design/balancing point of view.

    Q: Am I to understand that the Skink Sky Rider have javelins and light lance regardless of mount? And may Pterodactyl riders also use the fire bolas?

    A: Yes and yes.

    Q: Why have the Pteranodon and Pterodactyl gotten their profiles merged instead of separation units?

    A: to avoid a "flying circus". The Executive board thinks the build is problematic.

    Q: Why does the Macerosaurus Alter of the Snake-God have a spell from Path of Pestilence? That doesn't fit the fluff.

    A: We thought long and hard what spell to give this guy. This one is the most fitting from a game balance point of view (it increases Poisoned attacks). Dont think of it of a spell of the Dark Gods. The Snake God sends you his power to poison your enemies!

    Q: Croxisaurus (special) are 50pts with the Hardened Scales upgrade. That's vastly better than the previous version of the same model at the same price - are you mad?!

    A: No in fact not. While it may seem overpowered at first glance Croxisaurus were in a horrible state. Their offensive power is massive with Great Weapons, but they have worse defensive capabilities than a Skink with shield against S6. As a Special unit it is expected from the Croxisaurus to live up to a certain performance, an expectation they did not meet and thus nobody used them in competitive games. They were a gimmick. Extensive math have been done and with T5, great weapons and at this current price and they perform equally or slightly worse against other elite troops (TAC 0.8.0). Obviously that might change with the release of the full army books, in which case the Committee will act accordingly.

    Q: Why did the Spike Lizard and Salamanders lose their skink handlers from WHFB 8th edition?

    A: That was a decision that affected all armies in order to streamline the rules. Monsters & Handlers is a relict from 7th Edition (and before) and serves no gameplay purpose any more. For detailed reasoning please adress the rules team.

    Q: Why is the Spinosaurus light-footed when other “monsters” aren't?

    A: We wanted a fast unit that can kill fast cavalry, chaff and small units on the flanks of the battle. Such a unit must be cheap enough in order to be attractive, plus if you want big thunderstomps your go-to-option should be a triceratops anyway. If the Spinosaurus had D6 stomps the 110 price tag would have to be increased which kills the unit role for the "naked" variant of this unit.

    Q: The Spinosaurus have the wizard conclave champion upgrade, do the model then also gain the +1W from the wizard champion upgrade?

    A: Please read carefully. Only the Skink riding the Spinosaurus becomes a champion, so he benefits from the buffs. but the buffs have very few effects on the game (check the rules for ridden monster's profile). So, NO the Spinosaurus (the monster) doesn't gain an extra wound, however the Skink Rider does in fact gain +1WS and +1A.

    Q: Can I change the configuration on the Triceratop Godly Engine in my turn AND my opponents turn?

    A: No, only once per Game Turn and not each Player Turn. For clarification see page 15 of the BRB, but short version:
    • Player Turn: your turn/opponents turn.
    • Game Turn (1-6).

    Q: Is the Skink Chief intended to replace the crew operating the giant bolt thrower.

    A: Yes. When you buy a stegadon mount you only get 4 crew with it.

    Q: Is the Skink Chief intended to replace either 1 crew operating a giant blowpipe or both?

    A: As it is worded now: only 1. Cant' really see him operationg both

    Q: What's the point with the Apex Predator special rule?

    A: The T-Rex has problems to actually catch his favorite prey: big monsters and Dragons, stuff like that (and Pegasus riders [​IMG] ). The reason is that they can easily get out of his threat range. This will hopefully help a bit.

    Q: I found the TAC Tyrannosaurus Rex to be too vulnerable. What have you done to make it survive longer?

    A: I3 will have him strike at the same time with the majority of other monsters. So no more you are dead before you get to strike hopefully. Playtesting has shown that the T-Rex is very vulnerable to mass shooting (with low strength), that’s why we introduced the Flaming Aura of the Ancients talisman to help him with that a bit. The model should be a competitive choice now, if tournaments show that he is not, then we will do something extra (also if he is proves OP we will nerf him)

    Q: Why is the Skink Palanquin allowed to switch base size as the only unit in the game?

    A: Similar reason as above. The Skink should be a real option to replace an AHP. He can now either join Saurus or Skinks (and give hatred to them).
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2015
    Tlaxbitza and Pinktaco like this.
  2. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Updated today November the 9th.
    The Sauric Ace likes this.
  3. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    If there's remaining confusion on the subject regarding our Saurian Ancient army book, don't hesitate to ask.

    We are not GW, so we actual want to make these FAQ as helpful and thorough as possible; )
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.
  4. Tlaxbitza

    Tlaxbitza Member

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    I have a question, was finally getting around and finding the time to read up on our new army book Saurian Ancients and I have one question.
    I'm needing some clarification on the Rare Triceratops - Godly Engine - Flaming Configuration. It says That unit suffers D3 Metalshifting Hits.
    I looked in the all the Paths of Magic and could not find Metalshifting? Even looked in the Ninth Age Rules?
    I'm at a loss? Did i miss something? Did it get changed to a different name with the update and they forgot to change the name (maybe a missed edit)?

    On another note, why is it so weak, as in only D3 hits? Also, it used to be D6 and against Undead and Daemons it would increase the strength value by one for damage purposes. Which IMHO was a good fit for a special arcane item from the Gods.

    Thanks for all your doing and any help you could give. :)
  5. Hasael

    Hasael Member

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    Metalshifting can be find in special rules ;)

    I share your feeling about the godly engine, D3 hits is just too weak, I don't even think to use this configuration.
    And metalshifting is near useless against undead and demons... Why not 1d6 strength 4, 2d6 versus undead and demons?

    Also one major question:
    -the name Saurian Ancient is, ok. Even if in my opinion Ancient Saurians is far better (but maybe it's a unusual order, french deformation).
    But, having the Oldblood with the exact same name is weird.
    Please change one of those names! :)

  6. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    The background team will eventually change that.

    I'll forward the opinion concerning the Godly Engine. We probably can't increase it to D6 because cavalry armies wold hate that. We'd basically be getting a free spell (signature from alchemy) every turn and that's not going to fly.

    I do agree that it's not effective against low armour save armies.
  7. Haemoglobin

    Haemoglobin 9th Age Army Support

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    Can Croxisaurus that join a unit of Skink Braves buy the Hardened Scales upgrade?

  8. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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  9. Haemoglobin

    Haemoglobin 9th Age Army Support

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    OK, thanks!
  10. Tlaxbitza

    Tlaxbitza Member

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    Hey i noticed that all of our shootings weapons have Quick to Fire except the Blowpipe for our Skinks. Seems a little off that the Giant Blowpipe has it and the smaller Blowpipe doesn't?
  11. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Was needed in terms of balance. Small blowpipes are suited for monster hunting while the big blowpipe would have a hard time ever hitting anything.
  12. Tlaxbitza

    Tlaxbitza Member

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    Okay, sounds reasonable. Maybe, once I play a few games all of the small details will make more since in my coldblooded brain? lol

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