9th Age How would you run core?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Pinktaco, Nov 14, 2015.

  1. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    @Haemoglobin asked an interesting question, just in the wrong thread :D

    How'd you deal with our core now? I know one of the ABC members just recently won a tournament with a full Skrox unit and that makes me happy. More viable units was the intention :D

    Personally our core is a conundrum for me. What to pick.. I like big units of saurus warriors, but smaller ones are good as well. Then we have Skrox, Skrox darts and will soon likely have bows on cohort skinks..

    Teh choices O:
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I don't suppose we can get a fourth Core option in 9th Age. Skink fast cavalry so Scalenex can use his Horned Ones or Rikard can sculpt us some Culchan. Alternatively Saurus Cavalry could be promoted to Core because they are a fairly unpopular Special choice in 8th?
  3. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    That would actually be a fifth option :D we have swarms in core.

    Horned Ones might return in potential future Appendix Lists such as the previous Southland List :)

    The committee actually had an option for CoRs in core (if the oldblood was the general), but the Rules Team dropped it in fear of more Cold One Busses. Raptor Riders now have lances so I don't consider so I hope people will play some more with them. They might need a little point tweak though.
  4. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    I've been thinking about the usefulness of the poison maceosaurus and saurus warriors. I've also been neglecting the usefulness of Fight In Extra Rank spawning, so I did some quick math:

    7 wide, champ, spears, FieR = potential 36 attack.
    Poison hits = ~6.

    Vs WS3+, T3, heavy armour (most elven elites, human infantry and Skavens) = roughly 13 wounds.

    That's ridiculous haha. You might as well through the maceosaurus into the fight since it too will benefit from poison, have a stomp and will cause -1Ld to the opponent. You could easily do 15-16 wounds in a single round of combat. In theory of course.

    If you get off the bound spell from the Snake Ark you'll do 12 poison wounds. <.<
  5. Rettile

    Rettile Active Member

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    I'm seriously considering a list with no AHP nor guards, with good core infantry amounts (warriors bunker for skink high priest, skrox, a couple of hunters units) and monsters and various beasts filling the special and rare sections: too bad that we have a single monster in special!
    Anyway i will try out different lists, with light magic and infantry heavy (so many warriors in core band AHP in guards bunker), fast lists (hunters and skrox), skirmish ones (as previous but with skrox darts and swarms). It's a bit early to decide :)
    I'm pleased by the amount of options we have thanks to our new core section, and we have lots in the others aswell!
    I keep thinking that basti in core and stega in special would have been great, but i knew it wouldn't have happened so i can live with it :D
  6. Haemoglobin

    Haemoglobin 9th Age Army Support

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    I usually run a dual Carno list and so I've been really interested in what kind of Core people would use. Would it now be viable to go for more than just the 25% core tax?

    The idea of 40 Saurus warriors with the Skink lord (that can apparantly sit in any rank he wants) and the hatred plaque, combined with a 6/5 ++ from the Godly Engine and the Poison/+1WS from the Mace-O-Saurus sounds nice. Then slap some Lore of Light spells on that unit and voila. Yes its expensive, but I dont think we've ever had a unit like that before in 8th. Not without a Slann in any case.

    And what about the viability of Skrox units? Would it be useful to get a couple of +-20 skinks + 1-2 Krox in the lists? Having a fast and relatively cheap rank provider that is defendable does really seem nice. The only thing that is holding me back a bit is the fact that they are T2, but with the new rules they have definitely improved in defense.

    And sorry about putting this question in the wrong thread. Nightshifts start getting to me after shift nr5 in a row. 5 down, 2 to go!
  7. Hasael

    Hasael Member

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    I'm working on different kinds of competitive lists so core is important, some are very original. My perfect core for now is:

    -3x10 Skink Hunters - Jav
    -2 Snake swarms - Scout
    -2x10 Skink braves + 1 Crox - Poison, Additional hand weapons (one of those with the reroll first failed test banner)

    Yes no saurus, but I think they are playable.

  8. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    I think your idea is fine, but you'll need redireectors. I actually think a path of fire slann is fine for that purpose ^^
  9. Haemoglobin

    Haemoglobin 9th Age Army Support

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    The good thing is that the new Razordons might be up for the job as cheap redirect. They do take precious Special points though. But at 58 per model, could make some really cheap redirecting. That might kill some stuff with their shots.

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