8th Ed. 1000pt 1v1v1 casual battle

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by ISaidWutWut, Nov 12, 2015.

  1. ISaidWutWut
    Jungle Swarm

    ISaidWutWut New Member

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    I'm having a game this weekend against a couple of my friends, in a 3-way 1v1v1. I know that the 1v1v1 format is generally considered unfavourable, given that it usually ends up in a 2v1 or a 1v1, then someone picking up the scraps, BUT its just for fun, so competitive balance isn't all that important. The board is a hexagon, with deployment zones being flat-topped triangles (or rhombuses if you wanted to be technically correct). See my magnificent artwork depicting it below. Orange is deployment zone, blue is the battlefield.


    Our previous brawls have been straight up deathmatches, and I've yet to win one. We're going for a watchtower format this time, to try to make the combat more focused, instead of each person having to fight on two fronts. My opponents are probably going to play Chaos Warriors and Dwarves. I have no clue what they're going to bring as they're both pretty new to these armies, Chaos usually plays skaven and dwarves is just new to warhammer in general. This is the first 1000 point game I've ever done. I played a fair bit of 750 with my dad years ago when I first started, because we just didn't have that many models, and maybe 6-7 1500/2000 points battles with my friend who has a boatload of models (he plays skaven, so when I say a boatload I really mean it)

    I've tended towards pretty balanced traditional lists before (two saurus blocks, slann+TG, a few skink skirmishers, salamanders), and though they were pretty sturdy, and I was able to deal massive amounts of damage (courtesy of my slann and salamanders in particular), I wanted to do something a little more... chaotic I guess? IDK I wanted to go in a more skink-oriented direction this time.

    So my list follows. I was hoping for some good ol' CnC regarding my points distribution.

    Scar-Vet (General) - 107pts
    Cold One

    Skink Priest - 90pts
    Dispel Scroll

    Skink Skirmish x 10 - 70pts
    Jav + shield

    Skink Skirmish x 10
    Jav + shield

    Skink Skirmish x 10
    Jav + shield

    Skink Skirmish x 10
    Jav + shield

    Saurus Warriors x 20 - 230pts

    Chameleons x 6 - 78pts

    Ancient Steg- 215pts

    edit: 1000pts exactly, after removing dawnstone and adding adding 1 chameleon

    I made a few versions of this list without the saurus, but I just can't get my head around how the hammers are at all useful without the anvils. I guess the idea is they aren't, and you run better magic instead of hammers + anvils. I'll admit I only included the steg because I've never run one before (I don't have the model, and am not a fan of surrogates, but finally caved), and it might not fit AT ALL with this list. If that's the case I'll chuck it, there's always more games to be played. I put the cowboy in because this game is way too small for a slann, and a skink general is a bad general. (WOHOO LEADERSHIP 6 BUBBLE YAAAAY)

    early game plan is to rush the central position with the skinks, and physically prevent the enemies from entering. I'm going to try to get my saurus + coyboy/steg to manage a flank charge on the chaos (from what I hear the steg is quite good at that). One unit of skirmishers will assist the dinos, while the final unit and the chameleons try to harass the dwarven artillery. From my almost non-existent knowledge about WoC and dwarves I've determined that the skinks should be the most agile units on the field, meaning I shouldn't have a problem getting to the tower first, at which point I can shoot and flee in circles until I win.

    I have no idea how well this strategy will work, and I'm generally pretty bad at the game, so any tips are very welcome. I played lizards back when 8th edition first came out, but before the new lizards book, and have played two games in the last 4(ish) years. To boot, I was never very good. I've read pretty much all of the tactica/handbook, so I have a very rough understanding of general good things to do. I'm still garbage at redirects, but I've gotten a lot better since reading the forums.

    I might go as far as to say I enjoy thinking about this game more than I enjoy playing it. Theorycrafting has always been one of my favourite things in pretty much everything I do, from Hearthstone, to Feed the Beast minecraft, to my grade 12 physics class. I tend to look at the world as a puzzle that needs to be solved, and I get an intense buzz out of being faced with a solvable, but damned difficult puzzle.

    I guess this has kind of turned into a self-introduction as well as a list post, fancy that. I like to ramble I guess.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2015
  2. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Hey That'swutshesaidwutwut!

    Weekend over. Battle report due.

    I'm waiting.
  3. ISaidWutWut
    Jungle Swarm

    ISaidWutWut New Member

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    The battle commences in an hour!
  4. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Seems interesting, and i think your list should do ok? I generally tend to sway from the 1v1v1 format, as the rules really are poor at supporting it. How do you work with combat res when there are 3 sides in the combat? This is something that will come up, especially when figthing around a single Watchtower. How do you do the magic phase, who gets the dispell dice, how many, and in what order are dispells done? Do units fight combats if it is not their turn? For example, players A and B are in a scruffle, do they keep doing CC in players C turn? Can you shoot into CC, as long as your own units are not fighting?

    I understand that it is all very uncompetetive and just chilled out, which is nice. I am just wondering that if you have experience with this sort of games you have solved some gameplay issues that may come from it.
  5. owain_b

    owain_b Member

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    I use the triumph and treachery expansion rules. Deals with all those issue, its not perfect by any means but for casual play its quite fun :)

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