Lizardmen undead host-temple guard (pic heavy)

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Amerigo, Jul 25, 2009.

  1. Amerigo
    Jungle Swarm

    Amerigo New Member

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    Hello! I am a new member and this is my first topic/comment appearance!
    I returned to painting and modeling after about a two year break (end of high school, moving to the US) and decided to return to the army I had started playing Warhammer with way back when the starter box was Bretonnians vs. Lizardmen (5th ed?)
    Since I'm starting over from scratch, and find the new Saurus models quite uninspiring (love the skinks) I came up with the idea, after playing around with the new skeleton warriors (which I originally purchased to convert into mordheim zombies) of creating a Lizardmen army with a central "undead" unit.
    I'd be using the converted skeletons as temple guard (all will have shield plus some sort of weapon), representing unwary adventurers/plunderers bound after death to serve the Slann mage priest (using the Lord Kroak model, which fits nicely).

    I started recently to go through around some ideas (paint and conversion-wise) and came up with the following pics...I'd just like to add than all of the minis are faaar from finished..even the most complete still needs a lot of inking, highlighting and some touching-up... any comments, criticisms or suggestions are more than welcome!
    the legs on the right will be the champion...
  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    First of all, welcome to the forum! :)

    It is a very interesting idea for an army. I can't really imagine how it will work at this stage, but I guess they will fit the army a lot better with Kroak sitting in the middle of them. The paint work looks pretty cool so far, skeletons are indeed fun to play around with.

    Might I suggest adding a few more LM pieces to the unit to make it fit the army a bit better? A couple of them could have saurus heads painted up as bone which look great, maybe a few LM shields and weapons scattered throughout to add to their jungle feel. At the moment they just look like a well converted and painted VC unit.
  3. Haratac
    Jungle Swarm

    Haratac New Member

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    I agree with Strewart, I can't see what this will expand into, but for that factor I'm interested in this project. I like the paintwork, as well as the modelling in general. I look forward to seeing what happens next.
  4. Amerigo
    Jungle Swarm

    Amerigo New Member

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    First off, thank you very very much for the input...I decided to go on modeling before continuing painting...I've put together another couple of skeletons (GSed with skin and organs). I'm trying to make each one unique..the ones in the previous pics are a warrior priest, empire greatsword, eastern warrior (purple dress..unidentified origin), pirate, high elf, unidentified loaded with gold, tilean mercenary, another empire soldier...the new ones (no pics yet) are a mercenary spearman and a norse warrior). The champion (revered guard) will be the only one with a real head (as opposed to skull) and will be something like a wealthy (chubby) merchant (or what's left of him). I'm definitely going to add LM bits to the next this spirit I made the little plaques on the "half revered guard" and for the fitting in (waiting for the LM bits) I sculpted a little lizard on his base (not the best angle..):
  5. Gexmofia

    Gexmofia New Member

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    i like those pictures alot actually
    From what undead looks like in my opinion its hard to find a practical color scheme. But your guys so far look acceptionally well and the device you used to take the pictures has better quality then my sisters 2 thousand dollar camrea lolzs.
  6. Iggy Koopa
    Chameleon Skink

    Iggy Koopa New Member

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    Hey, welcome to the forums and thanks for the update and pics. I love the idea that you have behind your army, I think it fits the overall theme of the LM history with humans coming over always looking for treasure, being killed by the jungles of Lustria and then rising again by the Slann's will. Awesome idea! I agree with Strewart as well, more LM bits and pieces will make it fit in more and people will "know" what unit it is when they see it.

    You do a great job painting and modeling, love seeing the pics. Looking forward to seeing your progress. Good luck.

    Iggy Koopa
  7. giant stegadon

    giant stegadon New Member

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    I really like this idea. So far the painting & modeling look really nice (did you chop off the back of that one's head or does he come like that? - nice touch). I like the lizard on one of their bases-i think stuff along those lines (snakes, etc) could really bring out the jungle theme.

    In a twist of irony you could also give them gold & treasure on their bodies too.

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