8th Ed. Super competitive list

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by The great lizard, Nov 22, 2015.

  1. The great lizard
    Jungle Swarm

    The great lizard New Member

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    Hi this is my first post and i was looking for some 2500 point tournament lizardmen list that will crush all opponents.
    Near me they are holding a bring back 8th tournament and I would like to go:

    This is my list so far:

    Lords - 495 Points
    Slann mage priest with a battle standard, channelling staff, Obsidian lodestone, Harmonic convergence, Becalming cogitation, Soul of stone and Harmonic scrutiny - 495 Points

    Hero's - 486 Points
    Skink Chief with light armour, shield, lustrian javelin, terradon and the sacred helm of itza - 121 Points
    Saurus scar veteran with light armour, shield, crown of command and a obsidian trinket - 140 Points

    Core Units - 628 Points
    30 Saurus warriors with full command - 360 points
    20 Skink Cohorts - 100 Points
    12 Skink Skirmishers - 84 Points
    12 Skink Skirmishers - 84 Points

    Special Units - 610 Points
    20 Temple Guard with full command and the Razor Standard - 355 Points
    Bastillidon with a Solar Engine - 150 Points
    3 Terradon riders - 105 Points

    Rare Units - 280 Points
    Ancient Steggadon with a Engine of the Gods - 280 Points
    2 salamanders with +1 snack each - 168 points

    leaves me with about 60 points left I think?
    Any suggestions and criticism is welcome.
  2. Gogery

    Gogery Member

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    I rarely actually get to fight matches, so take my advice with a grain of salt ;), but what are you planning on using the 20 strong skink cohort for? It seems like 20 isn't really enough to tarpit anything, you don't seem to have any skink characters you'd want to bunker in it (unless you'd like the terradon in there?), and if it's just going to be used as a chaff unit, wouldn't it make more sense to split it into two units of ten?
  3. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Hello, and welcome to the jungle! First of all, i think as a regular tournament player that the most important thing when going to a tournament is that you want to enjoy yourself. The best way to do this is to not go into the tournament with an attitude of wanthing to ''crush'' your opponent, as long as you had good fun even while losing a few games it be all be worth it.

    Next up, please read the forum guidelines, and NEVER post individual point values for your list. They are GW property, and it can get the forum into legal trouble if we post them. You also do not need to post them, we all know the values on here, just give us the total and we will be fine. I have gone of your list point by point evaluating it on a style accepted on the forum, please try using that as well.

    2500 P list

    Slann mage priest with a battle standard, channelling staff, Obsidian lodestone, Harmonic convergence, Becalming cogitation, Soul of stone and Harmonic scrutiny .Drop the scrutiny, it is way to expensive for what it brings to the table. You can get Terror for a lot cheaper in other areas of the list. Consider giving him the Standard of Discipline instead for that sweet rerollable LD 10. What lore are you taking on him, and why?

    Skink Chief with light armour, shield, lustrian javelin, terradon and the sacred helm of itza Seems solid, it is popular to give him a Charmed Shield to bounce of that inevitable Canonball/Bolt. See him as a warmachine hunter and light support, he will not be able to do heavy lifting on his own. Focussed fire or basically any magic missile will kill him.
    Saurus scar veteran with light armour, shield, crown of command and a obsidian trinket - Consider giving him a GW and a Cold One with the Dawnstone and the Dragonhelm. This gives him an 1+rerollable Armour save with 4 attacks on S7. Mine killed a Deamon Prince in a challange once using that loadout (with some pretty big luck i have to say, but my point is made i think). You can run him solo if the enemies list makes this possible (he would have to have little shooting/magic that can hurt your Scarvet). The Crown is weak if you take into account that big blocks of Sauri will already be Stubborn due to the fact that they will often be Steadfast, deploy them 5 wide to get this. They are blocks to grind out combats with, not to really kill enemies in single turns, so do not deploy Horde with them, deploy deep.

    30 Saurus warriors with full command Solid, take the champ to redirect challanges your Scarvet cannot take. Consider taking even more of these guys, up to 40?
    20 Skink Cohorts Make these skirmishers, they are a LOT better then just cohorts. Skirmish rule is a massive deal.
    12 Skink Skirmishers Better, i take it that they have javelin shield?
    12 Skink Skirmishers

    20 Temple Guard with full command and the Razor Standard Not a personal fan of the Razor Standard, very expensive for what it really brings. Consider making this unit bigger, at least 25 big. This is your big money unit with the Slann in it, if your Slann dies, it is often game over as he is worth to many VP to your opponent. You can also rarely miss the magic in subsequent turns. On the other hand, if you can deny this unit to your enemy, you deny a lot of VP, having a semi deathstar is very valuble in regular VP games, especially if they can buff the shit out of everyone using magic.
    Bastillidon with a Solar Engine Solid
    3 Terradon riders Solid. Once again, these are chaff and warmachine hunters, do not charge them into big blocks/serious CC units and expect them to do well.

    Ancient Steggadon with a Engine of the Gods Solid. Not a massive fan of the Engine, but it tends to work for other people, so enjoy it i guess.
    2 salamanders with +1 snack each. Very solid, these units are key in every competitive LM list IMHO. Do take them in 2 seperate units to spread the burning goodness as well as you can.

    If you increase the unit sizes as i said and if you take skirmishers instead of cohorts, this list will be competetive. If you want to be good, your list is not even the main factor if you ask me, experience is. Do let us know how it went, and have fun!
  4. Gogery

    Gogery Member

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    I agree with most of what Airjamy has said. In order to get points to buffer up your units, I recommend dropping scrutiny, the razor standard, and probably the obsidian lodestone and trinket if necessary (I don't have my book with me since I left it at home when I left for college, so I don't remember what variant these are :confused:, I think they're magic resist but not sure cost).

    I'd probably drop Steg helm on terra chief since the +1T isn't really impressive on a skink and the impact hits at his strength probably won't be worth it, probably swap out for the charmed shield as suggested by Airjamy:D. Crown of command I'd drop unless you plan on kitting him out defensively to hold up a single block by himself since your blocks will be increased in size, and probably will be steadfast. Maybe swap it for Airjamy's cold one build, but this would be vulnerable to sniping from cannons etc since you have no cavalry to give him look out sir. Also, ironcurse for 5 points in your temple guard is a cheap investment which can be very useful!

    I actually recommend staying with the cohort if you think you can effectively use it, but splitting it into two units of ten since you seem to be looking for points to expand your other units with. Cohort is still fast, just not as evasive and annoying. It still works well as a redirector though, and is cheaper, sacrificing less points to do the job. I've seen many threads on here before where people have used small cohorts effectively, you can probably find a link in the tactica index.

    Even though this would leave you with only 2 squads of skirmishers, you also have terradons and terra chief to cause annoyances and harass with, so I feel that you have sufficient resources pooled here, although more skirmishers is almost never a bad thing if you do go for them!;)

    I also recommend dropping your skirmisher squads to units of 10 instead of 12 if necessary, since units of 12 and units of 10 both test for panic on the same number of deaths (3), so you're only losing out on 2 javs per unit there really.

    Good luck, and build to your personal strengths! It's the best way to improve the effectiveness of your army, just using what other people deem to be the most competitive won't always be the best for you. Heck, theres one guy around here who has found great success using mass blocks of saurus against everything, which most people say is one of our least competitive units!:)
  5. The great lizard
    Jungle Swarm

    The great lizard New Member

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    I thought the skink cohort for screening
  6. The great lizard
    Jungle Swarm

    The great lizard New Member

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