Discussion The Constellation

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Bowser, Nov 22, 2015.

  1. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Throughout the years I have taken many shapes and forms. Each Slann Starmaster calls upon us for a different reason. A different type of battle. After each battle we may get a new Starmaster. They shape an idea of the type of land and terrain we will be fighting in. This is where we train and live before becoming corporeal. Our bodies adjust in size, shape and colour based on the Starmaster's vision.

    Our latest reality was a small human village on the edge of a thick dark forest. A river runs through the village, with a single uncovered bridge. The forms we took had white glittering scales. Blue on our crests and ridges. We know the buildings, forest, and the river inside and out. We had trained against different types of daemons the avatar of the slann conjured up to train for that battle. The warriors would spar with the guards. Savage raw power. Unstoppable force meeting immovable stone. The chameleons hid in the forest, learning to mimic the calls of the local wildlife. The Stegadon carrying the Engine and the Stegadon carrying the Sunfire would spar with each other, crashing into each other and locking horns. We released blot toads into the forest so that the ripperdactyls and their riders knew their way through those trees and around the buildings, it was incredible to see how fast they could fly through that forest without disturbing a branch. The Kroxigor and the salamanders would stalk each other in the river, the salamanders are no match strength wise, but would outsmart the Kroxigor quite regularly. The cavalry would joust and use the cold ones to hunt. Some skinks would practice aim with the solar engine, occasionally devastating a building, much to the amusement of the warriors and guards. Others would use the Ark of Sotek to hunt rats. The rest trained in a hit and run fashion, shoot and move. Dodge and weave through the saurus battles to ensure they could escape even the fiercest opponents. Using their shields to deflect blows and bolts all the same. The priest, Starpriest and myself would train with the avatar of the Slann mostly, but would train with the other skinks as well. The Starpriest practiced summoning starlight. Illuminating the battlefield making us more vicious, and blinding the opponents. The priest and I have future site. We learned from the avatar how to control and manipulate it better. Each day after our training the avatar of the Slann would conjure monsters for the carnosaurs to hunt. It was magnificent to watch. If they failed to pin the opponent it was exhilarating. Sometimes giving these other monsters a chance was all they needed, but when the carnosaurs had their prey pinned it was all over.

    My palanquin floated next to the avatars. He would show me what he sees, and my understanding of the future grew more with each passing day. I saw the upcoming battle. A disturbing vision. A super nova. I frantically tried to manipulate it. Change the outcome of the vision. I couldn't change it. The avatar of the Slann looked over at me. He was calm. Maybe he was manipulating the events as well. A calming feeling came over me. I didn't understand but the Starmaster did. That was all I needed to know.

    As the battle grew closer the days grew shorter and the cold winds started to blow. Then the snow started to fall. Our colours matching the white fluffy flakes. During the harder snow storms we were nearly invisible even to each other. Ghost like movements were the only telltale signs of us. Like an army of chameleons. Of course in the lighter snow fall we were still fully visible. We awoke to see the people in our village. Sharing our quarters with us, swimming in the river and hunting in the forest with us. Blissfully unaware of our existence. We were all too aware of theirs. Sharpening our accuracy and movements. Fighting around them. The Starmaster warned us that there was no room for error. We must not harm a single villager. At first we struggled not to hit them with sloppy shooting or wild swings. But as we trained we learned to watch for them and enemies at the same time. Soon enough we were nimbly side stepping the humans and even throwing ourselves in front of them to save them from enemy weapons. The training intensified. The humans were no longer passive training tools. They ran around in a panic. They tride attacking both us and our enemy. It was a lot harder for our troops to keep them alive when they were bashing us or running into our hiding spots. We trained harder. Keeping our hiding spots higher, or cutting holes in the ice and keeping our heads at the top to hide the holes. We were deflecting the human weapons with shields or even turning the weapons on the enemy. The saurus were expert at that. A pitchfork pulled swiftly from a villager's hand and straight into the bowels of a daemon. We were as ready as we would ever be.

    Most of us began to solidify. This village faded out, and when it faded back in it was no longer ours. It was theirs. These were real humans. There would be real daemons as well. The wind howled. The chimneys puffed out their dark smoke. We stood at the ready. Waiting for sounds, sights, smells. Any indication that the battle would start. The snow fell heavy, swirling in the high winds. The Slann Starmaster showed up. His avatar was just a projection, a fraction of the power wielded by this Slann.
    Then the vision came to me. Fire. With this high wind would spread fast. Even the blizzard wouldn't be enough to put it out. The vision came quick followed by another. Just as I had feared. The super nova.

    Then they started appearing waiting near the river and just inside the forest. Stupid foul creatures, stamping their hoofs into the ground. Only blood on their dispicable minds. More blood for their hideous god. One of the things near the river was trying to conjure a fireball. The Starmaster was able to unbind the spell quite easily. It became frustrated quite quickly and was about to yell something when a kroxigor burst from the river. The kroxigor pulled it under the ice and got it into a death roll. Tearing off chunks with it's powerful jaws and turning the water red. Will that satisfy your depraved god? The river came alive with Kroxigor and salamanders popping out from their hiding holes. The skinks prodding the salamanders along gave them the fire they were looking for. More went under the ice, and a hail of blow darts started in at the beasts at the edge of the forest. The hideous chaos spawn didn't see the white shapes coming through the blizzard until it was too late. The celestite clubs came hammering down on the skulls and horns of the vile things.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2015
  2. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    That was simply Amazing.
  3. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    We stood over the bodies of the hoofed ones. The humans just stood back in awe - not one of them had been harmed. The Starmaster was there and not there. The snow just blew through the place where he was. "Good," he said. "Next time we will fight the real enemy. Turtles." The chill I felt didn't just come from the blizzard.

    Thank you Bowser, you have solved the "what do seraphon do between battles?" problem for me.

    MORE battles.

    (Which is similar to the solution for the "what do hobbits do between meals?" problem)

    If you wouldn't mind doing a few more stories everything will be peachy.
  4. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Haha! Yeah I didn't want to let myself ramble on too much with this story, was more an exercise in trying to fix the fluff and have it make sense! I was going to and still may go on to explain more of the day to day life. More about them rebuilding after they accidentally set fires, skinks fighting over lodgings (and losing to the saurus who just find a place and take over), betting on the jousts and the carnosaur fights. Loser sleeps in the stables with the Kroxigor! Or skinks betting on their weapon making skills. Betting skulls and grubs or prize weapons and lodgings (taken from another discussion around here!) So the intention was to round it out, I just went for speed writing instead!
  5. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Speed writing? I would ask how long it took, but it might make me feel like a Slann with an initiative hex.

    It feels complete in that nothing vital is left out, while leaving me with loads of questions.

    Please tease some more!
    Paradoxical Pacifism and Bowser like this.
  6. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Well this is much better than what I wrote! Haha!
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  7. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    You just needed turtles.
    Paradoxical Pacifism and Bowser like this.
  8. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    The Bastiladon Constellation was a little too on the nose!
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  9. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Wrote myself into a corner! Not knowing enough about the chaos daemons. Will research when I get a day off. But feel free to open up the discussion or co write the story! I'm easy like that!
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  10. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    Paradoxical Pacifism and Bowser like this.
  11. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Ummm. Mine was a joke.

    I am considering doing the same to anyone who finishes a story on a cliff hanger, just so that all the other kiddies don't worry about what's going to happen next.
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  12. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    I like a good joke at the end of a story! ;)
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  13. Kor-Lot-Ko

    Kor-Lot-Ko Member

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    Bowser, that was fantastic.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  14. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    The clubs of our saurus shattered limbs, broke jaws, and obliterated rib cages. The salamanders bursting from the ice spraying their burning acid, melting the flesh and burning down to the sinew. The bite of the Kroxigor crushing bone and ripping off large chunks of the repulsive victims. The demented creatures laughing at their fallen brethern with each well placed strike. Their howls of laughter mixed with the howling wind to a haunting effect. If the cold didn't send shivers down your spine that sound would.

    Through the blizzard I noticed the banners they held high. Soaked in gore from long passed battles. The symbols were scrawled in blood, in a language that is too far beneath even the lowliest of creatures to repeat. They had started to glow brighter with each of the horrid things we killed. The rancid swine were cackling louder as the ground split around them. Small pools of lava formed and more of these abominations burst forth. The lava melted the snow around the area before it started to cool and harden.

    The townsfolk awoke, pulled from their dreams into a nightmare. The daemonic howling mixed with the forceful howling of the wind was nightmarish enough, let alone the brutal sight of the battle. Torches and lanterns lit up the windows.

    A vision of saurus missing their mark, too slow with the shields. I focused my concentration. Manipulating the events. I hear the familiar clang of metal on the Stardrake shield. Another vision. The super nova. Again. Frantically I started trying to manipulate the events. Then I heard it. Two sets of leathery wings. Not the graceful and steady wings of a terradon. Coarse and offbeat. Heavy and disgusting.

    The battle raged as the humans watched from their windows horrified. At least they weren't coming out. Skinks, not quite quick enough to pull away from the creatures, were brutally turned to starlight. We mourned each loss. We would see them again, we didn't mourn their death, as we don't die. We mourned the pride, we mourned the hard work and training. The sorrow felt for a saurus warrior who lost in combat to an inferior being. The skink whose footwork was outmatched by a new race. The chameleon that had let himself be seen. For ourselves for not being able to prevent it. For the countless deaths of younger beings should we fail in our missions.
    Thankfully these younger beings were staying indoors.

    The gruesome sound of those leathery wings grew closer. The monstrosities attached to them seemed to me to be rage and fury incaranate. Cruel atrocities on wings landed hard near us. The saurus guard ever at the ready prepared to defend the Starmaster. We had at least succeded in shifting their focus from the town to us. This gave me some comfort. One of these heinous miscreations stamped it's malfomred hoof into the ground commanding the earth around it. The ground broke unnatural lava spewed forth, enveloping the guards that couldn't move fast enough. It then cracked it's mighty whip which caught our Starmaster and pulled the master closer. Bolts of lightning flew from the great and wise Slann's chair. The other desecration of nature swung it's massive axe, burying it into a saurus skull. The might with which it swung the axe sent out a wave that forced the other saurus guards onto their back, destroying the mortal form of some. I myself caught in the wave was wounded by the sheer force. Dizzy and vomiting I passed out.

    I awoke in a panic, trying to focus my eyes.
    Unable to think straight let alone see straight, visions flashed. I was powerless to change them. My eyes focused. Ripperdactys were tearing apart the one with the great axe. Ripping it's disgusting wings off of it, while the noble guards shattered it's deformed body. Two Carnosaurs had the other pinned to the ground and were mercilessly pulling flesh from bone with their massive jaws. The vision of the super nova flashed. The intensity was nearly as great as the wave that had knocked me out. The town stood. The last of the unnatural vermin were being destroyed. Then my eyes spotted it.
    An empty palanquin.
  15. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Another cliff hanger?. Haven't you learned your lesson?

    I warily circled the empty palanquin noting each blemish on the ancient throne. It had been occupied for aeons. Who knew what secrets it held? Holding my breath, I prised up the sagging cushions.

    "Hey," I shouted triumphantly, "there is a least five bucks in change under here!"

    Your world is very graphically disturbing - keep up the good work! Thanks that you are continuing to explore the emotions and regrets of basically unkillable Seraphon.
  16. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Lesson learned. As long as I keep ending in cliffhangers, you will continue to write the funny parallel universe. Couldn't ask for a better working relationship!
  17. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    I'm glad you think so. Others do not take to being mocked so happily. Feel free to tell me to pull my head in if you prefer.

    Back to the story, you had better get the next bit up soon because I think I know where this is heading and I want to be able to go "I knew it!" sooner rather than later.
    Paradoxical Pacifism and Bowser like this.
  18. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Haha! I am Canadian, if anything I will apologize to you for not being mockable enough. And using made up words like mockable. I look forward to your "I knew it" some time in the next couple of days!
  19. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I could feel the mind and power of the Star bending master. I couldn't see him though.
    I scanned the scene frantically. My senses caught something. I swiftly turned around. The town was standing, but not quite intact. A house, one of the shutters of a large window had been smashed from the outside. The inhabitants inside were screaming. I could see it, the glorious and powerful form on their floor. The massive frog with an indominable will lay broken and beaten. I signaled the guards to act quickly. The vision flashes and my skull feels like it will explode. The super nova. Too late. One of the mighty guard kicked the door. It shattered under the force. Too late. They did it. Those damned mortals. Foolish scared and weak. Their feeble minds could not comprehend the true beauty that was before them. He came to you to protect you. Is this how your kind shows appreciation?

    With one last well placed blow from a crude human weapon, our corporeal forms dissolved and we were starlight once more. Our master's light extinguished. The super nova vision I had seen. Our Slann Starmaster, the only one of our kind that would not come back. Mission accomplished with a spectacular failure.

    We looked around. Nothing. No landscape to call home. We were in limbo. What Slann would call on us? What need could anyone have for a constellation that let the most important being die? At the hands of mortals no less. How could we be trusted? What would become of us. We would give our immortality and suffer thousands of painful deaths just to bring him back if we could.

    Our constellation faded, it was no longer available in the night sky. Nothing. It was what we had earned. It was what we deserved.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2015
  20. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    We sat in contemplation for many days. The Starpriest had only visions of a sky without our constellation. I had none. No vision, no dreams. Darkness. Nothing. My mind clouded with grief. With the idle chatter of our embittered warriors. The chaos constellation they would say. Only called upon by the most vile and disgusting beings to kill more slann. We were broken.

    For many more days I slept dreamless. No focus. No direction. A skink pointed to me as I was half asleep in my chair. "The black hole seer of the chaos constellation." It roared. This woke me and I got angry. Skink and saurus alike were jeering. Laughing. It reminded me of the befouled atrocities laughing at the misfortunes of their fellows. But my anger wasn't the only awoken. Two saurus stood up. One guard, one warrior. A vision flashed. Two nebulae formed in our constellation.

    The mighty saurus each grabbed an arm of the skink and held it up high. And threw the skink into the crowd. The nebulae collapsed.
    The assembly looked at the two mighty heroes. They looked at me. They looked at each other. Protostars took shape. The two new stars formed the eyes of our constellation. I shouted to my fellow Seraphon "Chaos has once again been triumphantly destroyed by order. There is no failure. Only the great plans." The two great saurus had a beautiful radiance as they changed shape. Bigger, stronger, deadlier. "This is our sign. Redemption is at hand." The constellation cheered. Our constellation back in the night sky shining brighter than ever.

    As we looked in awe of our new Sunblood and Eternity Warden our surrounding had changed. A jungle. Instinctively we knew it. We knew the giant pyramid city in the distance. Even though we had never seen this land, we felt at home. We had corporeal forms. This time our scales were blue, our bellies green. Adorned in gold and jade.

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