AoS Seraphon Help Wanted

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by Indominus, Nov 26, 2015.

  1. Indominus
    Jungle Swarm

    Indominus New Member

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    Hello people!

    I've not been playing WHFB for a very long and came across Age of Sigmar. I'm interested in starting a Seraphon army because I like the colours and the whole dinosaurs from space thing that they have going for them.

    My only past experience with Age of Sigmar has been my Tomb Kings army but painting bones get's boring over time. What I need help with is simple: What is the best budget army that someone like myself can get started with? I'm hopping to get a good start on the Seraphon in the upcoming holidays but I'm confused with what models to by that are both reasonably priced and effective.

    A couple of friends also play Age of Sigmar with me and they seem to have their tactics all sorted out. For reference they have Vampire Counts (Likes to spam zombies) and Empire (Hand gunners with ridiculous range and buffs). Is there a strategy I could adopt in order to out maneuverer them?

    I'm not too sold on skinks is it me or do they seem a little flaky?
    Sauruses on the other hand sound like fun when partnered with an Oldblood but I can't seem to find one on foot on the site, does anyone know why this is the case?

    Thank you for taking the time to read my problem. Any advice would be great!
    Freddy25 likes this.
  2. Freddy25

    Freddy25 Well-Known Member

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    It's always a pleasure to see someone starting to collect Lizard/Seraphon miniatures: let's show all the Aelfs and Undead people which race is the best! :joyful:

    I'm not an expert player, nor a super collectionist, but you've asked, so now you get my opinion :p
    You want some "basic" army: a sort of small force, funny to paint and not too much expensive.
    I don't know what is your budget, so I'm just trying to guess what you may want...
    (I'm basing my suggestions on the English prices of the miniatures, so I'm using £).

    - General
    You like Saurus? Sunblood is not too expensive (£15), beautiful and funny to play.
    And nothing forbids you to field it as Oldblood, I think...
    You may (also) want some magic in your army: as long as Slanns cost a bit, I'd suggest to get a Starpriest with Feathered Cloak cause, again, you'd be able to use it as a or as a .
    - Troups
    Go for the Saurus you said before! A box lets you field 20 of them at the cost of £23.
    Keep the Guards for later: they're strong in game and beautiful, but cost more and you can't decide which weapons they're equipped with.
    (They are also a more defensive choice, so Saurus are more suitable for your starting army!)
    - Monster
    What would Seraphon be without colorful nasty space dinosaurs?
    Rationally it'd be smart to buy a Razordon AND a Salamander, so you'd have 2 different support units and 8 different models (2 monsters and 6 handlers) at £37 but let's be honest... choose your preferite and slam it in your cart! :smuggrin:
    Terra/Razordons cost £35 and there are 3, but it would mean flaky Skinks
    Stegadons and Bastiladons £35 again (and although they're mounted by skins, I don't consider them so squishy! :rolleyes:)
    a Troglo/Carnosaur!
    Yeah, £50 is higher, but get this box and you can choose to field your favourite dino AND you get a free hero on foot (I mean, not mounting any creature) with the remaining bits, so you wouldn't be forced to buy the general/mage I said at the beginning.

    That might be your very starting point!
    It's a really little force, not a proper army, but it should be the core, around with you may build your army, adding piece by piece.
    Personally, I would then add some shooting, or cavalry if you prefer...

    Now I tell you exactly what I would do if I were you.
    I'd get a box of Saurus, a Troglodon kit, and probably a Salamander.
    It's £93, but you'd have 26 models in play, among which there's a versatile core unit, a big nasty monster, a support-shooting beast and a general (who is the model on foot from the Trog box).
    Build the Trog and you get the free Old/Sunblood we were saying before. Or maybe build the Carno and have your free priest.
    You could also choose to build the Carno and then make something like to have 2 big monsters on the battlefield... it's up to you! ;)

    P.S. Everything is a personal opinion: I opted for some sort of versatile army, but at this point I haven't thought about unit sinergies, combos and so on... There will be time for this! :D
  3. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Let's see...

    Your best bet for models at "low" price, is Ebay. Not that you can find all you need, but that's a start.
    You can choose many combat style (shooting, melee, summining, all of them), and build the army as you please.

    In AoS our best model is the Bastiladon, almost hands down: probably the best tank in all AoS, with a couple of buffs, you'll have a monster with save +2 rerollable, immune to rend and that saves mortal wounds at 4+. THat shoots lasers.
    Its great contender is the Engine of the Gods... together with a Slann, obviously, to activate more easily its best effects.

    Skinks can be devastating, but you need to work a little with them. A group of (at least) 30, with a skink hero as general and a skink priest (for the skink patrol formation), will lead to a +2 rerollable to hit.
    Chamaleon skinks are invisible killers. You can't go wrong with them.
    And given that we're talking about skink patrol... with this kind of formations, ripperdactyls are a Death sentence for the target.

    Sauruses with Oldblood?
    try Temple Guards with Chakax (Eternity warden)... alongside with a skink priest, you'll have a unit with save 2+ (rerollable), with THREE attacks each at +3/+3. Few things will harm them (read: only mortal wounds).

    Casters: we have Lord Kroak and the Slanns. Skinks priest / starpriest / sterseer, are all excellent, each one with its own goodies, but the wizard frogs are simply Amazing. The Ascendant Constellation is pure gold, and if you field also an Astrolith Bearer (aka BSB) and have some luck with terrains, you'll easily end with +2/+3 to casting, which is HUGE, for a summoning army.

    Last but not least: salamanders and Razordons.
    Sallies are good (mortal wounds!). 3 of them means you could inflict 3d6+3d3 (best case scenario)
    Razordons make a lot of ranged attaks (which are really good in AoS): 3 of them means 6d6 ranged Attacks! plus they have a 50% of "stand and shoot" (instinctive defence), and that's a really rare and precious ability in AoS.

    Basically, it's an army with TONS of synergies, and you can't really go wrong with lizards.... so choose what you like more and with an affordable price, and build from there.;)
  4. Freddy25

    Freddy25 Well-Known Member

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    That's right.
    BUT seeing that you, @Indominus , wanted specifically to maneuver those friends of yours, I'd go for a summoning centered army:
    a slann surrounded by guards (and an Eternity Warden...), one or two starpriest to channel the slann's spells, one or two bastiladons to engage big units of undeads or resist the empire gunners...
    This is not a "starting not expansive" army, of course.

    A good choice against these opponents would be the now known as Shadowstrike Starhost. But here you'd have ONLY flaky skinks! :confused:
  5. Indominus
    Jungle Swarm

    Indominus New Member

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    Thank you all for your quick reply!

    I probably should have stated this before but I come from the land down under (read: Australia) and my budget is roughly $180 AUD / 122 Euro / 130 USD / 86.2 UK

    I've taken a look at all of your suggestions and I'm starting to get a better idea of the army.
    I'll post my army list/idea once I've finally settled.

    Also, regarding the skink patrol/ shadowstrike host. How does that work effectively?
    Could someone explain how the Ripperdactyls and skinks work? The Chameleons seem awesome with their ability to 'teleport' near terrain + Mystic shield giving them a +2 boost. However the Ripperdactyl's mechanics confuse me.

    EDIT: Ok so I think I got a decent plan here witch doesn't blow my budget out of the water:
    2 units of Saurus Warriors
    1 Saurus Sunblood
    1 Bastilodon
    1 Skink priest with feathered cloak

    The skink priest does make me go over by $20 AUD but it should be fine.
    This way I have everything I need for a decent army, meaty units to build the bulk, a great general, the best monster and some magic. Tactically how do you think this would play out?

    Also, looking around would a Steggodon be useful against undead hordes?

    Thank you for your patience.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2015
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  6. Freddy25

    Freddy25 Well-Known Member

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    I've taken a look at the Australian prices... Am i wrong, or the army you proposed costs around $270?

    If you wanna stay in the $180 AUD budget I think you could go for:
    - feathered priest (26)
    - sunblood (25)
    - 1 box of saurus (65)
    - 1 unit of chameleon (27)
    and you would have still $37 you could spend as you prefer or save for Basti/Steg/Rippers!

    Here you see some usage o the Ripperdactyls:

    Nice choice, but pay attention to your lack of shooting units, and to the overall slowness of your models (apart from the priest)!

    P.S. The Stagadon is THE anti-undead-hordes: put the flamethrowers on it and charge as fast as you can to kick some zombie ass! :joyful:
    Maybe just give the beast some support with a (star)priest and try to attack first. ;)
    Bowser likes this.
  7. Indominus
    Jungle Swarm

    Indominus New Member

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    Thank you @Freddy25 ,

    I think the error regarding the $270 army is because when I said two units of Saurus warriors I meant one box, my mistake.

    Much to my annoyance I've realised that I can't do online purchases which would leave me to reconsider my purchases.
    For a start would:

    1 Saurus starpriest 22 (proxyed as feathered priest)
    1 box of Saurus 65
    1 box of skinks

    be a good start?

    I know I missing a command ability but that would come later.

    On one final note;
    Have you had any success with the skink patrol?
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2015
  8. Tlac'Natai the Observer
    Cold One

    Tlac'Natai the Observer Active Member

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    Skink Patrol is the saving grace of skinks. You said you don't want much skinks, which is understandable. I wouldn't put skink on the table unless they are part of the Skink Patrol formation.
  9. Indominus
    Jungle Swarm

    Indominus New Member

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    Yeah I can see where you are coming from.
    I think I will get them anyway and slowly build up to the skink patrol. It's just for a bit of diversity in the army right now.
  10. Bainbow

    Bainbow Well-Known Member

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    Humorously enough, diversity isn't actually a strength for us. It just gives us several potential strategies, but for the actual tactics the best ones I see tend to be ones that lean towards specialisation, such as going all out attack with melee by getting a load of Warriors and a Sunblood, or going totally defensive with Guard and a Warden.

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