9th Age 9th: whats next?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Mr Phat, Nov 24, 2015.

  1. classicflava
    Cold One

    classicflava Active Member

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    Just curious how many games you have played? KoW was designed to be a tournament game. Lucky/unlucky dice play a smaller role in KoW than 8th and I would imagine 9th Age as well. There are less rolls that can be game changing therefore less opportunities for a dice roll to have a major impact on the game. I have played in a KoW tournament now and it works way better than any iteration of warhammer hands down. I have played about 20 games now and I can only think of one game where the dice played a major role in determining the winner.

    As for where i would like to see 9th Age go, if people are enjoying it i hope it flourishes. Looking at the ruleset it looks like a better version of 8th to me. I probably wont play it much as my group went with KoW and I am really enjoying it.
  2. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    Well :D. My bro wanted to play a game of KOW and I looked at the rules, I watched an introduction video and i watched a gale being played. After this I said exactly that to my brother: easy to play and fast pace. Fun for when you don't have that much time, but a few lucky dice rolls can really break the game. We played a game and what I feared was exactly what happened. So yes I only played 1 game, but that 1 game immediatly proved my point really hard.

    So yeah not a lot of testing, but quite funny that my fears came true in that 1 test game huh....
  3. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    The same could be said about warhammer as well. One unlucky (or two) and your unit might run off the board. Imagine if your first game is a night goblin army only and the entire army panicks off the board first round! :D
    Weird things happen in all games. ^^
    Mr Phat likes this.
  4. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    Yeah I agree and I allways hated the fact that your best troops can just get run down even when they are still 20 strong. I'm making my own game (just for me and my bro) and I'm working with a bravery stat that works like this: bravery is 0 to 6. Fear, terror, flanks and rears have a negative 1 ( fear & flank) or 2 (terror & rear) on your bravery stat. If you lose combat (just as in WHFB for combatres) you must take a bravery test. With how much you lose combat does not effect the bravery of the unit. You just roll 1D6 and for each point you go over your bravery stat a model runs from combat. So for example skaven slaves bravery 0 can lose 6 guys (or more with fears and flanks and all, because negative stats do count) and some heavy knights unit might have bravery of 6 so they will hardly run from combat. Only when your unit is less then 25procent you take a ld test to see if they all flee.

    Long explanation for a game for just me, but hey. I would like something simular to that a lot more then how it is now.
  5. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    So it's basically like an unstable rule just for all? :)
  6. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    Sorta :). But unstable is with combatres included? I don't play with unstable units...
  7. Lord Grok Of Xillaqua

    Lord Grok Of Xillaqua Well-Known Member

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    I play 40K as well, but no other Fantasy games. I don't tend to get much time to game now either way with working on the Lexicon for 9th Age, but i'm glad that I can contribute in some way, however small.

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