8th Ed. The other armies in 9th

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by skink chief, Dec 2, 2015.

  1. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    Hi guys,

    In the battle report section I just made a thread where you guys can watch some juicy juicy bat reps of our beloved 9th age.

    The reason for this thread is simple. We have discussed our Reptilians in various threads, the rules overall, etc ect....

    What about the other armies in 9th? Do you feel some armies got the short end of the stick? Or the opposite?
    any specific things you like or dislike about another army, or the internal balance.

    Watching the battle reports, for me 1 thing was very hmmm weird ?
    The Beastherd have the ambusher rule on almost all their units and so come turn 2 you can be flanked, reared, by almost their entire army. Anyone else thinks the ambush of the beastherd has gotten a little bit too OP?
    I like the playstyle, really I do. It just seems to powerfull to me, how they can work with this rule at the moment.
    It makes absolutely no sense to me that your army is placed and second turn even though it might be an open field, their entire army is in your rear...

    Just my thoughts...
  2. borkbork

    borkbork Active Member

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    Hmm...cant say much about the beastmen.

    But O&G can now field ambushing spider riders (without having to take the special character), and many players are quite happy about that.
    However, ambushing goblins on spiders can never be overpowered, but just opens up some nice tactical options for the O&G army.
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  3. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    I think the impact of the entire BH army ambushing is more psychological than OP. Once you've tried it a couple of times you'll know what to do. Besides if it's the entire army you're guaranteed some of the units won't show up and of it's an important unit the BH player will be screwed.

    For that I don't think (tournament) players will have their all important unit as an ambusher. It's too unreliable. With that said I definately think you can do some interesting shenanigans. I've seen oncebitten try and ambush with some regular gor units to distract and it never really seem to go the way he wants xD
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  4. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    Oncebitten does have some incredible bad luck with the ambush rule yes :D. But on a rerollable 3.. you should get almost all of your army on the field turn 2.

    For me its just the fact that they can have so many of them and be so close to you in rear and flanks. The sandwich is real...

    Might be more psychological then actually OP. Againg I like the rule, just not for an entire army almost. Imo they should town(tone?) it down a bit.

    @borkbork that is not an entire army with the rule and I definatly like that.

    We have krox that hide in swamps, lets give m ambush xD. I'm just kidding.
  5. Lord Grok Of Xillaqua

    Lord Grok Of Xillaqua Well-Known Member

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    The Beast Herds army might be considered "scary" with its ambush tactics, but it is also an tactic that for several editions like 6th and 5th was one of their greatest strengths for units that would be little more than chaff when coming at you head on. They are certainly not OP from what I've seen of their units and abilities (I updated their entire lexicon recently so I've seen them all) and the army-wide ambush is simply a unique army trait for them that is viable against many armies but not considered an "auto-win" for them (The dice gods still determine many things :p )
  6. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    I can just see Dwarfs castling but they dont really even get 1 good turn of shooting , and they lose like 25% of their army investment at that time.

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