Good news everyone! (If you read that in Professor Farnsworth's voice, great!) I have a request of you, my fellow lizard-lovers! I'm going to be asking you all to answer a survey about Lizardmen! This survey is going to cover our base idea for a mod/expansion to the existing Lizardmen (only slightly cribbed from Fantasy, VERY little cribbed from AoS.) to bring them into the 40K universe. What I'm asking of you all is to just tell me how exciting these things are, and in turn, how likely you would be to purchase said things (if they were priced fairly, which will also be covered!) It might have you log in, but that's just to verify there aren't any robots filling it out. I apologize if you wanted to be anonymous, but no one but myself (and perhaps my professor, if he wants to validate my findings) will be perusing the results. Thank you in advance, and the link to the survey will be below! FOR THE OLD ONES!
Thanks for the heads-up, but I need documentation for my course, so Google Forms is the way! Speaking of the survey....
Question: Could I ask folks to promulgate this about the intertubes? Whether it be email, forums, social media, etc., if you could just c/p my survey link around, that would be MOST excellent! Thanks again!
All filled out! I still think you should post it up the survey in here as well after you have the data to start the discussion!
Are you saying I should transfer the questions on the survey to one here, or I should leak our idea once our class is over? I could do the former, not sure of the latter (I'll check after presentation day!)
No just port it over here, we like a good discussion, and or argument over the best way to do something game related! Haha! After you get your raw data, it might be interesting to see ideas evolve and change as we discuss in public.
But I will open up discussion now. Lizards in 40K. Basically dino riders? That one is started as a dinosaurs with Lazers and turned into Dinosaurs in media! Although this topic was discussed somewhat on Daka daka here: It is an interesting read and has some well thought out discussions. Might help with the research.
But yeah vote there and bringing the questions here would be good, it would definitely allow for a lot more discussion for your feedback and what not!