9th Age 2000pts vs O&G

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by skink chief, Dec 5, 2015.

  1. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    So my very first 9th Age Armylist :cool:.
    It will also be my very first time playing vs O&G.
    I don't know my opponent nor do I know what he usually brings to the table.
    I'm thinking these 3 units will likely have a place in most O&G lists: Brutes (Neanderorc), Iron Orcs and an Arachnageddon spider.

    So I rolled with that and tryed to build a list that could face these opponents.

    Lords: 250pts
    Skink High Priest -Nature-
    LvL 3
    Skink Palanquin with Plaque of the snake God.
    Dispel scroll

    Heroes: 517pts
    Skink Ritual Priest -Wilderniss-
    LvL 2
    Triceratops Ancient with Giant blowpipes.
    Tome of arcane lore: Granting me 1 extra spell
    Charm of Cursed Icon: Granting him and his Steggie a 5+ ward vs artillery Weapons.

    Skink Captain
    LA, Shield, Lance, Javelin
    Alpha Pterodactyl
    Gambler's Armour: Heavy armour, ward save 6+
    Estoric Egg: Strength D3+2 breath weapon

    Core: 637pts
    36 Saurus Totem warriors
    Standard Bearer
    War standard: +1 Combat resolution
    Spawning of the Croxisaurus: +1Initiative

    10 Skink Skirmishers
    shields and bows

    10 Skink Skirmishers
    shields and bows

    Special: 175pts
    4 Skink Sky Riders

    Rare: 420pts


    Sharp horns
    Godly Engine

    Total 1999pts.

    So What is my thinking...

    Skink High piest:
    Will be sitting in the Saurus block, giving them Hatred.
    Spells I would like: Healing Waters, Stone Skin, Summer Growth.
    Spells I'm okay with: Master of Earth, Dwellers in the Earth, The Oaken Throne
    Spells I don't think will help that much: Spirits of the woods
    So with LvL 3 I will always have only spells I like or I'm okay with :).

    Skink Ritual Priest:
    Triceratops with 5+ ward should he have artillary is nice to have.
    Spells I would like: The Beast Within, Inner Rage, Curse of the wild wood, Monstous Transformation
    Spells I'm okay with: Swarm of insects (not really a fan but savages probably have no armour), Redwood Shaft ( if he has Boar Riders or chariots)
    Spells I don't think will help that much: Raging Storm.
    Lvl 2 + 1 extra spell, I'm hoping on at least 2 usefull spells here and the extra spell will definatly help me.

    Skink Captain:
    He can do pretty much anything so I like him for versatility. The egg could be nice if he brings some pesky gobbo's. hoping to do monstrous trans on him for breath weapon or multiple wounds if he should go in a little spider :rolleyes:. I know the spider is a risk, if I don't get the spell of, he is probably not going to last very long :oops:.
    After chopping up, I hope this guy can come and do some flank or rear charging into the big blocks.

    Totem warrios:
    Initiative 3 means I will be striking first, they will be horde formation. Need to get them in combat with the savages, they should do okay against them. Banner for +1 combat because if I can win or draw, he will lose frenzy and he will lose the +1 strength these guys now get untill they lose or draw. That should put the odds in my favor. Important for me will be to get the charge of, if he Whaags on me, devestating charge will give him even more power...

    Skink Skirmishers:
    2000pts game, so 2 units of 10 can probably do the job. I would like 3 but hey :p.
    Will be used to redirect and definatly shield my block of saurus so if he whaagh's he will not have devestating charge bonus anymore in the next round ( if he should overrun in my saurus).
    Why not 13? O&G don't have that much shooting I think? So think 10 will be okay (fingers crossed).

    Combo charging if possible. They will look for flanks and rears.
    2 Toads ( because of chief on Alpha) will be put in the big blocks.

    Sallies are always nice to have.
    Savages with probably only 6+ ward with T4 will be shot down pretty easely.
    Should he bring lots of gobbo's they will probably be hero's on the other hand...
    They can redirect if needed.
    Should I get 1 sally and some chameleons to replace the second?

    Godly Engine will probably constantly be giving me -2 casting values wich helps my lvl 3 and 2.
    6+ ward bubble is nice ofcourse.
    Sharpened horns for a litlle spider if it is on he table.
    Being the 2nd one, if he bring artillery, he will have a skink priest on 1 and this one with the engine, so yeah choices for him :).
    Hoping for some combo charges, follow up charges or flanks.

    I normally play with big blocks of infantry, because my usual opponent is mainly Empire player, and cannons were GRRRR in 8th. So I want to have some fun this time and bring some monsters 2 the table. Try to outmanouver* his army, being speedy on the flanks and trying not to give him the Waaagh by getting my skinkies in his way ( or if I'm lucky getting spell of to make him take dangerous terrain tests wich fail on 1or2).

    Pointers I know:
    - Low leadership army, with general at Ld 7 and BSB probably pretty far from my army (also pretty easy to shoot him down).
    - No chameleons for warmachine hunting.
    - No Flaming attacks should he bring Trolls.
    - no champ in saurus block, haven't looked up how challenges work, if I refuse does it mean the lvl 3 can't cast next round or something like that?

    Let me know what you think. I like the list, but Magic items might be something to look into.
    Sally or chameleon.
    Skink hunters will be used for redirecting and taking on the charge if I see he will get the advantage, so javelins probably better then bows?
    Rules that I got wrong.

    Last edited: Dec 5, 2015
  2. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Well, we did come up with an entirely different list XD ;). Putting remarks on units themselves in bold or another colour always makes them more readable IMHO, but that is a choice of style i guess. Thing that mostly surprised me in your list were the bows, i personally think they will perform worse as missile weapons than throwing Croixisaurus dung. Why take them, why forsake the glorious poison? I think that +1 against LT made Blowpipes a serious contender again, or maybe ven better then Javelins, but only time will tell on that specific querry. Also, do not take Chameleons to replace a Sally if you want a strong list, Sallies are insane if you ask me.
  3. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    Thx for the info. And yes I did note that bows were probably not the way to go, I will def change that. 2 sallies it is! :p

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