Hello Ladies and Gents The name is kables First and for moth English is not my best language but its also my only LoL im From Texas so.. SPPpp LoL none the less im a 25 year old man living in Virgina I play 40k and just got into Fantasy mostly for my GF in 40k i play CHAOS!!! (not Nurgle)(and not Lash either) so i usually play a none tier army i seen lizard men and picked them up for War bands at my local GW (The GW i play at is Fair Oaks) Ive lost every game except one and it was called for time (even though i would have lost next turn) so im 1-13-0 (i still dont really count that win as a win) So here i am also i suck at painting LoL
Indeed welcome to the boards! You have come to the right place to turn your army around. Send your list to the army list forum for suggestions on how to improve it (half the game is won or lost in choosing the right list and deployment), then jump into the tactics pool to learn some tricks to use on your opponents, and show us some pics of your army in the Painting forum for some good painting advice. Enjoy your stay.
Welcome! I second Stewart's recommendation of posting your list. Since you are playing Warband you most likely have a limited number of models, you may include what you own as well so we know what you have to work with. Stewart is our Warbands expert (if I remember correctly), he primarily plays Warband games and gives very sound advice.
I'm afraid you don't remember correctly and have given praise to the wrong person. I usually play 2-3k, not warband.
Doh! It is Barotok that primarily plays Warband games. Sorry Strewart. The bit about sound advice still stands either way. I also recommend you check out the Army Lists forum and look for 500 point lists. There is a lot of commentary on Warbands and the strengths and weaknesses of various units in Warband games. Here we go, some excellent info about Warband lists: http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/500-point-warbands-list.1733/
Awesome Ill check it out ill ask a couple question in a sec or two in the tact fourms thanks for the warm welcome