9th Age 9th Age 2016 Scheduled Tournaments (so far)

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by preese, Jan 6, 2016.

  1. preese
    Jungle Swarm

    preese New Member

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    A movement is underway to establish a 9th Age tournament series throughout the United States and Canada. Several established events have already declared for 9th, with the first annual 9th Age North American Masters Tournament slated for early 2017:


    Siege the Tower: Columbus Ohio, January 16, 2016 siegeatthetower.com/?page_id=63

    The Gauntlet: Chicagoland Dice Dojo, Chicago IL, Feb 6th http://dagauntlet2015.weebly.com/

    Battle for Oz Tournament Series - Dorothy's Return Home, Wichita, KS February 20th

    Ohio Con: Toledo Ohio, March 4-6, ohcon.squarespace.com/

    Brawler Bash GT: Atomic Empire Durham NC: March 12-13

    The Wicked GT: Wichita Kansas, March 18-20 thewickedgt.com
    mwgamingalliance.wordpress.com https://www.facebook.com/#!/events/870195449745888/?feed_story_type=370&action_history=null

    Big Brawl @ Adepticon 2016 : Schaumburg Illinois, March 31, adepticon.org/

    Northern Defenders: Montreal, Canada May 7-8 http://www.northerndefenders.org/

    Judgement Day 9th Age GT: Oneonta NY, June 25-26th, technoirlan.com https://www.facebook.com/events/6893470 ... 5/?ref=110

    Buckeye Battles: Delaware Ohio, mid-July (tentative) buckeyebattles.com

    Border Wars 9th Age GT: TexArkana, AR late July (tentative) borderwars.9thage@gmail.com

    Strength in Numbers TEAM GT: Toledo OH, August, buckeyebattles.com/s1n/

    Southern Assault: Atomic Empire Durham NC, Labor Day (tentative) http://www.atomicempire.com/event.aspx?evnt=621&

    CrossRoads GT: Elmira, NY September (tentative) http://www.crossroads-gt.com/

    Legendary Game Faire: Dayton Ohio, Sept/Oct (tentative) (more info?)

    BREWfest GT: North Olmstead Ohio, Oct (tentative), brewfestgt.com/

    Infernal Zoo: Davis, CA, October, www.infernalzoo.com

    Mountain Mayhem: Your Hobby Place, Martinsburg WV October 17-18 https://www.facebook.com/events/1627119567551485

    PWCW: Schaumburg, IL, Nov 4-6wcwarhammer.com/wcw-throwdown-gt/

    DA Boyz GT: CanadaIgua, NY. November (tentative), http://daboyzgt.com/, daboyzrocgt@gmail.com

    GrailQuest: Atomic Empire Durham NC, December (tentative) http://www.atomicempire.com/event.aspx?evnt=712&

    And more to come! I’ll update as the year progresses. If anyone is willing to host an event in your area, or knows someone who is, please respond to this post or contact me at borderwars.9thage@gmail.com

    Also check out these links for 9th Age battle reports:

    Last edited: Jan 6, 2016
    The Red Devil and Crowsfoot like this.
  2. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Could you make your text a little more readable ? :)
  3. preese
    Jungle Swarm

    preese New Member

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    Done. Thanks for pointing that out; my formatting sometimes doesn't translate depending on the site
    Pinktaco likes this.
  4. hardyworld

    hardyworld Active Member

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    Adepticon went full 9th Age in their Fantasy Tournaments. Initially they had no 9th Age events, then they made the Big Brawl a 9th Age event immediately before signups began, then they added several other 9th Age events (added singles tournament, doubles tournament, & warbands--not real warbands rules just a smaller battle).
    I decided not to attend Adepticon (or apparently any major Warhammer tournament in 2016) for the first time in 7 years due to their elimination of 7th/8th Ed. events. I'm the oddball not on the 9th Age bandwagon (mostly because of lore changes and status of the rules). I'm not saying it's not an excellent game; I just think the game is too early in development for so many tournaments to already be using the rules. A year from now it may be excellent for tournaments, but I think the current ruleset should be considered for friendlies only.

    If anyone knows of any 8th Ed. tournaments (ET inclusive or not) in the central United States in 2016, I'd appreciate the heads up.
  5. preese
    Jungle Swarm

    preese New Member

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    Remember GW never balanced 8th edition or gave a flip about tournament play. I think you'll find 9th beta a less cheesy and more balanced game than 8th ever was. There is an entire contigent of 9th Age volunteers dedicated to data collection and balancing. As for the lore, I empathize there: 30 years flushed down the toilet, but people are working on it. Have you seen the new Undying Dynasties book? Very high production values and a great read.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2016
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.
  6. DrMad

    DrMad Member

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    As far as events go for Australia:
    So far we've got:
    - Cancon on the 23/24 of January in Canberra.
    - Clash of the titans 20/21 of February in Sydney
    Ersh and preese like this.
  7. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    @hardyworld actually we (T9A staff) need to work hard to the NA on the bandwagon. KoW is gaining quite a lot of traction on the tournament side of things in NA so starting a year from now would be hopeless.

    Getting Adepticon will be huge and we're already discussing how to utilize the opportunity the best.

    I hope you'll consider T9A in the future :)

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