Hi, So a couple of mates and myself have recently started playing warhammer, as we have played a couple of games between ourselves obviously some questions have come up. 1) What's usual when starting a game in terms of informing each other of your list, i.e do you just see it when it gets put out on the table and what do you do in terms of magic items, banners etc? Do you announce them at the start of the game or is it more "wait and see what happens when I attack"? 2) Can your BSB have a magic banner then join a unit that also has a magic banner i.e A Slann with Totem of prophecy joins TG with Sun standard? Can this be done and if so is the unit effected by both standards. I've had a look through the rule book but can't find anything about this, however could have missed it while reading quickly. I'm sure there was more question's but it's been a couple of weeks since we played, should've written them down Cheers for any help
As to your first question, it depends on what the players agree on before the game begins. you could by all means have a game where the magic items are not declared, as long as it is agreed on by both sides. Im not sure if this is true in tournaments, but it is certainly true in friendly games. as to the second question, im sorry but i cant help you with that. it would seem to me that you could, as long as the other side was aware of it.
First of all, welcome to the forum! List secrecy is completely up to the playing group, at tournaments it is generally accepted that you don't see your opponent's list before the battle so any magic items come at a surprise. This seems to be what GW wants as the norm since there are a couple of things that in their rules actually make the opponent reveal all items on a character. I believe there is a LM character that can reveal hidden things within a set radius, and the High Elf spell Vaul's Unmaking makes all the items of the target be shown to the opponent. It is completely up to you how you play that, the most important thing is that everyone knows exactly what unit is what especially if you have heavy conversions or are proxying in early games. In my gaming group we generally reveal everything at the start. For the second question, yes there is nothing to say you can't have two magic banners in the same unit both effecting it.
Thanks for that. Yeah we were playing that you revealed list prior to playing but then was reading about Chakax who revels items when he hits (I presume the character you were talking about strewart) and thought we may have been playing wrong. Personaly I think we may start playing with secret list sounds like it would be more fun, as you don't know what's going to happen until you've done something, instead of just avoiding a unit as you know it'll masacre your's. Cheers for the help.
Yeah Chakax is the one, I suspected it was him but had a sneaking suspicion it was one of the skinks for some reason.. Be aware that some items being hidden do have the ability to turn the tide of battle, for example a couple of bound spells in items that aren't revealed until turn 2 or 3 and when all your opponents dice are used up can be deadly. A few of our magic weapons are also very brutal and most opponents wouldn't want to touch them. It is probably a bit more realistic though, just make sure you can trust that your opponent not only has what he says he has but has it on the character that he said had it.