Discussion in 'Introductions' started by W0lfBane, Jan 7, 2016.

  1. W0lfBane
    Jungle Swarm

    W0lfBane New Member

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    Sup guys,
    I'm new here. I recently acquired a bucket-load of models for an entire lizardman army because i painted up some stuff for a friend. I have yet to play a game but I have the 8th edition rulebook and armies book and have read it up. I'm open to playing any and all the other fantasy based games that support the lizardmen.
    Also having trouble figuring out what colour scheme i want to paint them all up but anyways.
    I thought i'd drop by and make my presence known.
    Hope we're all chill and stuff.
    Bowser likes this.
  2. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Welcome aboard,

    you will find loads of help no matter which system you decide to play.

    Deciding what colour scheme you want for your Lizards/Seraphon can be a hard one head over to the painting section for inspiration and check out a few blogs


    We love seeing pics in that section and we also love swapping tips and tricks.
  3. themuffinman873
    Chameleon Skink

    themuffinman873 Member

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    I am sure you are probably familiar with the potential monotony of painting rank and file, due to this I would strongly recommend changing your scheme unit by unit. This will give you a vibrant and diverse army, which works really well with the natural color aesthetic of lizardmen. It will also be more fun to paint imo. Don't be afraid of bright colors as I was, the LM can pull it off really well.
    Scalenex likes this.
  4. W0lfBane
    Jungle Swarm

    W0lfBane New Member

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    Thanks guys,
    I was considering painting each type of unit different. (Ex. Skinks all blue and black, Saurus all grey and red, Temple guard.... etc.)
    But i'm just having trouble coming up with the inspirations for a good look.
    I Think i'm gonna go to the painting forum and explain it in further detail.
    On a more on topic note, what are the forums rules I should look out for. Any restrictions on how, what and where I should post things ( besides the obvious Painting goes in the painting section)
    Bowser likes this.
  5. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Welcome aboard! A lot of talented people here, so hopefully they can inspire your colour scheme!
  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Welcome to the forums!

    Whatever game line you play. It's also okay if you just like writing and/or painting.

    As for painting I prefer a middle ground between painting every regiment different and painting the army one color. My Lizardmen have a caste system.

    Worker Skinks are light blue, tan, with a dash of dark blue therefore their Kroxigor spawn kin are also similar. All my cohort Skinks are this color.

    Warrior Skinks (Sotek caste) are light green with bright red crests. All my Skirmishers are this color.

    Beast caste Skinks are dark green with dark red crests. My Salamander handlers, Terradon riders, Stegadon crews are all this color. Also my Skink Priests with Lore of Beasts use this color.

    I have two different colors of Saurus, based loosely on the common Skinks. Light blue with dark blue backs and yellow spots. Jade green with dark green backs. The idea is the blue Sauri work with Skinks more closely and the green ones are more aggressive not I try to limit myself on the battlefield like this. Lately I tend to take one regiment of Saurus Warriors, not two. My original plan was to paint my Temple Guard in a more regal shade of blue with a similar spot pattern to the blue Saurus and make my Saurus cavalry a darker shade of green with a splash of red to match my beast Skinks but it may be a very very long time before I get around to painting Saurus Cavalry.

    Apart from a few designated for carrying Saurus characters, all my rank and file Cold One riders have been converted to zombie Cold Ones to use as "dire wolves" in my jungle themed undead army. My Saurus Cavalry riders are waiting for me to get a hold of Dark Elf Cold Ones. Also they are waiting for me to opt to use Cold One Riders in numbers again. I can't put my finger on why, I'm just not a fan of that unit. I can't justify painting COR when my Temple Guard are all unpainted, and I use Temple Guard practically every game. Wow tangent.

    A few other ideas. Some painters have gone with themed sets. Usually based on terrain. We have desert themed, snow themed, volcano themed, and aquatic themed lizards. The Kings of War Salamanders which are their answer to Lizardmen are encouraging a fire-theme since Salamanders have a lot of fire powers and are fluff-wise tied to the element of fire.

    Less common is to do a theme based on historical group or era. I've seen Samurai Lizardmen, Graceo-Roman Lizardmen, and Zulu Lizardmen.

    Another option I've seen is for every model or nearly every model to have a different color scheme. It's slow going but it looks good in the finished product stage.

    I apologize for not having links. I'd just recommend going through the general painting forum and army blog forums and seeing what you like and what you don't like.
  7. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    There is a tiny Terms and Rules tab at the bottom of the screen, but is very generic. The forum had a major upgrade at the start of 2015, and the indexes have been reorganised quite recently - hopefully all self explanatory.

    If you want to post something, go ahead. The friendly moderating team can help with moving it if it ends up mis-filed.

    Aside from the painting forum and the Itza Gallery of Fine Arts where you should head for inspiration, the 8th Ed tactica index is a treasure store - don't get lost.

    If you want to read some LM fiction, or write some, then sample the fluff subforum.

    And for the Old One's sake, order yourself a custom avatar!
  8. W0lfBane
    Jungle Swarm

    W0lfBane New Member

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    Jeez, Scalenex, You sure gave me a lot to think about.
    I might have to incorporate some of those cast system ideas. And I too am planning to go get a bucketload of dark elf cold ones. mostly cause apparetly i have double the Cold One rider torsoes that I need or would ever want.
    If anything I will probably be contributing to the painting Forums the mostestest! (not to toot my own horn but people are like yo dawg you are good at it, if only it didn;t take me forever to finish one model.

    Is this better. I know it's not custom but it's the one I use on other forums.
    n810 and Scalenex like this.
  9. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Much better. NOW you can start posting:)
    Scalenex likes this.

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