Tutorial Carnosour Tactica (including dual Carno Tactica)

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by ZaGreekie, Sep 23, 2013.

  1. cashzombie

    cashzombie New Member

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    Don't get me wrong, but I can't consider that and argument hahaha

    I'm sure we all have lost against something stupid (not refering to doble carnosaur) and it doesn't make it good. What was the impact of the carnosaurs in the battle? Did they survive? What else was in his army? What were you using in yours?

    Tell me more about the battle, I want to know!
  2. Kcibrihp-Esurc

    Kcibrihp-Esurc Well-Known Member

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    He was running: 1 Oldblood General, 1 Scar-Vet BSB, Both on Carnos
    1 Skink Priest
    A Saurus block
    A F***ton of Skink Skirmishers
    2 Solardons
    2 units of three Ripperdactyls
    and an Ancient Steg with EotG

    I had: A Slann
    A 1+ reroll-able Oldblood
    A Scar-Vet Cowboy 1+/4+
    A Skink Chief with Piranha Blade
    A Cloak of Feathers Skink Priest
    A Skink Priest Scroll Caddie
    20 strong Saurus Block
    40 strong block of poisoned melee skinks
    2 units of ten Skink skirmishers
    1 unit of 5 Chameleon skinks
    2 Salamanders
    1 unit of 26 Temple Guard

    His Rippers ate my Cowboy and my Salamanders
    One Bastiladon ate my Cham Skinks
    I got the unit which ate my cowboy because they overran into the temple guards flank
    the TG then got charged by the Saurus
    after eating one of my Skink Skirmishers, the Stegadon and Carnosaur Flanked the TG
    The other killed my Skink Block (with two of the heroes in it) with Bloodroar (that thing utterly wrecks lizardmen)
    the other rippers killed my Skirmishers
    and the Flying priest was the first casualty of the battle due to Solardon
  3. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    i found your problem.
  4. cashzombie

    cashzombie New Member

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    Well, I've finally solved my doubts after the last game with the carnosaur. I played against one of the most skilled players I know and his chaos warriors (who obviously won me by creating a second daemon prince in his first roll).

    I was unsure of the carnosaur due to their low WS, but the 1D3 wounds made it easy to forget, during the game:

    I deployed the scarnosaur in a flank, in my turn I moved it ahead trying to temp a chariot, who charged him, the hits went to the scarvet with no effect, and the warriors made two wounds to the beast, then I broke it to pieces.

    Then I faced his cannon and charged in my turn, dwarfs did nothing and then I made the cannon 3 wounds, my friend saved all of them and smiled, then I told him to repeat it thanks to the OTS, failed to and I rolled a 6 and a 5. Bye bye you, infernal thing.

    Later in the game I tryed to return with him to the middle of the battlefield and engaged his agonic Tzeentch warshrine and it's 3++, what also crumbled against the OTS and the 1D3 wounds and a little help from the GW scarvet.

    MVP of the game to save some dignity after that kind of battle. My thoughts about the Carnosaur are now:

    - Swiftstride (When you're looking for a mobile army, this is gold for your monsters)
    - 4/5 Attacks for sure what can be more reliable than the stegadon's impact hits
    - The OTS, this is the best thing you can get for your carnosaur.
  5. Kcibrihp-Esurc

    Kcibrihp-Esurc Well-Known Member

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  6. discomute

    discomute Well-Known Member

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    So now it's 50% are you rocking 4 carnosaurs in 2500?
  7. Skinquisitor

    Skinquisitor Member

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    Today, I faced a dual carno list with 2 ancient stegs. Some experiences that might be usefull(I was playing with o&g):

    - its suicide to charge savage orc big uns with carno, I just ripped apart carnos in no time,the riders fleed
    - night goblins with netters can hold stegadons for 3-4 turns, depending on their numbers
  8. ZaGreekie
    Chameleon Skink

    ZaGreekie Active Member

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  9. Haemoglobin

    Haemoglobin 9th Age Army Support

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    Atm I am running this list in 9th age:

    Saurian Lord on Alpha Carnosaur, Shard, Jade Staff, Lucky Shield, Fleshrender 465

    Saurian Veteran on Carnosaur, BSB, AoD, Lance, Shield 325

    Skink priest, LvL 2 Wilderness, Dispel Scroll 125

    30x Saurus Warriors, HW&S, Crocodile totem, Full command (+ Movement banner) 435

    10x Skink Hunters, Skirmish 80

    10x Skink Hunters, Skirmish 80

    10x Skink Hunters, Musician (Mage bunker) 60

    4x Skink Skyrider, Ramphodon, Shield 175

    4x Skink Skyrider, Ramphodon, Shield 175

    Ancient Taurosaur, Godly Engine 255

    Stygiosaur, Champion upgrade, Predatory Roar 205

    That leaves me with 120 points. Good enough to take some Spine Lizards or a salamander.

    What do you think?
  10. ZaGreekie
    Chameleon Skink

    ZaGreekie Active Member

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    Not a bad list, my one concern is once the carnos are dead (which is not easy to do but doable especially for artillery heavy armys) you do not much much punch left.

    personally I believe target saturation is key, i am testing out a the following list in a team GT in 2 weeks.


    the idea is i have 3 hyper aggressive units, a kroxi death star, with the skink preast and the krox bsb in it, so it has 22 S7 attacks re rolling to hit. and the skink preast is hidden in the second rank due to 3 command + krox character. in first rank. also you must reroll al 6's to wound in shooting vs krox unit. i.e. with T5 most small arms will only wound on 6's so the unit is almost immortal to small arms and you can only damage it with artillery.

    with this kind of list there are 3 hyper aggressive very fast units that all need to be shot at with artillery or they will rape.
  11. Haemoglobin

    Haemoglobin 9th Age Army Support

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    Nice list, I just want to add that it isn't entirely legal :p Max Lords + Heroes = 50% (1250), you're at 1270. Unless I am mistaken.

    I like the idea but I also went for some real shock troops in the form of the Ripperdactyls. They have become quite survivable with a 3+ AS and theirToad Rage rule is not linked to Frenzy anymore. So even if they lose combat, they still have the Toad Rage. However they really need a combo charge and a flank/rear.

    I like the idea of having a Kroxigor block so I think I will try dropping a unit of rippers and maybe the Stygiosaur. As a monster it isn't that good and I'm not entirely sure I want to pay those points for the one use only that is situational. But he can be ballers with the guaranteed two Wilderness signatures if you run a Wilderness mage.

    Now I need to test it :p
  12. ZaGreekie
    Chameleon Skink

    ZaGreekie Active Member

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    Your right it is ilegal, why the hell does battle scribe say it is legal then 0.o
  13. Haemoglobin

    Haemoglobin 9th Age Army Support

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    Not sure, but I dont use Battlescribe :p Good old pen and paper :p
  14. ZeTe

    ZeTe Member

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    hey dude, thanks for putting this up i enjoyed reading it.

    i have to admit one of the first models i bought myself that wasnt blocks of troops was a carno. I have done my best to make a list around having one in it as often as i can but sometimes the point size agree before hand doesnt make it viable having a carno. i recently made a list that a scar vet on a carno, skink priest on an engine of the gods, 2 stegadons with G.C. and upgrades, bastiladon with solar, 25 saurus w/fc , 26 skink cohort w/fc and 3 kroxi and a trogladon w/D.R. for +channel (i like my big beasts :D).

    up until now i have never thought of putting a second carno in a list and i am deffo going to try make some sort of list around 2 carnos. That just sounds like so much fun. i am deffo going to read up some tacts on how to utilize that to a good standard.

    i just wish i could like your post more that once, (once for making me think about something i completely over looked and another for such a great read :D)
  15. TheMagePriestOfZlatlan

    TheMagePriestOfZlatlan Member

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    i like the look of the dual carno list,and it made me put a single one in my list 8th edition i'd like you to have a look(i'll be fighting vampire counts so bear that in mind and the guy i will be fighting says he dosn't really care about the "at least 25% core" stuff)
    1550 point army

    oldblood on carno
    sword of blood shed shield gilter scalys loping stride

    saur scarvet
    cold one shield lightarmour
    skink priest lvl 2

    saurus warriors
    skink cohort
    12 +poison attacks
    skink cohort
    12 +poison attacks
    Special units
    beam of chotek
    coldone riders
    ancient stegadon
    engine of gods
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2017

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