Post images of anything you have sculpted and converted, they will be judged and then a poll will be taken in 30 days Thanks
Dude, there must be just the wrong sort of people in the fluff forum. Try fishing in the painting forum. (I would drop the comp / poll thing - I've heard that there will be organised comps (with prizes!) over there through 2016)
@Oxytol Before months end we will have a big contest. With prizes. We are still negotiating for more prizes. It's going to be epic. And we are going to make it annual contest (though the month may slide around). Six months ago, I would have been thrilled if an individual forumite wanted to organize a casual modeling contest but at the critical juncture, your benevolent and all powerful moderators will allow no competition. Also, this is the fluff forum. Now if you wanted to do some kind of smaller contest later where you link a fluff piece to your unique model. I'd be up for that though I am working molasses slow on my Renliss model and glacier slow on my Huan-kai model.
Sounds good. The problem with comps is that they drag in NEW stuff, and I think Toxicpoll was fishing to see previously converted models. How we get those out of the glass case, I'm not sure... But it probably shouldn't be in the fluff forum unless there is clear fluff link . Which makes me think that that an end of year "convert / paint a scene or character from L-O fiction" comp would be pretty cool.
@Qupakoco and I were pondering another idea for a small contest but Age of Sigmar basically killed it. The contest would have a very specific category and a very long entry window Form and Function (or some other name): Conversion + painting for a very specific build. Example would be an Oldblood on a Flying Carpet or a Slann with a hatching Egg of Quango. Basically the idea is EXACT wysiwyg. Problem is that all the emerging game lines following 8th edition put less emphasis on specific customizable character options so it would only appeal to die hard 8th ed players for the most part. An Age of Sigmar viewer would probably not get a 9th Age representation and visa versa so the contest would be less universal than it would otherwise be.
If perchance, there was a flat out awesome and unique character to come out in the Jan-Feb story comp, die-hard fluffers and modelers could be tempted (prizes?) to give it a crack. That's idle speculation at this point, let's wait and see how much stimulus the creative community need in 2016, anyway.