7th Ed. Halberd / Spear question

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by kables, Jul 29, 2009.

  1. kables

    kables New Member

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    ok this is a combo question for Sauras wars and temp G

    OK first off Spear
    If i charge i do not get the rank 2 bounus
    but if i get charged i can

    if the second round of combat happens IE no breaks during the first round
    I can get the second rank of spears
    But the WHOLE group has to use either HW and sheild OR spear?

    second question

    on TG they are carrying it in one hand and the shield is attached by a leather strap like a buckler.
    So if i choose Halbert then i dont get the shield? but i get the double rank?
    If i choose shield (which i dont understand because hes not Carrying it its attacked like his scales?)
    and weapon i get the bonus armor of the shield but i dont get the extra STR for the Halberd is use a WHAT?????

    TY in advance i also used the search but didnt see anything.
  2. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    If you charge an enemy with spear sarus, you do not fight in 2 ranks.

    If you accept a charge from an enemy, your spear sarus will fight in two ranks.

    If you charge an enemy with spear sarus and have no breaks the first round of combat (or 'stick' as it's called), you will be able to fight in 2 ranks thereafter (since you are no longer charging).

    You must select if you are using spears or HW/SH for each combat. You unit may not switch between the two until they leave combat and re-enter into a fresh combat. Also, the entire unit must use the same type of weapon for each different combat, no matter how many rounds it lasts.

    With Halberds, your sarus (or any other troop type) never fight in 2 ranks. Only the first rank may fight.

    A halberd requires 2 hands to use, so therefore you will not get the shield bonus added to your armor save.

    The bonus from Halberds is that you get +1 Strength always if you elect to use them and not use HW/SH. If you choose to use HW/SH, like with spear sarus, you will gain the bonus from having the shield.

    If you choose to use the hand weapon and shield instead of the halberd, you will not gain the +1 STR but will get a better armor save by 2 points (+1 for the shield & +1 for HW/SH bonus).

    Hope this answers your questions. I referenced the main rulebook pg. 56 for most of the answers to your questions.
  3. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Barotok has it. As a general rule, an entire unit must always use the same equipment and weapons are classed as 1-handed or twohanded. If they are 1 handed, you can use a shield as well (but the parry bonus only applies to hand weapons) if they are two handed you can't. The weapons are all explained well in the main rulebook.
  4. kables

    kables New Member

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    my argument is the shield is not being held just being worn on the arm.

    where some races actully have them hold them.

    ours look like a wearing of the item like a buckler.

    ... ..to bad though .
  5. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Rules and what you actually see on the model are two different things though. Same with fluff and rules, units are often described as having abilities or doing things that they really couldn't do in a game. Even the swarms seem good in the fluff.

    There are no rules for different types of shields where they are strapped on rather than being held, a shield is a shield even if you decide to stick it on the model's back or base as I have done with a couple. It still works the same in the game.

    Also I just looked at the shields on my TG, it seems like from the underside that there is a strap around his mid-arm but there is also a handle that he is holding. Most model's shields are designed like that so they sit on the forearm rather than the hand.
  6. kables

    kables New Member

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    is a halberd considered a spear?

    it says spear like

    i say yes daemon player that our rolled me on the idea says no.
  7. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    While halberds are spearlike, for all intents and purposes of the rules, they are not. They do not benefit from any of the spear rules because they have their own entry in the weapons section of the BRB. If they were in a subsection of the rules below spears, I could be convinced otherwise. As such, they are not.

    They require 2 hands and fight in only 1 rank while providing a permanent +1STR (or STR+1 if you prefer) bonus to the user.
  8. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Again you are trying to read too much into the description of the item, whem looking at the rules of something all you can consider is exactly what the words say underneath the italic bit where rules are spelled out as clearly as GW can manage, which in some cases is not that great. In the case of weapons, it is pretty clear. A weapon is only one type, nevery multiple types.

    Take the rules a bit more literally and ignore the fluffy descriptions.
  9. kables

    kables New Member

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    hmm.. this makes me sad Sir Knight :(

    ty for the help gents
  10. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    How much cooler would halberds be if you could fight in ranks with them, but only the front rank got the +1 strength? As they are now, they're just a weaker version of a great weapon. And with the low initiative of saurus anyway, striking last wouldn't be a huge problem.

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