8th Ed. 2500 pts, Lizardmen Vs Ogre

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Killer Angel, Nov 17, 2015.

  1. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    I'm a fresh recruit to the forum... 'til now I've posted in the AoS sub-forum, but I must support also "Real Warhammer", so here I am with a battle report.

    Given that I'm lazy, I'm going to pick a report of an old match (played by me almost one year ago), that i wrote because it has been a fun game. So please pretend that it was played last week-end, and enjoy it (at least, I hope ;)).

    Lists and deployment

    The Ogre Army:
    2 cannons - Ironblaster
    2 sabre tusks
    1 small unit of gnoblars
    1 group of 14 maneaters, with steadfast and venefic attacks
    Deathstar: 16-18 ogre (don’t recall the exact number), with Tyrant and Slaughtermaster, all protected by Rune Maw. Big block, around 1400 points.

    My army:
    - Group of 19 saurus, with Scar Vet and Oldblood (this one with piranha blade) and the Slann.
    - 18 skinks, with 2 kroxi and Tetto’Ekko
    - 2 groups of 14 skink shirmishers (one of them accompanied by a first lev. Skink priest with powerstone and Savage Beast of Horros)
    - 3 salamanders
    - 2 units of 3 ripperdactyls
    - An Oldblood on Cold One (with fencer blades, scintillating scales and Opal amulet)

    The Slann was equipped with the book of Ashur and Wandering Deliberations.
    All the ogre army is fielded in the center, except for the tigers, at the wings.
    My saurus’ block is in the center. Left side: skinks with Tetto, 1 skirmish group, 1 Ripper unit, Oldblood on Coldone. Right side: skirmish with skink priest, 1 Ripper unit, Salamanders.

    (thinking on it, it was a strange army list. Actually, I wouldn't field it)
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2015
  2. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    veTurn one

    I’m the first. Tnxs to Tetto, also my salamanders gain vanguard.
    With the magic phase, I reduce to one hit one of the Ironblaster, but fail to iceshard the other one.
    On my left, Rippers and skirmishers advance, a volley of javelin slays the first tiger.
    On my right, the salamanders blast the weakened cannon and put an end to it. The second sabre tusk panics and flees. Not bad.
    The Ogre army:
    The Maneaters begin to soften my Sallies; the last Ironblaster moves, and sadly sees the flank of one of the Rippers unit (hidden behind a rock), and whooom… the whole unit is blasted away.

    Turn 2-4

    My left flank finds no opposition, I turn behind the Ogre Army; the Ironblaster turns, kills one Ripper, then the last two rippers (on the front) and the skinks (on the flank), charge it. In close combat, we both show poor skills… in the end the Ironblaster manages to kills the Ripperdactyls.
    The Ogre’s deathstar begins to advance toward my Slann, but slowly, due to different reasons (firstly the gnoblar are in front of them, then there was a Casandora, the skinks+Kroki and Tetto threaten its flank and the Oldblood its rear)
    My right flank is crumbling: the Sallies are gone, eventually charged by the maneaters (now reduced to six models, also thanks to my magic), that now face my only remaining right unit: the skirmishers with the skink priest.
    My saurus block marches toward them to engage the maneaters (I need victory points!), but I risk to be flanked and totally smashed by their Deathstar.

    Turn 5

    My skink priest disengages, the skirmishers march to redirect the Deathstar and buy my a turn. Now my saurus are in front of the maneaters.
    My Oldblood finally reaches the Ironblaster. With 6 attacks, the highest roll was a 2 (In the meanwhile, the gnoblars are obliterated by the javelins of my skinks).
    Ogre's turn:
    The Ogre big block (meanwhile reduced from 4 to 3 ranks, due to magic and shooting), wipes the skirmishers and is nearer to my Saurus’ unit (the maneaters just kill one saurus, thanks to my Slann’s hexes).
    The CC of the Ironblaster is pitiful and I manage to reduce it to only one hit left.

    Turn 6

    I’m losing, but I still hope to win.
    Sadly, my plan to charge the Maneaters fails spectacularly… I took wrongly the space between the border of the map and a large rock, my unit doesn’t have room to move for less than half an inch.
    The block of skinks and kroxi is totally useless… I could charge the rear of the ogre, but it would mean the sure loss of 200 points, so I prefer to risk for the highest prize and improvise an alternative plan.
    The Scar Vet and the Oldblood leaves the saurus unit, charging the Maneaters; the Slann leaves the saurus too. I deploy the saurus in the best way I can: now they can be charged by the deathstar only with a roll of 9… if I’m not unlucky, the deathstar won’t touch me.
    Magic. I roll a 3… I use 2 dices to try to curse the Maneaters (countered)… I use the remaining dice with the skink priest, along with the powerstone: Savage Beast upon the oldblood with the piranha blade!
    My boosted hero inflicts 13 wounds, and the maneaters drops from 6 to 2, but they manage to kill the ScarVet.
    The other Oldblood finishes the last Ironblaster.
    In the last Ogre turn, the remaining Maneaters fail to kill the Oldblood, and are gloriously killed by my hero.
    The Ogre block, obviously, rolls a 10 on its charge, and my saurus (at the edge of the board) are literally wiped away.

    But despite the loss of more than 260 point with that last charge, I WIN by 150 points!

    All in all, was a very fun game, but also a very strange one. Our main units have been useless for almost all the game, and all the fight was sustained by the lesser ones (if those maneaters can be considered a lesser unit, given that they were more than 600 pts!).
    I was very positively impressed by the Slann. It was the first time I used it with this setting, and the result is really positive: it was a sort of magical machinegun, very costly but totally worth its price… but I cannot take the merit for the idea, given that I learned it while lurking this forum. :)
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  3. ZeTe

    ZeTe Member

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    it says in the army book you can't have tette'eko in the same unit as kroxigar, so does that not make that list illegal?
  4. ZeTe

    ZeTe Member

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    nvm im an idiot :p
  5. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Don't worry, mistakes happen. ;)
    ZeTe likes this.

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