Fiction Beasts of Lustria - Illustrated Bloodbowl Team Fluff

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by discomute, Jan 23, 2016.

  1. discomute

    discomute Well-Known Member

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    Beasts of Lustria

    If you have ever faced the mighty Lizardmen in battle, you will know that the infantry pale in comparison to the giant lizardbeasts that roam the battlefield.

    Yet training of the Beasts themselves is quite arduous. They are captured when they are very young and their handlers start training them straight away. Making them follow directions in some lush garden is one thing. Keeping them under control when they're first exposed to the the mayhem of battle is entirely another – training is forgotten and handlers commands are lost in the din of war.

    Skinks that are too badly wounded to serve in battle tend to be the ones that trained up the infant Warbeasts. Despite their wounds, they can still serve the Old Ones in this way. It is a calling that is fraught with danger – a young Carnosaur can easily overpower a skink. But even with all their time and dedication, what use is a beast that behaves on the parade ground, but runs amok in the mayhem of battle? How can it be acclimatized to the sounds of steel crunching steel, the screams of the wounded, and the clank of war machines? How can it be gently introduced to the smell of gunpowder smoke and and to the scent of blood in its nostrils?

    This conundrum dogged the skink trainers until finally, the Mighty Slann Mage Priest, Kowch'pota'to made a pronouncement on the matter. In hindsight, the answer was obvious:

    The monsters-in-training were to be entered in the Stunty Leeg.



    Skink Trainers
    Once glorious skinks that have been too injured to take up the battlefield are tasked with raising the very young Beasts. When the Kowch'pota'to made his pronouncement they all readily welcomed the idea, until they realised that they would be required to occupy the field with their unpredictable charges. Nevertheless what a great Slann commands is what he gets, so reluctantly they took to the field. Slower and more injured than your average skink, they do their best with what they have. Favourite past times include: arguing about who has to mind the Carnosaur, drawing straws to decide who has to mind the Carnosaur, and cheating at straws.



    Skinks are a common sight on the stunty field. They generally stick to their own teams, however in every Beasts of Lustria side there are some fit and healthy skinks that play. This can be for various reasons, not making the Lizardman side in normal blood bowl, then not making the Skink side in stunty, then figuring 'why not?' They are faster than anyone else in the side, and they can generally play a whole game whereas the trainers need frequent visits to the bench.



    Terradons majestically soar over the battlefield, dropping rocks on their enemies and carrying skinks into battle. How they are on the battlefield is one thing, how they are on a few seasons from hatching is quite another. They are small, somewhat dim and not yet strong enough to fly further than a short hop. On the Stunty league field they are notoriously unreliable, but they are fan favourites because of their hilarious ungainliness. Despite being too weak to carry the ball, they are fast and quite hard to tackle. However, where they really shine is their ability to use their innate hunting skills to fly from behind and pull up the ball carrier (so to speak).




    Tough, hardy and basically immobile, young Bastiladons are a sight to behold. Their massive armour plates are extremely strong, yet they are quite good natured beasts. Very docile, their trainers generally have a hard time getting them to concentrate and adopt an appropriate position on the field. Too often they spot something that is of more interest than the mayhem next to them, such as a large cloud, a butterfly, or a nice piece of grass. Opposition fans are notorious for trying to exploit this, often bringing pretty coloured banners to wave in the hopes of getting their attention.




    Stegodons as juveniles are nearly the polar opposite of the docile and half witted Bastiladon. They ferociously defend what they perceive to be their territory, which within the context of Stunty Leeg includes the entire pitch area, the bleachers, the home team dugout, the away team dugout, and, of course, the half time oranges. They are particularly possessive of the ball, which they seem to think is a stolen stegadon egg. Opposition teams who infringe the stegadon's perceived property can expect to be gouged, gored, stomped, trampled, chewed, barged, crushed, and tossed - probably simultaneously.



    A Carnosaur is a terrifying sight to behold. They are tall, strong, heavily scaled, and have a beastly roar. They grow very quickly into the giant warbeasts the old blood Saurus ride on, as a consequence the young beasts have an unquenchable appetite. They are marvellous when put to work on the opposition, however, they are equally as likely to eat anything else within range - their own trainers, the other beasts, the coaching staff, the referee. They introduce a complete randomness into the side, and when you compete in a league with goblins and gnomes, that is saying something. The giant dinosaurs are a massive favourite with the bloodthirsty crowd – that being said, large sections of the crowd have been lost to rampaging Carnosaurs, so the level of enthusiasm of the crowd depends on which direction the Carnosaur is currently facing.



    Did you know?

    If you ever wondered 'who would win in a fight between a Stegodon and a Carnosaur' the answer was resolved during a particularly heated finals game the Lustrian Legion were involved in. The Carnosaur “Bitey” decided to snack on the Stegodon “Charger” in the second half. Charger didn't take too well to that, and suddenly it was on in the middle. The trainers tried to separate them which somehow led to an all-in-brawl. That is, apart from the gnome side they were playing, who didn't do much apart from run 4 touchdowns, and a rather amused Bastiladon, who seemed to be just as entertained as the crowd was!


    Designer notes:
    Well there is my side, I hope you have enjoyed the read. I am a massive lizardmen fan, and I like to write some fluff stories on Lustria Online. When I started reading about stunty I just had a wave on inspiration and had to get it all down. Thanks to Spawning-of-Bob for all the art and fluff rewrites. It has been designed with fluff foremost in mind, I love the concept of hapless skink trainers running around a blood bowl pitch with these prehistoric dinosaurs desperately trying to control them. I really just enjoyed creating it, so if it never gets played that is fine by me.

    In terms of team design, I hope it is balanced but I am certainly open to adjustments. Two things are likely jump out at you. Linemen start with a niggling injury. If that can't be done with team creation, they could have av6. I just thought it was a great synergy with the Carnosaur chomping on them. All players are supposed to be a thrall to the Carnosaur, so I also like the idea of perhaps biting the better players if you want risk it.

    The other thing is that the beasts don't have loner. I liked this idea from a fluff concept, they are trying to train them as a squad, the whole side exists for them, so I thought it made sense. I did wonder if it would make them too good, but I am hoping that will be balanced by the mass no hands, mass nega traits, and relatively low G access. I could certainly see adjustments being needed like the strength going down for the stegodon, or the carnosaur going down in AV, but it didn't fit the fluff, and since I doubt anyone would play it, I wanted to keep it how it is. I really wanted to give the Carnosaur 2xblood lusts, so he would have to roll two dice. I wondered how the client would handle it, and since strict rule of “no custom skills” I decided to forget it. The reverse might be true too, mass niggling injury and mass no hands, apart from two humble skinks, might make the side too poor. I really wanted to put prehensile tail on all of the beasts, so that would be a fluff-based improvement I could suggest. Or upping the amount of normal skinks allowed, maybe G access for the terradon.

    Anyway, hope the side makes you smile. Seriously, who wouldn't want to see a Carnosaur playing Blood Bowl?

    Even with a busy schedule of cosmic contemplations, Lord Kowch'pota'to still enjoys streaming the occasional live game off the Geomantic Web.
  2. Mr Doomer

    Mr Doomer Member

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    Amazing, a brilliant piece and phenominally funny :):):D:):)
  3. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Mr @discomute is too modest to say, but he is some kind of national / international Bloodbowl champion. He is kind of a big deal (his avatar says so. Maybe he's not that modest)

    He let the power go to his head and wrote this in the hope that this team will get adopted into the official Stunty Leeg teamlist for world wide use.

    Stunty league handbook

    edit 26/1/16 - fixed link
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2016
  4. discomute

    discomute Well-Known Member

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    Oh yeah, I am a very big deal.

    Yes I have recently won the latest season of the Australian/NZ/SE Asia league. I changed my icon (I'm kind of a big deal) and have been insisting that all the league refer to me as 'the champ'. Although Lizardmen are my favourite race, i could not draft them and thus I was the first coach to win with Orcs in over 10 years.

    I really love Blood Bowl and think it is the best GW game by far. Anyone who played it or still does should definitely check fumbbl out.

    Yeah who knows, it would be an honour for our work to be selected, as generally they try to add one per year. But people tend to post them fairly regularly. So unlikely, but time will tell!
  5. Hyperborean

    Hyperborean Well-Known Member

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    Does this mean we have a celebrity on our hands?

    I totally support Kowch'po'tato
  6. Mr Doomer

    Mr Doomer Member

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    If I ever get a Slann mage I'm so making Lord Kowch'po'tato!
    I'll support him to the very end!
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  7. Mr Doomer

    Mr Doomer Member

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    What do all the abbreviation on the table mean?
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  8. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    The Bloodbowl game system has a bunch of stats and attributes for each player - like unit stats and special rules in Oldhammer. I have worked out what some of them mean.
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  9. discomute

    discomute Well-Known Member

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    Stats are: movement, strength, agility, armour value

    Skills they get access to (either on normal rolls or doubles can be) general, strength, agility, passing
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  10. Mr Doomer

    Mr Doomer Member

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    Ta very helpful!!
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  11. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Thiswas a brilliant effort from both of you! The fluff is fun and had me laughing, and the art to go with it made it even better! Truly incredible!

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