7th Ed. Skavenpelt banner

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Medicdave, Aug 2, 2009.

  1. Medicdave

    Medicdave New Member

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    I don't know how cheesy this is but here we go. Can I put a BSB chief with the skaven pelt banner in a unit of kroxigors? If yes, what would happen if I did the same combo, but put him on a stegadon (immune to psychology)? Would the kroxigors still get the frenzy rule?
  2. angelwuff

    angelwuff New Member

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    ... he's totally going in my mixed skink unit now. ... 8 attacks by the krox, 12 by the skinks =D

    ... if I recall, doesn't frenzy transfer. too lazy to hunt down book.

    not sure if you can ahve him join a pure krox unit.

    I need to read the rules on that thing again.
  3. TheAncientOne
    Cold One

    TheAncientOne New Member

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    I know that you COULD propbably do it to a mixed unit... but im not sure about a pure krox unit.... It would probably be more awesome in a mix unit, because you get WAY more attacks :spiderman: ... I never tried though, my Slanns' almost always the BSB...
    I DO know however, that a scar-vet on cold one CAN go in a unit of TG or saurus(if your willing to take the stupididty... in my opinion, w/ ld 8 on 3 dice, you'll almost never fail. And, the saurus gain fear :walkingdead: !!!)

    Hope that helps!
  4. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    Skrox is a poor poor choice imo... Who cares about frenzied skinks, they will still die faster than they kill. Much better is a frenzied stegadon with 5 or so cold one riders as you get 2 extra attacks per model (rider and mount)
  5. TheAncientOne
    Cold One

    TheAncientOne New Member

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    I think I like your idea better, Dumbledore, i'm still new to the cold one in TG, etc., so i haven't explored the possibilities yet... would the crew AND steggy get frenzy as well?
  6. Celticfire
    Chameleon Skink

    Celticfire New Member

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    Frenzy is a bad idea in general, any player worth his salt could keep them out of battle for the entire game. For instance i just player a OG player who took 7 Savage orc boar boys, with Nogs banner of butchery, which gives and extra attck on the turn it was used.on the charge, with the banner used he had, 21 str 4 attacks and 7 str 3 atacks. this unit would have destroyed my units, because he spent a turn moving through the forest into the woods. with a unit of skink skirmishers, i kept this unit away fom my army for the entire game. :D unliss you are playing skaven i would not recommend this banner at all.

    However if you use this banner i would put it in a unit of Kroxigors, yes you can do this with a skink chief bsb, and because skink were not meant for combat, kroxigors were.
  7. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    Yup, the skinks, the stegadon, the skink chief, the cold ones and the cold one riders get an extra attack each (and hatred if you're fighting skaven). A stegadon is the only real option for a skink bsb otherwise he's too fragile for his VPs imo, and COR are by far the best unit to bunker him in, even if it becomes dependent on stupidity (~90% pass rate anyway).

    I agree with celtics first point anyway, skavenpelt isnt really worth all the trouble as the slann is a cheaper safer BSB, better by a long way.
  8. Medicdave

    Medicdave New Member

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    That last response answered my question. I was wondering if it was possible, not if it would be good. Thanks for the responses.
  9. TheAncientOne
    Cold One

    TheAncientOne New Member

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    I'd actually rather have an EoTGs or war-spear on my stegadon. If I put a chief BSB on horned one, could he join the cold one unit w/ stegadon to give them ALL frenzy(including the stegadon)?
    Cuz then you could have 2d6+1 impact hits AND frenzy.
    I normally have a slann BSB, but this is something to think about.
    And when would you reveal the banner, at the start of the first movement, or in combat?
  10. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    cant have a magic banner and a magic item (horned one) unless slann, plus that is a madly expensive unit
  11. Itzi-Bitzi

    Itzi-Bitzi New Member

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    Dumbledore is correct in that you can't have a horned one as a magic item and a magical banner: the Skavenpelt banner.
    I also believe that a skink chief BSB could join a unit of Kroxigors as I know I have been in tournaments where O&G players field a goblin or orc hero in the unit of trolls effectively increasing their leadership for stupidity tests. So with that in mind I can't see why a skink chief can't join a unit of Kroxigors to give them frenzy.... don't know if it's a good idea but you Could.
  12. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    Frenzy can be a liability, but I believe as Lizzies we have enough units to channel our frenzied troops in the right direction, this takes a bit of practice but frenzies downfall (having to charge where possible) can be turned into an unexpected benefit as you'll never fail a charge again!

    To my understanding, you only have to charge if the charge will succeed, so, if you block the enemies bait units from LOS (cohorts would do this beautifully) then, so long as your careful, your frenzied troops will be where you want, and not left hanging. Had a mate who used to play an old Khorne demons list in Storm of Chaos and everyones first comment was "I'll just redirect the nasty stuff" but once he had enough experience with it his units would 99% of the time end up where he wanted them
  13. lupercal

    lupercal New Member

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    i was just thinking that if you gave the skink chief the cloak of feathers and the skaven pelt banner then he could join which ever unit could make the most of it just drop him in whichever unit will need the extra attacks you should know pretty early who will need them

    to be honest though i think a unit of spear saurus with this banner would be the scariest i could concieve of 6x3=36 str 4 attacks that is just a nightmare
  14. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    As far as the Skavenpelt banner, I know that I'll probably never use the thing. I'm not too interested in learning to keep my frenzied troops blocked/screened until I want them to charge. I'd rather just put them where I want and then charge with them. Dreadgrass made a good point. When/if you're able to learn how to utilize frenzied troops they can be devastating. But why take the risk, especially if the army you face has a lot of fast small frontage units.

    Ressurect threads much?

    *edit* Incorrect information.
  15. lupercal

    lupercal New Member

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    unless i am mistaken frenzy gives an extra attack

    so that would be 3 attacks for the front rank= 18

    and 3 attacks for the 2nd rank another 18

    18+18=36 granted i didn't figure in the skink priest who already has 3 attacks which mean with the banner he would go to 4 unless you gave him an extra weapon which would put him at 5 so grand total 37/38

    and what is so wrong with having frenzied spear saurus that means that on the turn they charge they get 19 attacks instead of 12 and in following rounds they hit even more i think this makes for a very dangerous unit
  16. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    Lupercal, excellent point. I made the post this morning, and totally forgot about the fact that they would be frenzied. I edited the post to reflect this and thanks for pointing out my error.

    I would go as far to say that instead of giving the skink chief the banner, why not give it to a SV? All of a sudden it turns into a unit that you can throw in front of the opponent and dare it to charge? Thoughts?
  17. lupercal

    lupercal New Member

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    good point i forgot that a SV could take a banner so that just means that much more killing even better then i was thinking and you don't have that ugly little base in your unit

    but it does take away from the flying skavenpelt banner but after thinking about that for a sec i don't think i would want a flying frezied squishy skink
  18. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    Though I don't have my book here Im pretty certain the saurus unit itself can't have a banner, so it would have to be on a BSB and would mean he couldn't use any other magic kit, though I suppose on a cold one he'd at least be able to get a 2+ save though this would cut out 1 saurus's attacks from the back rank in exchange for 2 coldone attacks (for frenzy)

    so with that build (and going from my shonky memory) that'd be, in a 6 wide unit 10 Sauruses (30 attacks with frenzy) plus 5 for the scar vet BSB, plus 2 for the cold one... could be worth a try! :bored:

    I can ask my ex- Khornate friend for some frenzy-control advise if people would like? He came high places in a fair few tourneys in Oz here with a frenzied army so Im sure he'll have a few insights!

    On another note, I believe if you take a magic banner with anything but a slann you can't take other magic items so the skink would need a terradon to fly and then couldn't join units except terradons....
  19. lupercal

    lupercal New Member

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    i was just looking and it is a skink only banner so it has too be a chief but it is still just a T 2 skink holding it

    this brings up a question in the description it says the unit has frenzy until it loses combat so even if they direct attacks at the skink the unit would still be frenzied

    and if that is the case could you move him from one unit to another making multiple units frenzied especially since he has a larger movement then saurus

    i know this sounds cheesy but in looking to the FAQ specifacally the plaque of dominion multiple use standards are not out the question

    strewart where are you we need answers
  20. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    Perhaps I should not post further until I have a look at my books, but making the Skink only BSB go from unit to unit, seems like a stretch of the rules. I would much prefer my SV to have this banner, but since, as you mentioned (and I'm sure you're right) it is skink only, that is out of the question.

    Perhaps we should go back to the BRB in reference to BSBs who carry a magical standard. Although your reasoning of the mechanics is quite sound (he can join several units and give them all frienzy), I highly doubt this is what the writers intended. Of course, this is still open to clarification from someone carrying a rule book (as I am still at work and do not).

    The real problem that I see is that a T2 skink is required to carry the banner. Making your spear sarus frenzied would be great, but having them charge into an intelligent opponent who would then direct all possible attacks into the BSB would mean a quick death by almost anything (but maybe goblins?).

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