Army Fluff The Chaq'Kai

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by little-myth, Feb 6, 2016.

  1. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Current temporary name for these fellas. Still developing the fluff for these Lizards but it's getting there.

    These rather dark-sided Lizards are from a sunken temple, used to be above land until it became abandoned when the pools stopped spawning; eventually collapsing and sinking underground into a deep cavern.
    One day the pools mysteriously came back to life, a form of Lizardmen waking into the great caverns.
    Lead by no Slann, they rely on their master; a mysterious non-existent creature. It's commands given through the Skink Priests. It's wish to arise into the mortal realms, it's need for sacrifices and offerings of flesh.

    The Chaq'Kai bend easily to the creatures will, knowing that it could of been their master that brought their spawning pools back to life. In packs they venture out, finding anything that lives. It is their only mission.

    It is nothing unusual for spawnings like Saurus and Skinks to start randomly attacking their own tribe in a frenzy, as they are desperate sometimes and don't control themselves. Higher spawnings have more control over their thoughts and frenzy. Skink Priests tend to have many Temple Guard around to make sure no frenzied Saurus or Skink gets near.

    As a common enemy, they usually clash with the Skaven. They even count other Lizardmen as enemies.


    Okay, wrote what I have so far. Need to write more out, might do some fluff pictures to go with them.
    Also working out AoS fluff, being that they have no Slann they really can't be stars. Plus they would freak out everytime someone bleeds light. Must be hard for them in the AoS world.

    Also working on a character for the Chaq'Kai, a skink character. A sly assassin of sorts.
  2. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Loving this.
    Bowser and little-myth like this.
  3. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Definitely could get into this! Sounds great so far!
    little-myth likes this.
  4. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    I'm surprised by the support for more fluff about these Lizards, makes me happy. I usually don't get the support in other places.
    Okay, some text about the Skink character. Has no name yet.

    This particular Skink spent most of his young spawn days being a very observant one, at the time of period where raids from Skaven was very common to happen. He spent his time sitting back to observe the assassin-like rats in action. Taking no notice that he should be running in there to slaughter all, but Skink Chiefs are more mature that the lower spawnings so they don't feel the blood frenzy rushing them forward. The Chief soon taught himself the more sly style of combat but his grips with fearing to leap into combat, he was familiar with himself taking more time to prepare to strike, lizards are not as nimble as rats.
    He became more of a special type of assault, leading the pack of Skinks into the right position, having the enemy be rained by either the javelins or darts before leaping in to reap the last standing.
    Unlike the javelins or blowpipes many use, he is accompanied by a small spiky creature, what seem to looks similar to a Razordon. The creature is rolled up into a spiky ball before being lobbed into a group, the results are rather painful as the creature pokes and bites away before scurrying back. Yet still a weak form of attack,although the Chief usually coats the creature in different types of liquid, whether flammable or poison. Even though the spiky monster is on fire, it just shakes it off like nothing happened.
    When leaping into combat, he pulls out his special dagger, his preferred way to grab the enemy around the neck.

    Still working on it, trying to flesh him out more, there may be errors written in the text. This is a rough write out, just to at least keep this updated.
    Bowser likes this.
  5. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Seems enjoyable! Plus your own entry into the lustriapedia with a new species of beast! Very interesting!
    little-myth likes this.
  6. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Might as well squeeze another mini update.
    Been busy trying to figure out the AoS fluff for these crazy Lizards. Having no Slann means them being stars makes them extinct. The Beast God could be a Starmaster but it's another bizarre thing. It would also mean taking a key feature that sometimes lower spawnings attack each other then drag whoever falls first for sacrifice, if they were stars; light would be useless to the God. So they won't be constellations.
    My thoughts are that maybe the God somehow protected them, their temple now drifting between realms in a protective shroud of smoke. As usual they carry on with their goal of bringing the great one to them.
    Bowser and thedarkfourth like this.

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