When did you...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Toastee, May 2, 2009.

  1. Thebestlazyguy

    Thebestlazyguy New Member

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    i got into WHFB... in may. so im almost as fresh a newb as can be. Im proud to say i have a solid understanding of the rules however, and plan on creating an evil scheme to get my friends addicted to WHFB like me, so that i have someone to play. maybe i should start with those who like LOTR... oh anyways, Lizardmen was my first army, and i love the fluff and models, but im thinking of starting (actually, ive decided on starting) a WoC army. I will however finish my lizardmen army at least up to 3k points before i really start building my WoC, i just love their models as well and it couldnt have waited (the Gaulrauch model is AMAZING)
  2. Krakkakoldi
    Jungle Swarm

    Krakkakoldi New Member

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    I started wargaming in 1976 (no typo) with Napoleonics, and over the next twenty odd years I got into increasingly weirder and more esoteric periods of historical gaming, ending up - for those of you who may appreciate the other side of the hobby - with the Guano War, 1879 War of the Triple Alliance (that being basically Paraguay vs the rest of South America), the Chaco War, the Spanish Civil War & the Haitian War of Independence.

    In early 1995 I set aside the traditional (and by then, deeply ingrained) loathing of fantasy/ sf gaming which almost every historical gamer cherishes like a personal mantra, and decided simply to buy the best sculpted minis on the market, regardless of genre or rules. They were GW Orcs.

    Have since had every army in Fantasy which doesn't have pointy ears (or is from the Empire or Bretonnia) - and even worked for a while in GW's Australasian HQ - and am now coming back to Lizardmen after rediscovering my passion for (firstly) Blood Bowl (via the new game from Cyanide), and then through that game, my love of Lizardmen.

    And yes, some of you have parents who weren't born before I started rolling dice & pushing lead. :rolleyes: :D :jawdrop:
  3. Saurus commander

    Saurus commander New Member

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    I got into it... Umm, about 1 and a half weeks ago? xD So i guess im the most fresh newbie :p

    Yh, I went down to GW with my dad and got him to buy the £50 battalion set (a harder task that it sounds) and finished making them yesterday. Gotta find/buy some undercoat and then start painting... Then stick them to their bases (after finding somewhere for them :rolleyes:)

    Oh, I was also given a collection of slightly older Warhammer by my cousin who i dont rly know :p
    If i can figure out how, ill post a pic of one of his minitures (his painting is AMAZING :jawdrop:)
  4. Celticfire
    Chameleon Skink

    Celticfire New Member

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    I Got into it around last december. started by making my own army (not easy and not recomended). toyed with idea of playing dwarfs for a while. i actucally played a couple of games with them, but i didn't like the gunline idea. thought about WE and BoC, but beasts had just lost the hordes book so i decided they were too underpowered

    i finnaly settled on Lizzards, and hy dad help pay for the battalion. that being all i have bought i am very lucky because the store owner has about 7 fantasy armies, 5 Ancients amies, and about 3 40k armies in his shop that he lets everyone use :D .

    Just recently i have become hooked on the Ancients game and am starting up a Scottish army. and they have one advantage over my lizzards...i like painting them. so at the moment my lizrds are taking a back seat to my scots for a little bit.
  5. Sellus

    Sellus New Member

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    I started collecting Games Workshop models in the summer of 94 with wood elves. After getting them all painted i set them aside for the most part but always checked back every once in a while to see what was new.

    Around 2000 i picked it back up with 40k and Flames of War and have been at it ever since. I can make the claim that at some point or another i have owned an one or more of every army for both 40k and fantasy.
  6. Foodlord
    Jungle Swarm

    Foodlord New Member

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    I am another one of those old f@rts who should know better, be more grown up etc. etc., as my missus always says :)
    Started in the early '80s, had some pewter D&D minis, and it stayed that way till 3rd ed. WHFB came out: switched to skellys and then went big guns for 40K when the first plastic marines arrived (still got all those minis, in varying states of disrepair).
    Loved Space Hulk (first ed.), but my real love was Space Marine (or epic as it's now known). I've got every army that they made for that game, includeng the sadly lamented squats, and I still get them out for a looksee now and then.
    Had a break from it all for about 10 years to have children (my plan is to get them interested, so it wasn't all wasted time :) ), then my group of mates one night in the pub sheepishly admitted that they'd all been into warhammer at some point, and that sparked a truly bizzare explosion of painting, playing and spending ireesonsibly on plastic men, all to the utter bemusement of wives and ladyfriends...
    Only just started on FB with frogs and lizards, having collected and painted 4 40K armies: I'd forgotten how good it is! Got about three thousand points painted up, but this one just keeps on growing...
    Judging by the posts arond this forum and the growing number of older folk seen hanging around GW stores near me, I think that the erm, more mature gamer is possibly a rather fast growing demographic for them!
  7. SlannOfItza

    SlannOfItza New Member

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    I started WHFB in 2003 with my Bretonnian friend. He started as Empire, Moved to High Elves, and Then became comfy with Bretonnia where he refuses to leave, Lol...

    I played alot of paper-hammer and didn't buy any models until just this year!! Mostly because it was just me and my Bret friend, and I kept changing armies, soo lets go over my little...army path..

    Vampire Counts
    Wood Elves
    Orcs and Goblins
    Dark Elves

    And that was all 6th edition...Then when 7th came out..

    Orcs and Goblins
    High Elves
    Dark Elves
    Vampire Counts

    And so the circle was complete...I moved all the way back to lizardmen, and started buying models. So far I have 2 battalion boxes, 2 boxes of skinks, 2 skink priests on foot, one Engine of the Gods, one Salamander, 5 terradons, and I've converted 12 chamelons, scar-vet on foot, scar-vet BSB on foot, scar-vet BSB on cold one, Scar-vet on cold one, Oldblood on Cold One. Next I'm looking to buy both a Slann and a Carnosaur...


    Now that I have found a gaming club I have started playing there, and in tournaments and what-not. There is no GW store in my state, so I order stuff online, or buy blisters and books from my gaming club...
  8. KonektFor

    KonektFor New Member

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    July 8th 2009, I started war hammer fantasy battle we had done 40k before that but none of my local gaming group enjoyed it (Except for one player who refuses to move to fantasy and leave his necrons) I bounced around armies a bit I went from woold elves to skaven, to chaos and finally lizard man where I made my milestone of actually buying more then one unit :D
  9. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    I started collecting models (war planes) back in 89'. Warhammer didn't come until 01 when I was on my first military deployment. My first army was Empire which was later expanded to nearly 12K points before I sold it. Since then I've owned every army except for DoW (back when they had a list), VC, DE and TK (TK soon to be remedied).
    After my last deployment I decided to sell it all except my WE and start from scratch with Lizards. My last fantacy army will be TK. As to 40K I went drastic, selling everything I had (significant Space Marine, Witch Hunters and a Tau force of over 15K points!). I've sold them all and started over with Black Templars and will begin a massive Imperial Guard project which will encompass close to 30K in points. I'd also like to have a small Mek Space Ork army.
    All of these armies (except probably Space Orks) will be ever expanding...I have to keep my crack addiction down somehow right? :rolleyes:
  10. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    I have been painting Miniatures on and off since about 1990. I just got intot he hobby in January (for my kids to play) and now I'm way too gone. I shudder to think how much money that I have dropped into this stuff. I have my Lizardmen army (which consists of enough minis to make about 1750pts), my kids do Dark Angels (40k) and Chaos space marines (40k again).

    Even buying alot of this stuff used, it is extremely expensive. My wife has started rolling her eyes when I mention buying something. I saw this stuff referred to as Plastic Crack yesterday. IT IS!
  11. Guardian of Hexoatl
    Temple Guard

    Guardian of Hexoatl New Member

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    I got Into Wargaming in 04 when Me and A friend when down to a local hobby shop with his Uncle. He had just gotten back from the middle east and decided to teach us how to play 40K. I dabled in tyranid for a little while getting a small force but soon switched to marines and got 1500 pts worth. I eventually gave Them to the same friend who wasn't as fortunate with money as I was and got My Eldar army. I've been Using Eldar for 3 years and am now starting fantasy (Ironicly I almost got A Saurus Warrior regiment instead of tyranids on the fatefull day). I've always loved the LM miniatures and fluff, so I can resist no longer lol Lizardmen here I come! :D
  12. Suppe

    Suppe New Member

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    You all make me sound like I'm new... started 6 years ago (2004)... when I was 9, bought the old version of the tyranids.. and looking at them today they look aweful... they are all gore red and bleach bone and they all have a really thick coating of vanish.... painted for about 3 years (mostly space marines, 2-3 orcs and some tyranids) not knowing it was a game but I did buy the 6th edition of the rule book (of warhammer fantasy >.<, and still not knowing it was a rule book) thinking it was just a load of lore and pictures.... then I stopped painting for 3 years and I now collect Lizardmen.... And that's the story of my life XD
  13. Gor-rok

    Gor-rok Member

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    Just under a year ago, my best pal brought two of his younger cousins over and, without anyone explaining what they were doing, they spread out all these little action figures across the floor (WoC, DE & HE I now realize) and started a three way battle. For some reason, probably the neat Lion chariot, I decided I had to get in on the fun. This was, of course, their plan all along, and soon thereafter we found ourselves at the local game store, with my latest overtime check in hand.

    A side note about the game store... Never having been to one, I assumed that most everyone hanging around such a place was going to be either an overweight pizza delivery guy, some sort of computer technician (like my pal), or a bespectacled university science nerd. Sure enough, the first portly fellow I ran into was talking about how he was going to spend his delivery tips to a skinny guy with inch thick glasses, who, I later found out, had just submitted his master's thesis in some kind of mathematics I'd never heard of.

    There also turned out to be a large number of both active and retired military personnel, which I didn't expect, but for the most part the folks there pretty much exactly what I imagined. What surprised the heck out of me though is just how well I got along with all of them. Despite me being a scruffy manual laborer type, everyone was friendly and conversational, and helped me gather up what I needed to play.

    I've an interest in firearms, and so was initially set on getting an Empire firing line- until I saw the Lizardmen box set. Dinosaurs and Aztec culture were two of my all time favorite reading subjects as a kid, and the prospect of combining the two was too much to handle.

    Some months, hundreds of dollars, and many an argument with my old lady later ("stop playing with those little blue fairies and make dinner!"), here I am posting on an internet forum, which I swore up and down I'd never do, and spending hours at a time painting tiny plastic figures. I must say, I'm loving every minute of it. :)
  14. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    Maybe 2004 when I first bought some models. My two good friends kept saying, "which army will you start with", even though I had no idea what they were talking about. Well they dragged me to a game shop that was having a 50% off sale, and after my buddies gave me their full sales pitch I relented, realized I'd probably enjoy it, and bought most of a dwarf army. But things changed, I graduated from college, and for a while it seemed I'd never actually assemble an army to play a game.

    Then I witnessed my first fantasy battle, between a cagey Wood Elf player and an extremely boisterous Orc and Goblin player wearing a ridiculous hat (he was.. "in character"). The game seemed very complex but interesting, and it looked like so much fun that I got the bug to get started. I guess the thing that was different about my experience is I wasn't so much hooked in by the modeling aspect as the game aspect. Sure the models looked cool, but I wanted to figure out exactly how the game worked and start playing some games.

    Dwarves being ever the stalwart defenders, I eventually wanted an army that could act the aggressor if need be. That combined with none of my friends owning a Lizardmen army, I came to the jungles of Lustria and found a second home... and I can say now that I'm fully "infected" by the tabletop gaming bug. From fluff reading to modeling, I'm immersed in the hobby and enjoying every minute.

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