Hey All So the title says it all, where do I begin. But firstly sorry for being a pest on the forum... I want to collect Lizardmen because I am going to play 8th but I have no idea where to start. I would like to buy box by box and not the Seraphon starter bundle. Could you guys tell me what to buy in order to create a decent all rounded lizardmen force. From doing my research I think I want to play with a tough core and have mobile strike units around them. Alongside this, the main army I would be playing against would be orcs and goblins. i do not have a price limit or anything, I'll just buy the units in my own time. Sorry for being a nuisance again. Didums
might get over looked here so if we ask @Scalenex or @Pinktaco or @NIGHTBRINGER to reply, I don't play 8th but expect questions about your intended force, along the lines of are you an aggressive player etc etc. Hope that helps Crow
First you need a lot of core units, the old battalion box was a good starter... but it got replaced, might find some on E-bay. then you are going to need a Slann or a old blood, probably some scar-veterans and skink priest, and some anti-war machine units, either terradons or chameleons. and some monsters or Calvary wouldn't hurt, Bastielidons are quite good. so basically a little of everything for a well rounded list. I you want a very fast list, you need a skink core, with terradons/Ripperdactials cold one Calvary, and an Old blood on a carnasaur, possibly with a scarvet on a carnasaur as well, perhaps with some Kroxigor or mixed krox/skink units and some stegadons.
A couple of small points... For me 1-2 Salamanders are an auto-include. Scar-vets are worth their weight in gold. Monsters are risky... depends on your meta... if there are lots of cannons, then leave the monsters at home Core selection comes down to style of play, many people achieve great results with skink clouds, while others, @protector have demonstrated that the often overlooked Saurus are actually quite effective when used properly
Against OnG you will need some Terradons. These can help release those fanatics early. As others have said salamanders will ruin your opponent's day. Depending on the OnG force, Razordons can be really helpful to deal with spider/wolf riders small units.
Thankyou so much!! Thank you. There are some on ebay but units are missing on all of them, so I will do box by box. So I am goning to dive straight in with saurus warriors and skinks just to get the ball rolling. I'm quite new to magic being a dwarf.. so I will get an old blood and once I have learnt more about the wonders of magic from the forum, I will invest in a Slann and Priest. From then on I think I will get a monster to carry the army along with cavalry and terradons. This has been a great help, thankyou. So would salamanders be more important against OnG than a monster lets say? Yes that is a good idea, for many years the slow and short legs of my Throng could not stop those fanatics being released. They will be very useful,
In my opinion Salamanders are a better choice against OnG. OnG typically have very large units that are especially susceptible to the Salamander's flame template. Salamanders are one of our very best units and they especially excel against armies with large units of infantry (in the case of OnG: Savage Orcs, regular orcs, goblins, etc.). Additionally, OnG can easily load up on cheap war machines that can bring down expensive monsters in no time.
Salamanders will decimate any big block of troops. OnG more so because their t-shirt armour saves. Here is a small exercise in Salamander appreciation. Grab a piece of paper and rule 20mm squares on one side and 25mm squares on the other. 5x4 models ((100x80)(125mmx100mm)) respectivley. Place you flame template over the squares and count everything touched. Vary the placement and you will see the potential!! Edit spelling
Ok so I will hold off buying an impressive beast. So they seem as if they are like a more mobile version of a flame cannon? I will most certainly be trying this one out tomorrow. Thankyou both.
yea, Salamanders excel at destroying low armor/low leadership units with there flame template since they also force a panic test if you kill one model.
So as my main opponent used large bulks of night goblins to distract me using dwarves , I can just use my salamanders to take away the distraction so I can focus my core troops of the Immortals. Thankyou n810
You actually do want a proper dinosaur, don't you? Bastiladons have got some ranged poke and are relatively hard to kill. A stegadon can stick in combat (stubborn) and get goblin hordes fleeing off the table. The trick is living long enough to crunch into combat. - I don't think O+G have a cannon equivalent, but a lucky rock lobber can hurt. And dinosaurs. You know you want to.
You are right, I do love dinosaurs, ever since Dilly. The models are cooler than Salamanders in my opinion, so it will be a close one, but the Saurus Warriors are on their way, so I am very excited.
They also have cheap spear chukkas and doom divers. Those things in numbers will drop monsters with ease.
Doom Divers...beware the Doom Divers. Also Squigs. Random Movement really does a number on our skirmishers: you can't stand and shoot, and you can't get outside their charge arc. So that's Squig Hoppers, Night Goblins characters on Great Cave Squigs, Mangler Squigs, and Snotling Pump Wagons. All perfect for clearing Skinks off the field. I'd say Salamanders are a must-have. I'd also suggest this for a strategy - something that's worked for me in the past: A fast flank army. Take a unit of Saurus or Temple Guard with a Slann to hold the table center - your anchor. Put a few Skinks or Sallies on one flank, using their deployment drops to make it look like you're going to spread out evenly. Then, put Cold One Riders, monsters, Skrox, and Rippers all on one side of your anchor. Make sure you've got war machine hunters, use your Skinks on the weak flank to slow down and soften enemy units, while you focus tons of firepower on a few enemy units on your strong flank. Take your enemy's flank, and you can take on the rest of his army piecemeal.
Thankyou a lot. I didn't realise that the squigs were able to do so, so I'll need to shoot a couple down from a far I reckon. I was also thinking about something you have suggested. Skins on both flanks will both look nice as well as decisive him. But my worst enemy usually playing as the dwarves is the OnG boar chariot. Do you think I should match his boar chariot with that powerful flank force so it no longer is a threat to my flanks?