Army Fluff New World of Gold

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Warden, Feb 28, 2016.

  1. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Greetings fellow lizards.

    The Great Calendar has decided that I create a new post concerning some of my research on warhammer fluff. This post has all the sources I have discovered for the New World colonies and major settlements I have come across during my research in constructing my own colony in the New World. I have broken the list down by canon (Warhammer army book official), semi-canon (mostly from Mordheim or internet sources), and unofficial (fan-made, found from internet sources). Hope this is helpful to anyone else trying to make their own Lizardmen fluff.

    To start with, here is a list of the New World Colonies:


    Skeggi (Norse)
    Port Reaver (Pirates)
    Cadavo (Estalian- destroyed)
    Swamp Town (Empire)
    Dalmark Town (Empire?- abandoned)
    Citadel of Dusk (High Elves)
    Arnheim (High Elves)
    Vampire Coast (Pirate Undead)
    Amazon Island (Amazons)

    Santa Margritta (Estalian)
    Nuevo Luccini (Tilean)
    Di Ranza Trading Post (Tilean)
    Bregonne (Bretonnian)

    Plascia (Estalian)
    Mur (Bretonnian)
    Port Heldenhammer (Empire)
    Jeruga (Bretonnian)
    Savely, Ritual, Wolfwerty33 and 2 others like this.
  2. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Skeggi (Norse)

    Founded in year 888 by the Norse raider Losteriksson, located on the northern end of the Isthmus of Pahuax. The colonists are eager to trade, and the colony is easily accessible by most Old Worlders arriving in Lustria for the first time

    Lizardmen Army Book, Warhammer 6th ed. 2003 page 9, 11, 16.
    Lizardmen Army Book, Warhammer 7th ed., 2009 page 15, 24.
    Lizardmen Army Book, Warhammer 8th ed., 2009 page 15, 26.
    Mordheim Town Cryer #12, page 15.
    Mordheim Town Cryer #15, page 17.

    Port Reaver (Pirates!)

    Founded by Lucciano Soprania (Sartosa) in 1821. Located north of Swamp Town along the Isthmus of Pahuax, south-east of the temple city of Hexoatl. Home of many pirates from around the world.

    Lizardmen Army Book, Warhammer 6th ed. 2003 page 9, 11, 16.
    Lustria Campaign Book, Warhammer 6th ed. 2004 page 14.
    Lizardmen Army Book, Warhammer 8th ed., 2009 page 25.

    Cadavo (Estalian)

    Destroyed three times, the final time in 1944 by Lord Mazdamundi after the Battle of the Obsidian Column. Was located south of Port Reaver along the Isthmus of Pahuax.

    Lizardmen Army Book, Warhammer 6th ed. 2003 page 9, 11, 16.
    Lizardmen Army Book, Warhammer 7th ed., 2009 page 17.
    Lizardmen Army Book, Warhammer 8th ed., 2009 page 16, 27.

    Swamp Town (Empire)

    Founded by gamblers from Port Reaver in 2064, now a major hub for trade. Located south of Port Reaver along the Isthmus of Pahuax, due north-east of the ruined temple city of Pahuax. Also a great home for pirates, but overall seems a bit more reputable than Port Reaver.

    Lizardmen Army Book, Warhammer 6th ed. 2003 page 9, 11, 16.
    Lizardmen Army Book, Warhammer 8th ed., 2009 page 25.

    Dalmark Town (Empire?)

    Abandoned settlement along the Ithmus of Pahuax near the Aymara Swamps and the Monument of the Moon. Sounds like an Imperial name, no reason for its abandonment is given.

    Lizardmen Army Book, Warhammer 6th ed. 2003 page 11.

    Citadel of Dusk (High Elves)

    Guards the western route to Cathay. The High Elves are the rulers the seas, opposing the constant Estalian and Tilean trading fleets, also dispatch expeditions into Lustrian Jungles

    Lustria Campaign Book, Warhammer 6th ed. 2004 page 42.
    Lizardmen Army Book, Warhammer 7th ed., 2009 page 35.
    Lizardmen Army Book, Warhammer 8th ed., 2009 page 25, 27.
    Mordheim Town Cryer #10, page 12.
    Mordheim Town Cryer #11, page 19.

    Arheim (High Elves)

    Another colony of the High Elves, but far to the north of the Isthmus of Pahuax, closer to the realms of the Dark Elves. Sounds more like a city of the Empire to me though.

    Lizardmen Army Book, Warhammer 7th ed., 2009 page 10.

    Vampire Coast (Pirate Undead)

    founded by Lukor Harkon, who washed up on the Lustrian shores in 876 Imperial Calendar. Created vast Undead empire using the shipwrecks along the coast and under the water. Commands a pirate zombie/undead horde

    Lizardmen Army Book, 6th ed. 2003 page 9.
    Lizardmen Army Book, Warhammer 7th ed., 2009 page 24.
    Lizardmen Army Book, Warhammer 8th ed., 2009 page 26.

    Amazon Island

    All-female tribes dwelling within the jungle along the Amaxon river, on an impregnable island temple fortress in the center of the great river. Originally believed to be descendants of outcasts of the original Norscan settlement of Skeggi.

    Lizardmen Army Book, 6th ed. 2003 page 16.
    Mordheim Town Cryer #15, page 18.
  3. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Santa Magritta (Estalian)

    Estalian colony in the New World, established on Columbo's Island. Known as the jewel of the Estalian Crown in Lustria, a beautiful settlement that rivals the cities of the Old World.

    Warhammer Lexicanum:
    Mordheim Town Cryer #15, page 17.

    Nuevo Luccini (Tilean)

    Tilean colony in Lustria along the sun- blessed Cactus Coast. Renowned den of robbers and pirates, but also a good place to relax and resupply. Known for its vibrant beachfront of taverns and pleasure houses.

    Mordheim Town Cryer #15, page 17

    Di Ranza Trading Post (Tilean)

    Founded as a fortified trading post by the Tilean Noble Family of Di Ranza, family of the Ranzato Brothers who now travel throughout the Empire selling their services as mercenaries to various warbands in Mordheim. Located off Lustria’s Scorpion Coast. Staging base for smaller warbands to explore into Lustria. Might actually be located at Nuevo Luccini, but I like to think of it as a separate colony.

    Mordheim Town Cryer #11, page 19.
    Mordheim Town Cryer #15, page 17

    Bregonne (Bretonnian)

    Bretonnian colony in on the coast of Lustria near the temple city of Tlaxtlan. I can’t read the only source I have found on the colony, but if anyone can translate for me please let me know! I think its German. Also I put this one in the Semi-Canon grouping simply because it had its own entry on a Lexicanum.

    Warhammer Lexicanum:
    Ritual, Wolfwerty33 and Crowsfoot like this.
  4. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Plascia (Estalian)

    Island port city in Lustria, the original seat of power of governor and Conquistator Fernando Cortez, who successfully looted the ruins of Pahuax on his second attempt, and now prepares for further expeditions into the jungles of Lustria to increase his wealth and power.

    Estalian Army Book, Warhammer Armies Project, 2010 page 86.

    Mur (Bretonnian)

    Bretonnian, near the Amaxon River, allies occasionally with skink cohorts against the Amazons. Posted in 2014, has some really good fluff on what life would be like in a Bretonnian colony in the New World.

    Voikirium, “Warhammer Fantasy: Conquest.” Sufficient Velocity Discussion. 2014.

    Port Heldenhammer (Empire)

    Imperial colony along the Gromril Coast. I wish the links worked so I could get more fluff from RPGnet, but based on the list of adventures it looks pretty exciting, involving the Lizardmen, pygmies witch doctors, pirates, Sigmarite clerics, and more. Just to name a few of the interesting sounding chapter names:

    Running Through the Jungle, the Ruin of Kwetzelle Sakatananga (apparently a Slann Warlord??), the Crimson Cutlass, the Vault of Bee’oboktik’nha, the Curse of Port Heldenhammer, the Colony of the Damned, the Bretonnians are Coming!, Trouble in Dead-Town

    RPGnet Wiki. (Port Heldenhammer is at the bottom of the page).

    Jeruga (Bretonnian)

    Bretonnian Colony along the Scorpion Coast, near the Lost City of Mutal and the Obscumacinta River. Founded by a group of landless and foolhardy crusading knights who invaded the New World in search of fame and fortune. Their descendants continue to live in the New World, attempting to bring the Light of the Lady to its heathen inhabitants. A colony of my own creation, home to my Lustrian Bretonnians.

    Warden, “Lustrian Bretonnians.” Round Table of Bretonnia Army Journal. 2015.
  5. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I put the official settlements in the Lustriapedia (crediting you of course). I'm not sure how I want to handle the unofficial ones. So far the only unofficial things in the Lustriapedia are all from L-O members.

    On a related note, there are THREE official Lustrian pirate havens in Lustria. Three.

    Pirates are robbers. As a general rule, the best people to rob are weak people with lots of money. Lustria doesn't get a lot of ships visiting. Mostly, Lustria only attracts one type of outside ship. Ships with mercenaries hoping to strike it rich. In other words the ships are full of strong people with no money.

    It's fine for Luthor Harkon. Harkon is crazy. Also his men do not require pay or food so it's okay if he only gets one score every twenty years. Human pirates wouldn't stand for that. Also, where are pirates going to spend their booty? Pirates don't generally bury their treasure (well Harkon does but did I mention he is crazy), they spend it as quickly as possible. How can you spend it in Port Reaver?

    I believe the GW staff has at least one tween-age boy on advising the writers and one every third Tuesday of the month he shouts "More pirates!" Then you get this which is fine for Luthor Harkon because the undead don't have to do anything, and as I mentioned, he is crazy.
    Ritual, Warden and Crowsfoot like this.
  6. thedarkfourth

    thedarkfourth Well-Known Member

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    Wait... the pirate economy is the thing you choose to call out GW for being unrealistic??
  7. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    He was defending barn door sized axes the other day.

    @Warden , my eggshell is off to you. Most of my references have been "see how what it says on Lexicanum shares approx one word in ten with my story" or "Son of Bob thought this was cool, and he has read 'Nagash' "

    You are making it harder for me to write non canon fluff and easier to write canon friendly fluff, at the same time. Maybe you are the Chosen One who will bring balance to the Fluff.

    Have you ever had your Midichlorians checked?
    Ritual, Warden and Bowser like this.
  8. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    All of my fluff knowledge comes 1d4 chan, so this is a refreshing and awesome reference to come back to!
    Ritual and Warden like this.
  9. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Actually Lord Bowser 1d4chan is what originally got me looking at Mordheim and finding a lot of this fluff. As much as the game isn’t endorsed by GW any more, and I myself have never played a game, there is a great deal of awesome fluff and stories out there.

    The links to “Border Town Burning” and “Relics of the Crusades” down in the Supplements of Renown are pretty good. If I can find the links to the online share/google drive with ALL of the town cryer sheets and the great information on Lustria: the New World of Gold, I will post that too. They are all pretty old (2001ish?) but still really interesting, and remind me more of what Warhammer was about when I first started the game (2003ish?).

    Lord Scalenex I have to agree with you about the huge prevalence of pirates in warhammer; you can’t get past any of the fluff for the new world without finding a pirate in almost every other paragraph. I would like to think that there are actually many other Estalian and Tilean colonies in the New World, other than just Santa Margritta and Nuevo Luccini (sadly both only from my Mordheim sources) but the rest of GW fluff does not back it up. Historically piracy only seemed to crop up after major wars and sailors were no longer needed in great numbers by the imperial navies of Europe, OR in times of great merchant profits sailing across the seas from the New World back to the Old. Otherwise it simply wouldn’t be profitable/make sense to have large numbers of pirates in the first place, forgetting the fact that the vast majority of pirates were dirt poor, and the ones we know and fantasize about today were simply the outliers. That being said, ever since Treasure Island pirates have been cool, to the point where you pointed me to that hilarious article about pirates who are pirates just to be pirates.

    Just don’t forget one of the most awesome Warhammer pirates ever:'s_Slayer_Pirates. Someday after I finish my lizardmen and my Bretonnians, I will pursue this. Someday…

    Every time I go to the doctor's office. Nothing conclusive yet...
    Ritual and Bowser like this.
  10. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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  11. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Its been a while for this thread, but I am curious if anyone has seen a definitive list yet of what races are going to have "bases" in the New World in the upcoming Total War Warhammer 2 game?

    I am expecting some such as Skeggi (for the Norse) and the High Elves (in the Citadel in the southern part of the continent) but I am curious who else is going to get a starting location. Possibly a spawn point or two for beastmen and Orcs, and I have even heard a rumor about a potential Bretonnian colony??!? :wideyed: This last one interests me greatly, especially since that is the setting of my Bretonnian army.
    Ritual likes this.
  12. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    Don't know if the translation of the city of bregonne is still needed, but I'll give you guys a summary of it's fluff...
    The source used by lexicanum is the German White Dwarf issue 14 from Feb 1997... guess it's correctly placed in the semicanon section
    So the place called Bregonne was founded by farmers following their lord, Baron Marcel de Parravons who left Bretonia with all his people towards the new world in 2510 IC...
    Lacking enemies to fight against and regularly held tjost events the nobels of Bregonne started exploring the nearby jungles, finding ruined cities of the lizardmen and capturing some precious artifacts... this led to a battle with the forces of Klaqulxol the Slann Lord of the nearby temple city, led by the scar veteran Quatl... the lizardmen recaptured the artifacts,but were followed by the remaining forces of Bregonne, who managed to force a battle between the two armies before the lizardmen could reach the jungle... the end of the battle and the fate of the city itself are unknown...

    Hope this gives you a short overview...

    Oh... location... Bregonne lies northeast of the temple city of Tlaxtlan and north of the ruins of Xahutec...
    Here's the map they show in the lexicanum:
    Warden, Ritual and Aginor like this.
  13. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Thanks for this! I never did get this link translated, this is some good fluff that I never saw before. Interesting how the information never made it to any English publications that I found. I am betting that this is the information that will be used for a Bretonnian colony if it indeed does get included in Total War Warhammer 2.

    Was there any additional information on the Slann Lord Klaqulxol?

    Edit: Also thanks for the map!
  14. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    In the German White Dwarf issue 14 there is a scenario called "the wrath of Klaqulxol" telling the story of Bregonne. Klaqulxol was Slann Lord of Tlaxtlan and ordered only a small force led by Quatl to recapture some artifacts cause he had to deal with some permanent dark elf threat... that's all information so far...

    Interesting sidenote: Klaqulxol got angry because the Brets had stolen artifacts not only from another Slann's tomb but also from mausoleae of saurus heroes and skink scribes...
    I remember we had a thread about how lizardmen care for their dead... so some semicanon fluff also on this topic...
    Warden likes this.
  15. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    That is very interesting, the fact that the lizardmen would take the time to not just bury but recognize their dead, other than just the Slann.

    I am very curious what the tombs would look like.
    tom ndege likes this.
  16. Wolfwerty33
    Cold One

    Wolfwerty33 Active Member

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    I can imagine a skink scribe's tomb being covered in or built out of some of his works (not the ones that are still used), in much the same way as poets and writers are sometimes buried with their works.
  17. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    Sadly only the words saurus, hero and skin a containing links to further information... the mausoleae are only mentioned... but at least it gives us something to think about and discuss...;)
  18. Mr.Crocodile
    Temple Guard

    Mr.Crocodile Well-Known Member

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    Just want to say how grateful I am that a thread like this exists, it makes the drafting of my Lustria-centric projects so much easier!
    Imrahil likes this.

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