8th Ed. Flaming attacks

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by skink chief, Feb 26, 2016.

  1. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    Hi guys,

    For my campaign, I will be headed towards a Tomb. Now ofcourse I will meet some units like ghosts etc..
    Do flaming attacks count as magical attacks? ( fireleech bola's).
    If not, cant they hit spectral units? ( like ghost I gues? sorry might be wrong in terminology, but I think you get my meaning).
    Lastly if they can hit them or if they are magical attacks, can you refer me to a rulebook page? ( I got the pocket version rulebook of 8th ed.

    Thanks in advance!
    Warden likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Flaming attacks do not count as magical attacks. There are instances where an attack is both magical and flaming (WoC's Hellfire sword, spells from the Lore of Fire, etc.), but having the flaming attacks special rule does in no way confer magical attacks.
    "Ethereal" is the special rule you are referring to. As per page 68 of the BRB, units with the Ethereal special rule "can only be wounded by spells, magical attacks and magic weapons or effects". Bear in mind however that such units are still susceptible to crumble as a result of combat resolution.

    Also to answer your specific question, Fireleech Bolas would have no effect on ethereal units.
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  3. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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  4. ZeTe

    ZeTe Member

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    this melted my head as well as i frequently fight against a VC army with lots of ethereal units and for ages i couldn't do anything against his army apart from run away and instantly loss 30+ Saurus or TG, I had not yet bought a slann, and never got lucky rolls on my skinks spells and not being able to equip a champion for Saurus with a magic weapon sucked. It was only when i started buying more heroes and lord (so i could equip magic weapons) that i was able to deal with him, now he just plays a blender list as his ethereal are practically useless now. Another good way to deal with them is your Bastiladon's Solar Engine.

    As your question was already answered i thought that i would share some ideas of how to deal with ethereal instead :D
  5. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    Thx for the reply. Yeah in the campaign I can't just buy magic weapons. Only find them. I was thinking about the bastilladon but at these low point games he can pretty much dispel everything i throw at him. I've noticed that killing the enemy general causes the NPC army to take LD test and on fail they all run so far. I'm going to go with a steg and 4 rippers to get some movement and hardhitting guys. So i can hopefully kill of the generals unit pretty quickly. (I do realise they crumble and don't run, but itd an overall campaign thing that seems to be applayed).
  6. ZeTe

    ZeTe Member

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    yea low point games can be more challenging that way. I like that concept of finding your magic weapons though that sounds intriguing.
    can i just ask, the weapons you find are they army specific as if you were buying them for points or could you find other weapons from other armies since you can out right just have them?

    your campaign sounds like stacks of craic, me and a few friends are playing on putting one together in the future, but atm we are just trying to get a good concept of one first (and to give the newer players time to build their armies) as up until recently the 2 biggest armies were Lizardmen (me) and VC (my bros best mate) followed by HE, then combined AoC (warriors & demons) and the new guy started skaven (which was my fault i had a few lying about i gave to him) and from what i have heard recently he bought the VC players skaven as well. Looking forward to my visits home in the future :D
  7. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    I don't think I can get magic items specific for other factions. When we conquer stuff like nests and tombs we get 25/50/100 gold worth of 1 magic item we ourselves need to purchase from the recieved gold. I only got the LM book and rulebook so I woumdn't even know what other armies have :D.

    You should definatly do a campaign. So far im really having fun. It does take active players though and our DM's don't play themselves since that would be unfair. They would know the terrain and where other armies are and what they have in them. But you could make a map that is already known to all players and keep an open dialogue so everyone knows what everyone has. Basically the scouts would fall off in this case.

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