7th Ed. Ultimate record

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by white_aardvark, Aug 6, 2009.

  1. white_aardvark

    white_aardvark New Member

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    Haven't posted in a while but wanted to share the unbelievable game I had on Monday with you.

    2000pts Lizardmen vs Orcs&Goblins

    So he has:
    3 boar chariots
    2 goblin shamans
    1 orc shaman
    1 orc bossy special character riding a boar
    1 giant
    1 unit of black orcs
    1 unit of night goblins
    1 unit of goblin spider riders
    1 unit of goblin wolf riders
    2 trolls


    Mazdamundi - lore of beasts
    2 skink priests - 1 with cloak of feathers, the other one with blood statuette
    1 saurus scar-vet with jaguar charm
    6 camo skinks
    2 units of 10 skink skirmishers
    1 unit of 25 saurus with spears
    3 krox
    3 salamanders

    So basically what happened is that everything he did failed miserably and everything I did worked perfectly. My camo skinks ambushed his giant from a water feature and inflicted 3 wounds, the other two skink units harassed and charge blocked, i dispelled everything he cast, used "the beast cowers" on his boar chariots every turn and caused them to be in the way of the giant, used my flying skink priest to be mazdamundi's eyes and cast fork lightning, burnt a couple of spiders and then totally destroyed them in close combat with the salamanders, poisoned the black orcs and blocked the trolls in such a way that they had wasted 3 turns trying to outflank me, smashed into the giant with zlaaq and mazdamundi, scared the night goblins into running off the board, kept the warboss at bay with one measly unit of skinks and in general annihilated everything.

    End tally:
    Orcs and Goblins: ALL UNITS DESTROYED by my turn 5 (he didn't even get his)
    Lizardmen: 1 kroxigor and 4 skinks dead. Really. That's it. No more. I had my army case open the whole time ready to put away units, it just didn't happen.

    His main errors were in the moves he did in the first turn, we had a water feature right in the middle and he ignored it even though I kept telling him that I have a whole bunch of units that can go through there.

    Anyway, I know I was very lucky, but this was unbelievable...
  2. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    thanks for sharing - and happy birthday! :)
  3. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    Interesting that he used so many boar chariots, they didn't seem to be of much use.
  4. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Congrats to the win :D

    I've had such a game too vs O&G when everything went my way, although the revenge game was the other way around...
    no squablles...the waaaaagh! at the right time with nothing going wrong. Really O&G without the squablling is insane!
    O&G are just fun to play with and against, don't expect miracles from the litle greenies. But always somewhere in the game something überfunny happens :p

    Btw, your own list isn't optimal IMHO. If you could post it in the Army Lists section we (the community) could improve it. If your interested that is ;)

    The Hunted
  5. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    O&G are definitely funny, interesting, and surprising to play against. There was once a 3 on 3 game where I was owning the board with a Tomb King equipped using a spear that regenerated his wounds, until I stepped too close to some night Goblins and he was run over by a fanatic!

    I also love seeing Black Orcs squabble and watching their leader restore order by killing some of them.
  6. white_aardvark

    white_aardvark New Member

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    @ The Hunted: yeah, I know the list could be better, my list is however based on getting as many painted models out as possible. When I have more painted the range of my options will be bigger...
  7. thesecondman
    Temple Guard

    thesecondman New Member

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    eek! special characters!
    Anyhow, sounds like an absoulte massacre. That is really kinda funny.

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