Fiction Blood

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by RoseThorn, Mar 4, 2016.

  1. RoseThorn

    RoseThorn Active Member

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    Alice stood beside the river, her back to me. She lifted her arms into the air, and she began to leave the ground. I watched intently, and Tari looked unimpressed, “Flight of Zimmeran, does she know any spells that have been used in this era?” I glared at the Daemon, and she sighed. I returned to watching her practice, and could see her straining. She was hovering twenty feet above the river, when I realised that Tari wasn’t next to me anymore. I searched the area within visual range quickly. She was in the camp, talking to Hjeki. “Were you watching me?” I span to see Alice hovering a few feet from the ground and about a dozen feet away from me. “Well, Tari had suggested I learn magic, and I thought you might be able to teach me.” The human rubbed her hands against her eyes, lowering herself to the ground.

    “I might not be the best teacher, I have a rather limited repertoire.” I nodded.
    “The main thing I’m after is the ability to manipulate and focus magic, not power.” She looked thoughtful, then smiled.
    “I would be honoured to teach you.” Tari appeared out of nowhere next to us.
    “So, you are going to teach him. If you wouldn’t mind telling me, who taught you?” Alice looked at the Daemon, uncertain of the purpose of the question. “My mother taught me, it’s a family tradition.” Tari nodded, then asked another question, “Do you know battle magic? Also, how far back does this tradition go?” Alice was taken aback at the aggressive way she asked,
    “The tradition has been part of my family for as long as anyone can remember, and no, I don’t know battle magic, apparently some of my ancestors could, but a lot has been lost due to Witch Hunters.” Tari’s eyes narrowed,
    “How many powerful mages has your family produced?” Alice looked sheepish.
    “As I said, we have lost a lot due to the Witch Hunters, we used to have family records, but most have been lost. We haven’t had a complete set of records since the Witch Hunters were founded.” Tari nodded, then left us alone. “Is there a problem I should know about?” Alice inquired. I shrugged,
    “I think she’s jealous that she doesn’t get to teach me magic.” Alice looked surprised,
    “Wait, she offered to teach you magic? You realise that Tari is a Daemon, a creature composed of magic. If she can use magic then you would be hard pressed to find a better teacher.” I burst out laughing, and Alice looked perplexed.

    “She said the same thing. Something about how she was ‘A being composed of magic’, and I wanted to ‘learn from a Hedgewitch’ which ‘was almost insulting’ personally I’d prefer to learn from you because it’s less likely to result in being controlled by a Daemon.” Alice grinned at my dry tone.
    “I’ll teach you, but for today, I’d prefer to bathe then go to sleep. Speaking of which, I thought you were going to sleep after you washed.”
    “I was, but I decided to ask you about teaching me magic first.” She nodded, then turned away, and headed back to the river.

    I had the same dream as the previous night.
    I was covered in sweat again, and Morrslieb was high in the night sky above me. It was just a dream, it was nonsense, and should be ignored as such. “You okay, Iyskyth?” It was Alice’s voice, and I looked up at her, Mannslieb peered over her right shoulder, causing her hair to glow silver. “It was just a bad dream, why’re you awake?” She sighed, and looked up at the Chaos Moon. “The Winds of Magic have been blowing oddly, between that and Morrslieb, I couldn’t sleep.” Tari appeared out of thin air again,

    “You’re awake, what’s the trouble? Is it Dragons? Or Daemons? Manticores?” We both looked at the Daemon, baffled at her concern. “Dreams, just a bad dream.” I said slowly, and the Daemon’s shoulders slumped.
    “What got you so excited?” Alice inquired, and Tari shuffled awkwardly,
    “Nothing, I just thought… never mind.” The sheer disappointment in her voice was adorable. The Daemon gasped and covered her mouth to suppress a fit of giggles. I realised she’d been in my head, and Alice looked extremely confused. “Well, if neither of us can sleep, then you could start teaching me magic.” The Daemon’s mirth instantly died, and she glared at Alice, who suddenly had an urge to look at something away from Tari.

    We packed and set off at dawn, I checked my shoulder as we walked. It was healing faster than I expected, but would still be painful for the next few days. I picked up a small stone, putting it in my pouch. Tari was being a right pain, constantly antagonising Alice. I was starting to understand why people tried to drown their problems in Blackspore. “Don’t think that! I’ll be good, just don’t!” Tari leapt at me, clinging to me. The other two looked at me in confusion, “What set that off?” Alice asked,
    “Don’t worry, it’ll be fine.” I said it as much to Tari as to Alice. They turned to keep walking when an arrow punched itself through the side of my left leg. I collapsed as the Shadow Warriors quickly surrounded us, bows trained on each of us. They spoke to each other tersely in Tar-Eltharin, Tari went to attack, when their mage finished his incantation. Tendrils of shadows rose from the ground, immobilising Alice, Hjeki and I. The arrow fell in half, and blood began to pool around the wound, dissolving parts of my breeches. Tari leapt at their mage, but he sidestepped, and she staggered as she didn’t meet the anticipated resistance. He brought his sword down in an arc to slice open her back. The Daemon collapsed on the ground, and I felt the blood drain from my face. I seemed to lose all my air, and my vision blurred, the ground rose to meet me, and I heard Alice screaming something, Hjeki roaring, when the world went black.

    The darkness was impenetrable, I could hear the sound of battle, but other than something occasionally bumping me, I couldn’t see anything. I felt pain all over, but nothing seemed damaged. Suddenly I was bathed in light, and I could see two armies of humans fighting, and the voice from the other dream came again. “The Daemon must not be trusted, it desires only destruction, the world order is coming to an end, and you shall either survive, or be dragged down with the old ways. Trust in your friends, and live. Seek the truth.” Ambiguous nonsense, it could mean anything. Of course I didn’t trust Tari. A metallic clattering sound came from behind me. I turned to see a suit of armour the size of a giant rising above the humans. It lifted its arm, and flames poured from a funnel over the people in it’s way. A human grabbed my shoulder, spinning me to face him. “Retreat! We can’t win, go!” A loud boom came from behind me, and something tore through my throat.

    I woke abruptly, Hjeki sitting next to me, he said something, and Alice came over. “You’re finally awake, you feeling okay?” I tried to sit up, but after pain shot through my body, gave up.
    “What happened?” I managed to wheeze. Alice explained,

    “After you fell unconscious, Tari disappeared, but Hjeki managed to break free, he grabbed you while I cast Flight of Zimmeran to escape. It was close, you Elves really move quickly, but I think something interrupted them. We were lucky. You’ve been out for only a few hours. I know you’re injured, but we really need to keep moving.” I nodded, and Hjeki lifted me off of the ground, supporting my left side so that I didn’t strain my injured leg. A harpy flew overhead, but didn’t seem to spot us.

    Tari reappeared after a few hours of limping, injury healed. ”I can support him, Hjeki.” The Norskan nodded, and let Tari take his place supporting me. She smiled apologetically at me, but didn’t say anything. I nearly laughed at how ridiculous I must look to someone who can’t see Tari, but my mirth died when I saw dark clouds on the horizon. “We’ll need to find shelter soon, the clouds over there are likely the first of the winter snowstorms.” The other two looked at them and Hjeki said something to Alice, and she nodded. Turning back to me, she nodded, “We’ll keep an eye out.”

    A trail off of the road led to a cave, we decided it was a good place to take cover, heading about fifty feet into the cave, though it ran deeper. “How long does the first snowstorm tend to last?” Tari asked.
    “Around a day or two.” I reassured her, when something blocked off the entrance to the cave. We couldn’t see it, but we could hear it growling and sniffing. Tari produced a light, revealing the creature. “Black Hydra! Run!” I yelled, and Hjeki lifted me from the ground, and we ran from the monster.

    After a few minutes it stopped chasing us, and refused to follow. Hjeki gently gave me to Tari, and we decided to try and find another campsite. We had barely been walking for a minute when the tunnel opened into a cavern, with about five dozen ramshackle buildings, and an elaborately carved pillar in the middle. “If anyone lives here, it might be best for Hjeki to carry you.” Tari said, then repeated the same thing to the big man in his own language, he nodded, and moved to support my left side. We headed towards the settlement, and as we approached we could see the inhabitants. “Humans.” Alice whispered, and we continued. As we neared town, a group came to meet us.

    “Greetings! Welcome to Haven, the home of all who escape the evil Druchii!” Their leader, a stunted human said, spreading his arms to gesture dramatically at the group of hovels. “I am Gregorovich, the advisor to the Havenite minister.” He held out his hand to Alice, who took it tentatively, and he shook it vigorously.

    “I am Alice, my friends and I are heading south, we would appreciate being allowed to stay until the snow clears.” He nodded enthusiastically, “Certainly, although you could stay here, it’s entirely safe, we are safe and free!” He dragged out the vowel sound until he nearly ran out of air. I wasn’t particularly certain about safety. He was babbling to Alice about the village. “The central pillar is where the protectors reside, once every month they come out and pick up to about five healthy young people to help them protect us. Every few years they launch a series of raids against the vile Druchii to free slaves. Any Druchii prisoners are taken away by them, we don’t know what happens after, and at one point a Druchii spy was caught and taken away. But it’s still safe, they regularly search for Dark Elves, they can’t hide from them.” We were in front of the central pillar. There were four secondary pillars with a gong on each side, and the main pillar had a door facing each one. How hadn’t they noticed that I was Druchii yet? Was Tari or Alice doing something to make me appear human? “It’s a Druchii!” Someone was pointing at me, I’d jinxed it.

    Someone tackled me from behind, but Hjeki lifted them from my back and hurled them away, He carried me next to one of the pillars, and tossed another attacker away. I tried to stand back up, but my leg buckled and I fell back down. Supporting myself by clinging to one of the posts supporting the gongs. A Havenite got past Hjeki, and swung a rock at my head, but Tari grabbed him by the front of his tunic and swung him bodily into the gong. The sound reverberated through the cavern, and all the Havenites that had been working gathered in the square. Whatever significance the gong held, it must have been important, because even the men trying to get past Hjeki stopped fighting. Alice and Hjeki both moved to support me as the large doors swung open, and several armoured people marched out, taking formation as a woman stepped forwards, she had silver hair, but appeared to be in her twenties. A bandage covered her eyes and she wore a pale blue robe. “The gong has been sounded. Four will now be chosen to service the Protectors. Are there any volunteers?” Tari, jokingly, raised her hand. The woman nodded,

    “Very well, Dark Elf, you have the distinction of being the first of your kind to volunteer.” She gestured to one of the guards, who walked over and helped support me. “Are there any other volunteers?” Alice and Hjeki hastily stepped forwards. After, they led us inside.

    “Welcome to the Pillar of Rimmagahnn, I am Rose, Augur of the Living. I will be your guide for the next few days, if you have any questions about the Pillar, ask me. Please do not disturb any of the other Servants. If you have any issues, physical, mental, social or spiritual, please come speak to me.” The silver haired woman said this as we walked through the structure. “Who’s Rimmagahnn?” Tari asked, and I was about to repeat the question, when she answered. “I’m not surprised at your curiosity, Druchii. Rimmagahnn is the Master, we are his Servants and in exchange he protects the caverns.” We all looked at each other, perplexed both as to how she’d known what Tari had said, and why she was acting like I was the one who had asked. I spoke up, “Rimmagahnn is a Dragon name.” I declared, and again she nodded.

    “It is indeed, you are well informed, Daemon, the Master is a Dragon.” I opened my mouth to protest her calling me a Daemon, but no sound came out. She turned and opened a door, it was a medium room with a small hearth, a table with five chairs, and three doors. We walked in, but the guards did not follow, forcing Tari to support me again. “These are your rooms, I will be in this room here if you need to find me. Please attempt to refrain from wandering, the other Servants don’t need you tempting them with your presence.”
    “In what way would we be tempting them?” Tari purred lasciviously,
    “Most of the Servants are Vampires, you would tempt them with your life, Druchii.” Alice stopped, dumbfounded, and I felt myself blanche. Tari’s eyes glinted, “Why do you call me Druchii, and Iyskyth Daemon, when it’s the other way around?” The question almost seemed insignificant in the face of being surrounded by a cult of Vampires.

    “In the face of recent events, Iyskyth has become no more of a Druchii than I. It is unnatural, and until I have a more fitting name to call it, I will refer to it as a Daemon.” I felt like I had been punched in the stomach, the words from my dream running through my head. “The Daemon must not be trusted, it desires only destruction” Tari looked at me in shock, and I felt my knees beginning to give way. “That’s ridiculous, Iyskyth is Druchii, and I am a Daemon. I’m possessing him, and he hasn’t changed too much. You’re just trying to mess with him.” She started to carry me towards one of the other rooms, “Bitch.” She said over her shoulder. The room was dark, but Tari navigated it with relative ease, and lay me on a bed. She gestured and an orb of light appeared above us. She leaned over me, “Iyskyth, you are no more a Daemon than Alice or Hjeki, she’s trying to mess with your head.”
    “How do you know? You’re in my head, not hers.” I mumbled, and Tari looked worried.
    “A Daemon wouldn’t have this sort of reaction to being called one, and you don’t desire destruction.” My eyes focused on her face, “Do you?” The question shocked her, and she glared at the door, probably calling the Augur every foul word she knew. “Iyskyth, you know enough about Daemons to realise she’s wrong. You are Druchii.” I smiled weakly at her, “Go to sleep Iyskyth, It’s been a long day for you.” I took her advice and sunk into a deep, dreamless sleep.


    Tari walked through the door, glaring at the Augur, who sat unperturbed by her ire. “So, the Daemon sleeps.” She declared, and Tari bristled with anger. “He’s not a Daemon.” Tari said, steel in her voice, and I smiled encouragingly at her, glad she was standing up for Iyskyth. “Druchii, you do not need to argue so, I’m just stating facts, you are more Druchii than it is, for example, you opened the door, despite being able to walk through it, you are becoming more like a physical being.” Tari glared at her use of ‘it’ when referring to Iyskyth.

    “I opened the door because I’m carrying something physical.” The Augur smiled,
    “Really? Prove it.” Tari nodded, then threw a cup of oil in the Augur’s face. “What-?!” The Augur exclaimed, and Tari smiled. “I like your lamps.” She said, then waved her hand, “Burn, whore.” The oil combusted the instant she finished, and the room filled with the scent of burning flesh, cloth and hair. The Augur screeched as she beat at the flames, we sat there in horror. The guards burst into the room, and headed to help the Augur, a third one entered and looked at us, “What caused thi-” He was cut off when Tari ripped his head from his shoulders. She pulled his sword out of its scabbard, and ran the Augur through. The other two guards watched as the floating sword dropped, shocked. They quickly stood, pulling out their swords. One pointed at the door, and his companion nodded, turning to go sound the alarm. Tari smashed her hand through his kneecap, and he cried out in pain. I focused on the winds, and a sword composed of fire appeared in my hands, which I brought down on the other guard’s head. He didn’t have time to scream, but the other did when Tari crushed his face against the ground.


    By Khaine! What was going on out there? I swung my feet off of the bed, and started to stand, but sprawled on the floor when my injured leg gave way. “Aaagh…” I groaned, and pulled myself into a sitting position, fumbling for the lamp, after finding it, I proceeded to attempt to light it. “Dammit, why won’t it light? It worked fine while Tari was here.” I felt the magical drain of Tari’s presence begin to increase. Where was she going? I fumbled around for my sword. It was at the foot of the bed. I dragged myself there, and used it as a walking stick. Stumbling to the door, I pushed at the latch, but it seemed like it was locked. “Shit, shit, shit.” I mumbled, had the Vampires locked me in? Had they taken Hjeki and Alice, and locked me in here while Tari pursued? Or worse, had Tari lied about trusting me and locked me in here to protect the others? Or- I stopped that train of thought, there was no use wondering why I was locked in, but what was I going to do.

    I took a deep breath, then got knocked flat as something smashed into the door from the other side. It kept hammering, and I could hear the door beginning to splinter. Tari was really far away now… I could feel the drain physically, I pulled my sword from it’s scabbard, and the door collapsed. A male Human- probably a Vampire- stood in the doorway. “There you arrrre, you filthy Druchiiiii, you’re going to pay for thissss!” He hissed, I feebly lifted my sword, clinging on to consciousness, “Pay for what?” I asked. The Vampire growled, and grabbed the blade out of my hand, snapping it easily, “ ‘Pay for what?’!! You can’t fool me, scum, you kill the Augur, and three guards, then try to play stupid! Where did you get the Demigod? Answerrr meeee!” What was this thing talking about? Killing the Augur? A demigod? Did he mean Tari or…? The vampire picked me off of the ground, and threw me out of the door. I rolled to absorb the impact, but my left leg wouldn’t tuck in properly due to the arrow wound, so I sprawled onto the ground. I looked up to figure out where I was, and found myself face to face with a charred skull, silver hair burnt short, and blue robes blackened, but definitely the remains of the Augur, burnt body twisted in a visage of indescribable pain cut off by the sword still impaling it. All I could smell was burnt flesh and hair, I felt my gorge rising, and tasted bile, “Oh god…” I retched, and the Vampire lifted me from the ground, slamming me against the wall.
    He opened his mouth wide, fangs exposed. In a moment of panic inspired genius, I forced my left forearm into the Vampire’s gaping jaw. Burning pain as he bit into my arm, but it screamed, pulling it’s face away from my arm, teeth smoldering, flesh melting away from the jawbones. The underside of the chin gave way, pouring gore down his front, and the acid began to eat through his torso, and it kept screaming, in an insane rage it grabbed me, and I bit my tongue, spitting blood in it’s eyes. I supported myself against it, and rubbed my bleeding arm against it’s neck, and the blood melted into it’s throat and voice box. It’s screeching became a gurgling wheeze as it died, while I leaned on the wall, retching, the smell of gore, organs and melting flesh filled the air, overpowering the smell of burning. I grabbed a dagger, and heated it in the hearth, when it was too hot to hold in the fire any longer, I applied it to the bite, cauterizing the wound. I kept having to spit blood from my mouth, I couldn’t cauterize my tongue. Someone started clapping slowly behind me. “Bravo! That’s what I call using your head! I haven’t seen Black Blood that potent since Mordheim, and that was… what three hundred years ago now?” I turned to see another Vampire in the door, I knew that if he decided to attack me, I was doomed. “Ge’ i’ ova’ wif, I can’ s’op yoo.” My words were slurred from my injured tongue. The Vampire looked confused, then realisation dawned on his face,
    “Oh, that’s what you mean. No, I’m not going to kill you. I came here to exterminate this group, your friends have made my job that much easier. It would be a poor way to repay you, and after killing a Vampire Lord like that, you deserve to live.” I shuddered,

    “Wha’ are yoo goin’ to do vhen?” I asked, the Vampire took a moment to decipher my slur, then smiled. “I’m going to take you to your friends and give them a lecture on how little trouble Vampires have with locked doors, then ask for your help killing Rimmagahnn.” Kill a Dragon? We had trouble killing a few dozen Dreadspears! Is this Vampire sane? He lifted me from the ground, and carried me out of the room. There were dead Vampires strewn around the hallway.
    “Holy shit! What a happened to you?” I realised how horrid I must look, I had a burn covering my arm, bruises starting to turn purple, and dried blood running from my mouth to my chin. “ ‘Ampire” I said, grimacing. “ ‘Hoo attack’d firth’t?” I asked, and Alice looked back at Tari, who looked sheepish.

    “What are you looking at?” The Vampire asked. Tari looked at me, and I nodded. He blinked, but was unfazed. “Right, piece of advice, Vampire Lords aren’t particularly bothered by locked doors.” Alice went pale as she looked at my burned arm, registering the dozens of little punctures on my arm. “Now, I would like you lot to help me kill Rimmagahnn.” Tari gasped, and Alice translated our conversation for Hjeki, who was looking increasingly lost. “Why do you want to kill the Dragon? And why would you want our help?” Alice asked. The Vampire smiled,
    “You made short work of the Vampires, I’d like your help fighting Rimmagahnn.” He handed me to Tari, who looked apologetic, He said he was here to kill the Vampires, why did he want to kill the Dragon? “Are we just going to ignore that Alice has grown antlers?” Tari asked. Alice’s hands flew to the top of her head, and we all looked, but there was nothing there. We all turned to glare at her, “Not funny, Tari, you had me worried there.” Alice growled
    Tari looked confused, “Can none of you see them?” We all kept glowering at her.
    "So, are you going to help me kill him?” The Vampire asked.
    “Yoo thaid tha’ yoo were ‘ere ta kill the ‘Ampires, why do yoo wanna kill the Jagon?” I asked. The Vampire looked at me intently,
    “Rimmagahnn is a Vampire, and that is why I am here. He is an abomination even by my standards, he cannot continue to exist.” We all grew several shades paler.

    “What the hell could we do against a Dragon which is also a Vampire?” Alice demanded.
    “Hopefully the same thing you did to the other Vampires, so, are you in?” He said it so matter-of-factly that it was shocking. Hjeki said something. “He says that he’ll join.”Alice translated, “I guess that we have to stick together. I’ll join.” Tari looked down at me, and I nodded.
    “I’ll go too.” She said, the Vampire smiled and started to say something, “However, you must guarantee Iyskyth’s safety.” I looked up at her,
    “ ‘Ey, why don’ I ge’ a say?” I demanded. She glared down at me.
    “Look at yourself, Iyskyth, you can’t walk, you can barely talk, what would you do against a Vampire Dragon?” The Vampire spoke up, “He could fire this.” He held a long funnel with a handle and trigger mechanism on one end up, Tari snorted derisively, “A blackpowder weapon? You’re joking right? He’s an Elf, those things are far too loud for them.” A blackpowder weapon? Like a Dwarven Handgun? I’d seen one on display at a party and had always wanted to know how it worked. “Alice could cast Serpent Sight on him.” Tari glared, and Alice shrugged.
    “I’ll do i’, cas’ the thpell.” The Vampire smiled and handed the weapon to me.

    The doors to the Dragon’s chambers opened wide, and the Vampire, Thenwyn, he’d said his name was, gave the signal. “Rimmagahnn! Hear my voice and tremble, cowardly Wyrm! I claim this as my own, your Servants have joined me, you are alone! Face me, meet your doom!” His voice echoed through the halls. Alice cast Serpent Sight on me, then headed off to her place. The Dragon’s head poked out of the doorway, it was huge! It seemed to be saying something as it crept into the hall, but I couldn’t hear it. Tari threw at table at it’s head, my queue.

    The weapon roared, loud even through the deafening effect of the spell, and a small puncture appeared on the side of it’s snout. It span to face me, drawing in a massive lungful of air, when Hjeki’s axe bit deep into it’s right thigh. I quickly reloaded, as Alice rained splinters into it’s left eye. I heard the Dragon roar in agony as the eye burst and the fluid oozed out, turning red with blood. I could smell the Dragon’s breath, the thick, metallic odour of blood tainting the air around it. I aimed again, but as the Dragon’s head thrashed the bullet missed its mark, skimming off of the dragon’s scales. Thenwyn drove his spear into Rimmagahnn’s left knee. Tari started charging, but the Dragon managed to retaliate, drawing in a lungful of air, I closed my eyes, preparing for the flames, reloading despite the knowledge that I wouldn’t get another shot..

    There was no heat, I opened one eye, and was surrounded by a red mist, and saw my tunic and breeches fraying. Acid breath. The gas dissipated, and the Dragon blinked in confusion. I raised the gun, aiming for the the mark I had missed with my second shot. The barrel fractured with the force due to wear from the acid, but the bullet flew into it’s remaining eye, blowing the slimy fluid everywhere, spraying the area near the right side of the dragon’s head with goo and blood. A large gobbet slammed into my chest, and Rimmagahnn’s screech was easily audible despite Serpent Sight. It was cut off when Tari drove a sword into it’s brain.

    We all heaved a sigh of relief, and they gathered around me, laughing as I attempted to wipe the slime off of my tunic, the stench of it was unbelievable. Alice dismissed the spell, and Tari was the first to speak, “So, Thenwyn, you wouldn’t happen to be heading south, would you?” He smiled.
    “I am now.” His eyes glinted as he hauled me upright.
    “Hopefully the snow is gone by now.” Alice remarked, and we left, sneaking past the Havenites.


    Iyskyth Meril-Ereg (EE-SK-ITH MER-ILL-ER-REG)- A young Druchii, Heir to the House of Meril-Ereg. 6’2” tall, 74 kg.

    Alice Iasan (AL-ISS EE-ARS-AN)- A young minor wizard, she hails from the Empire and has befriended Iyskyth. 5’1” tall, 62 kg.

    Hjeki (Hee-eki)- A large Norskan, he is extremely strong and tough, despite his rather young age, and has befriended Iyskyth. His father is Hrimki, a once great Warlord. 6’11” tall, 102 kg.

    Tari (Tar-ee)- A Daemon who maintains her connection to this world by a link to Iyskyth’s being. Invisible to normal mortals unless Iyskyth let’s them see her. In current form: 5’9” tall, 71 kg.

    Thenwyn (THEN-WIN)- A Vampire who is at least three hundred and twenty years old, he is still very human, despite the thirst. He is accompanying Iyskyth, Alice, Hjeki and Tari south. 6’3” tall, 76 kg.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2016
    tom ndege and Bowser like this.
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I guess fighting a dragon underground is about the only way to keep it from destroying the party from above! Fun read, was really enjoying it when Itskyth finally figured out to use his blood as a weapon!
  3. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Holy WTM? Can't these guys have a normal day? Do you run ever run out of ideas?

    But beware the overpowered hero trap - it becomes harder to build and maintain tension when the goodies can't die.
  4. Kcibrihp-Esurc

    Kcibrihp-Esurc Well-Known Member

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    Okay, my comment now, most wil be useless, but some might be okay

    Mordheim again. If you aren't careful, I'll think you're obsessed

    I think it's more that she's jealous that she get's to spend more time with you, and that you instantly thought 'Let's ask Alice!'

    That's what was said in Fake Sorcery!

    I rest my case.

    He has a fair point.

    She's always in your head man. You cannot escape.

    Hahahaha, he just doesn't want her to be happy, does he?

    As I said, she's always in your head. And drinking solves nothing. Believe me.

    Famous last words

    Shadow Warriors warband spells

    That's cool. And I'm sure Tari wouldn't mind. Hehe

    Ouch, that's Shadow Eles for you. And symbiotic-magic-powered-possession-things for you as well.

    World order coming to an end is right. Also I think the old ways have already given up on him.

    Hahaha, "Ambiguous rubbish, it could mean anything! I can do it too; The light grows dark, but lo, here comes dawn!"

    Jeez, what makes you think it's Tari? She's not the only daemon!

    Have you been reading the Protector of the Small again? I should reread them, they're good books.

    This reminds me of Neverwinter Nights, Hordes of the Underdark. Also I already don't like this guy.

    You did indeed jinx it. Never notice things like that, or it will stop working. Like Z gear.

    Ouch, gongs aren't soft man.

    Oh dear, she's either going to join them, or die horribly.

    Best masquerade ever. I guess the plan is that they die shortly after, so it does work to some degree.

    Ouch, I felt that. I get a feeling that she isn't gong to join them after this.

    Truly terrifying, I think the Augur is going to cower under the table in the face of Tari's verbal assault.

    She has a point.

    Aah! Talk about painful, I think Tari just felt something die inside after that amour piercing question.

    It's coming, the Augur is going to die. Plus Tari and Alice will reconcile.

    Don't ask what it is.
    Don't ask what it is.
    Don't ask what it is.

    She did even worse than ask what it is.

    Aah! I know I said painful death but that's a bad way to go. Plus I think you shouldn't be given any lighters or matches.

    Epic combat, painful death

    Good question. You don'twant to see the answer.

    Seemed like it was locked? Is there a possibility it wasn't?

    Worrying isn't very productive, and he figured it out al by himself! So proud of him! Also, if they were taken by Vampires, what the hell would you do? You can't even walkall you seem to be is a very big punching bag.

    Demigod? Alsssssso ssssssteriotypical vampire issss sssstereotypical.

    Oh my god! You aren't allowed within a ten meter radius of me from now on, you sick, twisted creature! Freak! Clever though. Nice use of describing words, good, clear image *shudders*

    Cauterization, always hated the idea, always wanted to use it in my fluff, you beat me to it. Damn you.

    Well, you could, but then you couldn't beg the Vampire about to pounce on you to spare you, giving Tari time to rip it's throat out.

    Obsessed I tell you.

    I'm sure any average statlined elf would agree that meeting an angry Vampire lord tends to mess with your looks.

    Apparently. I think I just gained plot insight.

    Obviiusly they can't

    What would these four do against a Dragon Vampire? Both tend to be quite powerful.

    I think she has been reading my mind.

    That was quick, although they don't really have a choice.

    She has a point, what would you do?

    Taunt the scary horrifyingly powerful monster, what could possibly go wrong?

    What would a Vampire Dragon breath? Don't Zombie Dragons breath noxious gas or somethifng?

    One, OUCH! That would have been painful. Two, epic fight, and quite a good plan. Pretty vivid imagery.
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  5. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Not sure what is more entertaining, the story or the stream of consciousnesurc.
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  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    When I was about K-E's age, okay a little younger, I read Call of the Wild for school. We got tested both on the basic comprehension and the themes. I wanted to make sure I could skim a chapter quickly to recover the pertinent details before our quizzes. I had some highlighters. I found Jack Lond very impressive.

    I was over half through the book when I realized I had highlighted almost half of the text. I only realized I gone too far when I had highlighters run out of fluid.

    K-E's enthusiasm and desire to quote. Every. Single. Line. Reminds. Me. Of. This.
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  7. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Gosh, you are right. That is annoying.

    I will ask him to quote the whole piece and put the pertinent bits in ALL CAPS next time.

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  8. RoseThorn

    RoseThorn Active Member

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    I'll try to keep @Kcibrihp-Esurc s desire to be thorough in check, hopefully it won't happen again :lurking:
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