Hello there! Recently got into Warhammer painting again after a great long break, made a post about it which you can find here! So wont really get into much backstory but rather straight into the meat of it so to speak. At the moment I'm kickstarting my return to the hobby trying to come up with some color schemes for our lizard pals that I might enjoy. Here are some exampels: Also working on a somewhat different cold one, I only got the base coat down so far but think it's gonna be a fun paint scheme! (rider which I'm in the process of removal of its paint): Just primed 5 Skinks as well! Two regular spear men with a shield, one bow darty kinda dude and a dual wielding one! The last one is my very first convert!! A Skink Champion (oldblood?) and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out! Did the body of an ordinary Skink Champion adding a pointed spear which I chipped of the tip on and added the blade of the original champion sword and also some other Skink clutter. I think the shield is an old Tempel Guard Shield (please correct me if I'm wrong) and a Saurus shoulder slapped on! On the base there is a broken Skink Shield and the original tip of the spear! (planning to make the base a redish gold with tons of overgrowth) There's some other fun and exciting stuff on the horizon! Got Kroq-Gar and his Carnosaur waiting to have their paint dissolved and then beside that we have a beautiful Chakax that's just waiting to get painted!
@tom ndege Don't mind at all! Share the love <3 @Jorgik gonna see how the paint job turns out, have a few ideas but so far I'm really happy with it!
Loving it all, I'm 1/2 through Kroak and gamesday slann, just got 8 cold one cav to do then my Seraphon is finished, then I can start doing nice little one off conversions etc. Bit like you that's what I love about the hobby but in the side lines I have a giant, 3 river trolls, 100 goblins, 50ish orcs and just started a Death Army and still got loads of terrain etc to finish. your saurus look great I would mix the blue and red scheme and save the white for saurus guard and maybe do your Heros a combination of all 3.
@Old One Didums Yeah, I think that the shoulderpad and the bigger shield really adds some meat to it! Never been a huge fan of Skinks but after viewing this forum I've totally come around on that! @Crowsfoot Haha I'm quite happy that I don't have that much to catch up with! At the moment I have 2 Oldbloods on Carnosauruses, a Chakax, 10 cold one rider, ~20 Saurus Warriors and 24 Skinks that needs some love. Havn't found 90% of my old collection though so still waiting for a good couple of more Saurus Warriors and some Temple Guards to pop up You caught me actually, I'm intending on mixing red / blue and white on the Skink champion! Are you psychic??
Me too but it is for the good of this community that we should embrace the dark side and together rule Azyr..........
Back again! Had to disappear for a while since my long distance girlfriend came to visit me! Have experimented with some Skinks the last few as I've never really painted any before (didn't like them as a kid so I never got myself any). After some accidents and other mishaps I came up with 1 or 2 ideas! This is the first one I tried as I've always viewed skinks as juvenile Saurus warriors so I though about just doing a somewhat regular paintscheme but with some toned down colors. It didn't really turn out that good and I quickly became tired with it so it got REALLY rushed and sloppy halfway through! My dual wielding Skink that I assembled got a purple and green pain scheme that I more or less stole from someone else, not sure whom though (maybe someone from this forum?). And sadly as I was finishing it up a small (not really) accident happened.. I dropped it on the floor and it lost it's Skink chief arm that I had attached to it. After 2.5 hours of search I gave up and declared it dead. Shame. I'm probably gonna finish it and put on another arm (maybe the same again, not sure) but not now. Now THIS one I think turned out really good. It was the paint scheme that I was intending on doing for my converted Skink Chief but I wanted to try it out on a... less significant piece first so that I could see how it looked. Before I painted this one I had basically changed my mind and was gonna do an albino / bone scale paint scheme as I'm intending on doing on my other Elites, but painting this one really made me do a 180 and go back to my original idea. I think it turned out great! (Ignore the poor basing, really just rushed it and didn't care that much) Also working on an elite blowdart squad. It's gonna consist of 3 Skink blowdarters and 1 Skink chief with a blowdart, not sure if I'm gonna do some nifty conversion for it though. Only Done the basecoat and drybrushed it slightly though but it is more or less the paint scheme I'm going for. Sorry for the flood of images but I suggest getting used to it if you're gonna peak in on this blog in the future! Constructive criticism is always appreciated, even if it's not constructive don't hesitate to word your opinions!
The Purple and green one is my favorite, but the red white and blue one is quite unique, and shows promise... maybe with the red and blue bits reversed ?
That is some very nice blending there! But I don't really understand the blue and red one. Why is it like that? Any fluff to explain it? Maybe if the change wasn´t so sudden; with gradient I think it would look great I really like the blue and white one, but if it takes too long, then better not. Great blending work!
@n810 I really like the purple one as well! Too bad that it lost it's arm (was really happy with the paint job on the weapon also ), I'll probably finish it and do some more similar to it in the future! Maybe even trying it on Saurus warriors! I'm in love with the red / blue scheme for now but I might try different things in the same spirit, had a ton of fun with it! @Jorgik Thank you! Never really layered when I painted 10+ years ago, prime>base coat>shade(maybe). It was really fulfilling and I can't wait to try bigger projects like the new Carnosaur / Troglodon or my old school Kroq-Gar! Not really a fluff person at heart but it's mostly inspired by really vibrant reptiles that use colors as a means of warning. That and I really like spontaneous mutations and oddities!
I like them all, I would paint the blue and white ones white at the tail working to blue at the head, deploy them in the rear then paint some blue at the tail working to red at the head deploy in the middle then paint some red at the tail working to white at the head deployed first rank. Love them all your green ones will look stunning with very bright contrasting crests.