So I got my Throgg after a long time of waiting and painted him up then put up all my chaos forces. They are not all painted in the same scheme due to most of them are not being tied together for my D&D. Two models are not GW, Champion of Pestilence and Lord of Pestilence from Avatars of War. Got one converted Lord, only had a half body of bitz from a Chaos Lord, so made up the rest of his body with paper, making him look like a mini-nightbringer of some sorts. 12x Warriors of Chaos 16x Marauders 1x Throgg 1x Lord of Khorne 1x Archaon the Everchosen 1x Chaos Exalted Hero 1x Chaos Chariot 1x Gorebeast 3x Chaos Lords (Convert + AoW) 20x Bloodreavers 5x Chaos Knights
Figured I could take out the rest of my Warhammer guys. Some are more recent than others, for example the Beastmen, the Skaven and the Dryads are some I haven't touched in years to be fair. Just now I took them out and I have started to re-paint some of the Beastmen for the D&D. And the Goblin forces are also old but they I have had out more often and are seperated from my general Night Goblin/Black Orc army. 10x Stormcast Liberators 6x Stormcast Paladins (Got one unassembled) 2x Stormcast Lord-Celestant 1x Stormcast Lord-Relictor 10x Savage Orcs 12x Goblin Wolf Riders 15x Forest Goblins 10x Dryads 5x Fenrisian Wolves 22x Beastmen 1x Centigor 2x Rat Ogres 5x Skaven 1x Skaven Pack Master
Update for my army of Lizardmen, bought 2 boxes of Terradon riders and 2 bastiladons while I was in England. I tried to add some patterns on my Terradons but no matter how many I tried I wasnt pleased so sticked with pure blue for now, quite pleased with the color tbh and it stood out a bit from the brown/green I have on most land creatures. For the bastiladons I went convert on both, I thought I could use the solar crystals for when I will build my Temple for my Slann and the Ark of Sotek would be used as terrain/traps for my D&D. So one bastiladon turned into a big standard/banner with four skinks around in and the second one is a mobile "skull shrine" with three skinks around and one Skink chief standing on the platform filled with skulls. Was going with the fluff behind my army of them being more savage and having massive blood sacrifices for signs from their Slann. 40x Skinks 35x Saurus Warriors 7x Terradon Riders (1x Classic) 2x Bastiladons 2x Carnosaurs (Classic and current) 8x Cold Ones Riders 10x Temple Guards 3x Colossus Kroxigor (By @woogity ) 1x Saurian Thrall Mauler (By @Rikard ) 1x Stegadon 2x Skink Priests 1x Skink Chieftain 1x Skink Champion (Convert) 1x Ssylth (Convert) 1x Wild Cold One 1x "Therizinosaurus"/Great Beast (Convert) 1x Saurus Oldblood (On foot) 4x Familiars
Thanks guys and I think you should @Crowsfoot I ordered a fantasy football Lizardmen team last night which I will try to convert into my army. Got my team for 85 however since I didnt take part in their indiegogo but I like their models and it was the last one in stock. 1 kroxigor, 7 saurus and 7 skinks. The only annoying part is that they come in one so no bits to assemble so will be more cutting then adding rather than picking what I want. Especially their shoulder pads and the balls on some of them. Their Skinks are more muscular so I might turn them into Skink Braves. Depending on the size of that kroxigor I might just turn it into a Scar-Veteran.
They have arrived! They look very nice and well done, good size and quite comical which is nice for special units/groups. Gonna try remove the balls some minis are holding and put swords etc on them. The Saurus got two spines and tails, not the "normal" twin-tail we tend to see. Unsure how to explain that in any fluff. From a geek point of view I would say it's for speed so I might turn this Saurus group in to a hunting pack for my army. Meanwhile the skinks will become Skink Braves. The Krox is well done and all but doubt I need to change anything on him, might be an attachment to the hunting pack hmm.
My fantasy football lizards turned out very well to be fair. They were quiet easy to convert and fun to paint. While I was painting them I came up with small fluff about their rare spawn.. These saurus are more furious than the regular warriors, built to stand upright with great sight making them great sprinters as well as climbers. Due to them having armor that looks like shells I'm making it out to be bastiladon armor they have put on themselves. So made to take alot of damage but still put out alot of damage. My lizardmen's version of berserkers. Working on more terrain for my D&D and showcases. Lacking the paint for these big ones at the moment however haha. And I have won some more miniatures on auctions which I'm very pleased to add to my collections and to use on my table. I also built two pillars out of the Ark of Sotek into.. Pillars of Sotek haha. They will work as dangerous terrain or traps for my D&D. But as you can see here there are: 22x Orc Archers 4x Gnoblar Trappers 1x Archeon 1x Orc Shaman 1x Witch King 8x Undead Soldiers 1x Kayazy Assassin Underboss (Warmachine)
Not done an update in a while so here it is. Been working on my terrain and such mostly but still at it with auction hunting for minis. Won some Prosecutors some week ago and finished them off rather quickly. Very nice models to be fair, didn't expect them to take so much space tho with their wings. Nice addition to my Stormcasts, might end up with a proper army at some point as they go quite cheap on auctions here. These were two packs of Prosecutors and got them for 80 SEK each which is around.. 6-7 Pounds-ish. Very nice deal. And lastly I got a big pack of miniatures the other day which I won on an auction aswell. Very nice stuff and just what I needed to kill some time with right now. Plenty of Bretonnia units and Lizardmen (New and Classic). Also a High dragon which is just perfect for my D&D even tho I'm not huge fan of Warhammer's take on Dragons in general. Two classic giants, pain to clue since they are so heavy.. And a Hellhound which I have no use for but will be fun to fix and paint up for later. So far I have painted my archers and currently working on the knights.
Swedish auction site called Tradera. It's where I get most my stuff from and keep a close eye on 24/7 haha The stormcast starter package has been selling like butter there as people are selling units separately. Right now the Deathwatch package is pouring in, tempted to buy some of those just because but naa haha.
You are an amazing and prolific painter! I especially like the conversions you have done for the top of the bastilodons. Also a fan of the classic bretonnians! Maybe its just the pictures, but some of your armies do seem to have a generaly "red" theme about them, is that by design or am I just crazy?
Thank you! Yes, my main colors I go by are Red, Black and Silver. Mainly because it's the colors I had the most off when I started painting these then I was world building for my D&D when I came up with why it was like that and it stuck. I have gotten some other paints over time however, going with a green theme for my bretonnian knights for example.
Started to sort all the Lizardmen models I got in the latest package and I managed to glue few parts before it ran out. Bad timing.. But now I'm pre-painting as many as I can until I can buy some more glue. As for how many; 28 Classic warriors. 26 Skins with bows. 16 Modern warriors.
Here are my classic saurus warriors. wasn't a fan of the old weapons nor shields so gave them spears as well as modern shields which I had plenty of and it turned out great. Made them into a "phalanx" group which fit the models pose very well. Spartan lizards! My warriors turn out well also and gave them some spare temple guard shields to make them stand out from the massive amount of warriors I already have. Got some classic warriors parts to make one or two more I think and then the classic skins awaits.
Cool idea! I was actually thinking to do my spears saurus like those, and now I see it looks better than I thought!
Found these on a local webstore's "bargain corner" and got these for 140 SEK (11 pounds I think). Nice little catch in my book, no throne for the Slann but it's a Slann. Will see what I do with it but now I can update my army's fluff. Tzoa has awakened! The Skink priest is a nice addition aswell, didn't have that model before. The second picture is a Lizardmen Stalker from Dragonblood miniatures, might make it a notable character in my army / for my D&D. (Not my picture)