9th Age 2.4K new SA, no Slann experiment

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by airjamy, Mar 9, 2016.

  1. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    This is my attempt at a 2.4K list with a Skink High Priest. I think that going full Saurus Warrior is compulsory now, Skink Braves are just bad, unless you go Skrox, which i do not like either really. This leaves you with not enough points to take the good old block of TG, so i have found my Stubborn in the Skink High Priest's Palanquin. I have ofcourse taken liht magic to buff the many sauri in this list, and i think that fighting in an extra rank in a 6x5 formation is really strong, so i have taken that. I think this is such a massive downgrade from our old competetive lists that i do not really want to think about it, but well, this is what i came up with. What do you guys think? For completions sake i have added my 2K version as well, which i think is even worse then the 2.4K list. I really feel that the weakness lies in the fact that you must take all Saurus Warriors, because Skink warriors are so bad. This leaves you with not enough points for TG, so the Slann is bad as he woul have to stand in the front line of any unit, and he no longer gives them stubborn, which leads you to the Skink High Priest, which also has it's problem due to not being able to be a BSB, which leads to weird Duskstone and Banner of Discipline shenenigans. All the on foot chars go in the unit of 25 Sauri, ofcourse. Well, let me know what you think.


    Skink High Priest. lvl 4. Light. Skink Palanquin. Dispell Scroll. 270


    Saurian Veteran. Raptor. Luckstone. Gambler's Armour. GW. 155
    Saurian Veteran. BSB, Heavy Armour. Dragonhelm. HWS. Duskstone. Banner of Discipline 195


    25 Saurus Warriors. Fight in Extra Rank. Music. Banner. Champion. 280
    30 Saurus Warriors. Fight in Extra Rank. Music. Banner. Gleaming Pennant. 335


    15 Skink Hunters. Poisoned Javelins. 110
    14 Skink Hunters. Poisoned Javelins. 104
    14 Skink Hunters. Poisoned Javelins. 104
    14 Skink Hunters. Poisoned Javelins. 104
    5 Raptor Riders. Music. 150


    Stegadon. Sharpened Horns. 215
    Stegadon. Sharpened Horns. 215
    Salamander. Fire. 75
    Salamander. Fire. 75




    Skink High Priest. lvl 4. Light. Skink Palanquin. Dispell Scroll. 270


    Saurian Veteran. Raptor. Luckstone. Gambler's Armour. GW. 155
    Saurian Veteran. BSB, Heavy Armour. Dragonhelm. HWS. Duskstone. Banner of Discipline 195


    25 Saurus Warriors. Fight in Extra Rank. Music. Banner. Champion. 280
    25 Saurus Warriors. Fight in Extra Rank. Music. Banner. Gleaming Pennant. 275


    14 Skink Hunters. Poisoned Javelins. 104
    13 Skink Hunters. Poisoned Javelins. 98
    13 Skink Hunters. Poisoned Javelins. 98
    5 Raptor Riders. Music. 150


    Stegadon. Sharpened Horns. 215
    Salamander. Fire. 75
    Salamander. Fire. 75

  2. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    And only now i see that you do not get hatred from the Skink Palanquin anymore! Dammit, is everything that is good being nerfed right now? Ugh, well, still stubborn i guess, so still reasonable,, maybe? It is never worth it to give Skinks hatred, so this is another change i do not see the point of. It is really hard making a fun and creative list now, as other people have voiced, i hope that there will be big changes to the SA coming forward, first of which, poisonous skirmisher skinks in core!
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Our core seems more limited now than ever before. Skink hunters must be returned to core.
    airjamy likes this.
  4. protector
    Temple Guard

    protector Active Member

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    I really don't want to rain on your parade but you under priced your saurian warriors by quite a bit, they should be as follows:

    25 Saurus Warriors. Fight in Extra Rank. Music. Banner. Champion. 325 instead of 280
    starting 10 at 90pts + 10pts for fight in extra ranks + 30pts for full command + 195pts for 15 additional warriors with fight in extra ranks = 325pts
    30 Saurus Warriors. Fight in Extra Rank. Music. Banner. Gleaming Pennant (did you mean gleaming icon?). 395 instead of 335
    starting 10 at 90pts + 10pts for fight in extra ranks + 30pts for full command + 260pts for 20 additional warriors with fight in extra ranks + 5pts for Gleaming Icon standard = 395pts

    Sadly that means you need to take out 105pts from your list which will make it even weaker, so either you have smaller saurian warrior units or you lose 25% of your skink hunters.
  5. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Protector, you are i think completely right, i am still getting used to the new way units work. I wrote this quickly at college in a break, did not have time to check things trough. Will get it right. I meant the gleaming pennant, the 5 pts thing that lets you reroll your first failed ld test.

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