Blog Zenard's Jungle Meadow

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Zenard, Feb 25, 2016.

  1. Zenard
    Cold One

    Zenard Active Member

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    @Crowsfoot Oh that's such a good idea! Like a battalion of french Lizards :p I'm definitely gonna experiment with a fading color scheme some more, liked it alot!

    I was thinking something similar, working towards a yellowish green underbelly with clear green scales and a bright red crest or something! Maybe ad some darker tiger stripes over the back or something as well haha!
    Warden, Jorgik, Crowsfoot and 2 others like this.
  2. Zenard
    Cold One

    Zenard Active Member

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    Picked up some REALLY cheap GW miniatures at my regional equivalent of Ebay from the Age of Sigmar starter set and the Island of Blood set.

    It consisted of;
    3 Retributors
    3 Prosecutors
    1 Bloodstoker
    1 Khorgorath
    1 High Elf Griffon
    1 Skaven Warlord

    (Got em all for about £40, be jealous)

    Was not really into the Age of Sigmar box that much but for that price I couldn't say no. But when the models showed up I became more and more excited with my purchase and started to paint my least favorite of the 3 Retributors and I think it turned out pretty okay!

    Hate the (basically) all gold paint job so I tried out something different, got some practice for a Chaos Lord that I'm gonna paint in the near future as well!




    Couldn't really make out the loincloth (that even the right word?) but I'm probably gonna use the exact same colors for a cape or a cloak in the future, turned out pretty nicely.


    All in all a pretty fun project!


    Here's a link the my imgur album for more angles!
  3. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Looks great, could you try edge highlights on the helmet?

    I think top of the eye socket and the ends of the lightning strikes would look great with an orangey highlight.
    Bowser and Zenard like this.
  4. Zenard
    Cold One

    Zenard Active Member

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    @Crowsfoot Started working my red a bit towards orange for some of the highlights but I maybe should've gone the whole way haha, like the blood red look though! But yeah, got two Retributors left so we'll see if I can figure out how I want it!
    Bowser and Crowsfoot like this.
  5. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    He looks great and don't change what you have done just take Troll slayer orange and add an edge, I think it would just give him more "pop"
    Warden, Zenard and Bowser like this.
  6. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Looks fantastic with that red! Very cool colour scheme.
    Warden and Crowsfoot like this.
  7. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Nicely done, love the glowing effects, :artist:
    and yea that is the right word. :cigar:
  8. Zenard
    Cold One

    Zenard Active Member

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    Gonna try some edge work with my Blazing Orange, thanks for the tip <3

    @Bowser I mainly did it as practice with red armor but yeah, liked how it turned out!

    @n810 Thanks man! Got really sloppy on the back of the hammer but think the front and edges turned out pretty decently!
    Hehe good to hear, English is hard :oops:
    Bowser likes this.
  9. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    English is hard even if you are English! :bookworm:
    n810 and Zenard like this.
  10. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Beautifully painted miniatures! I really liked this one... when I saw him I immediately thought: ICE POP!

    ice pop.jpg
  11. Zenard
    Cold One

    Zenard Active Member

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    @Warden Haha thanks mate, glad you liked them! Gonna see if I will be able to finish another during the weekend! ;)

    Btw, just checked out your scenery thread, inspirational work mate! Looks really solid!
    Warden likes this.
  12. Zenard
    Cold One

    Zenard Active Member

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    Hello friends, actually have some lizards for you today! Finished up 3 Skinks that I had started on a while ago and I'm pretty happy with how all of them turned out! :)

    No heavy fluff for either of them but I will try to explain my thought process behind the paint jobs!

    Here is the trio! I will spew images over you all so be prepared!


    The one that I touched the least since last update on it! It served as my test subject for this odd color scheme. Didn't have any direct inspiration for these colors but it's basically brightly colored reptilians! I like the thought of a less than desirable trait being passed down generations from sheer grit and fighting for survival, like the black / albino leader of the pack trope more or less. So I see these as somewhat of an elite force of misfits. Not really suited for guerrilla warfare in the jungle, more of a frontal assault squad of the battlefield.


    Even though this was sort of a guinnea pig and sloppily (more than I'd like at the very least) painted I really like the simplicity and how the colors tie together with the orange tipped feather and shield!


    Now this one. Stole the clear purple / green scheme from @Nexi , I think that it works really well together and looks incredible. The piece is somewhat converted to be dual wielding small spike swords but nothing major! When I was done I thought that I should add my own touch and not just entirely steal Nexi's color scheme so I added some complimentary colors with the touched of orange, and then went a bit wild with the violet war paint! It sort of makes me think of a Skink berserker, I like it!



    As I mentioned in an earlier post, I dropped the model on the floor and lost it's original Skink chief sword arm that it had. Searched two and a half hour for that thing since I liked how the paint job turned out on it and I have plans for the remaining chief arms. Like fucking 25 minutes after finishing the model I found the fucking arm again... I like the new converted one though so wont reattach it though. Imma save ít for a future project.


    Now this one I was excited to paint! My first ever converted model, a REAL Skink Chief! ;) Mainly went for the same paint job as the other one I did but after some comments from you guys I decided to make the blue and red scales work their way into purple in the middle so that it would get somewhat of a greater transitional effect! Didn't show up so good on the photos but I like it.


    Some pretty subtle painted areas of the models include the sword that's working it's way from black to blue, I imagine it as the outer layer of the rock (mineral?) getting worn down on the used parts so that it's blue interior starts to show! I changed the (originally) dart belt on the polearm so that it would instead of darts be replacement teeth for the sword back or tiny spikes / daggers for combat, they're straight instead of curved so requires some suspension of disbelief though! Speaking of subtle paints I make the dart belt itself green to add some variation in the colos of the model!


    Here you can see the transitional paint from the tail to the crest! As I said earlier it didn't really show that well on camera but yeah! :p Also the base is showing the most in this picture so I guess I'll talk a bit about it, I was going for something akin to red temple rock from South America or maybe some mud on a riverbank (thought the color scheme was pretty suitable so I rolled with it on all three models!). There is a cracked regular Skink shield and a broken spear on the base, wanted to toss in some clutter to add to the grandeur of the model haha! There's also a separate spear tip sticking out behind his left foot, gonna add some foliage around that bit but can't yet since I've got some moss / bushes from Gale nine coming shortly, will finish of the base then!


    I know some of you thought that the vibrant red / blue scheme was a bit jarring but I REALLY liked how it turned out! So happy that I got back into painting again. :oops: (also, I suggested that this might be an old temple guard shield but I was wrong, it is from the old Kroq-Gar kit with his carnosaur!)


    Sorry for the wall of text and assault of images, bit thanks to all the cool people on this forum! <3
  13. Bracnos

    Bracnos Well-Known Member

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    wow your chief looks awesome nice work :)
    Zenard likes this.
  14. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    These guys look incredible! So many tiny details the more you look the more you catch! Great job on them!
    Zenard likes this.
  15. Zenard
    Cold One

    Zenard Active Member

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    @Bracnos Thanks man, appreciate it!

    @Bowser Never actually played the game, so I've never painted my models with really high contrast to look crisp on a board or in a unit! I'm always painting them so that I can pick em up and study them real close! The more details the better ;)
    Warden, Bracnos and Bowser like this.
  16. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    1st rule when I paint, if I like it it stays and looks like you have the same formula.

    Some great work on the skinks and that extra arm!
    tom ndege, Zenard and Bowser like this.
  17. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I really enjoy how your chief came out! I may use the polearm idea if I ever update my unit skink chiefs. I also like how you have painted his shield, and this one I realized I like how you did your bases too. I like the idea of using a broken shield, and love the way you have it painted. Well done!

    As I write this I realize that someday I need to base all of my lizards... :shifty:

    Thanks for the inspiration! :)
    Zenard, Crowsfoot and Bowser like this.
  18. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Looks real cool! I like it a lot more now that the color change´s not sudden; that purple really helps. The conversion is also stunning. Do you mind if I copy get inspired from it?
    Seriously, everything about it is great.
    Keep up like this! :)
    Warden, Bowser and Zenard like this.
  19. Zenard
    Cold One

    Zenard Active Member

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    @Crowsfoot It's sort of like what I do with my body, people will see it and might have opinions but in the end of the day it's me who have to live with it! :p

    Happy that I could redeem (for myself) the purple Skink, thought that I was done with that one for sure when it broke haha.

    @Warden Thanks mate! I realize that I have no authority in actually speaking on the matter but basing really doesn't need to be hard or particularly fancy, you can make it look really nice with few tools! Especially if you convert your miniatures, you'll have lots of chopped up bits to use! But just take something and break it down! :mad:

    Hoping to see some basing from you in the future! ;)

    @Jorgik The purple really added to that transitional effect and made it seem all the more natural! I really don't mind if you cop.. y... uhh... draw inspiration* from my works, that just makes me really happy that I inspired someone! But you gotta post it so that I can see how it turned out mate! ;)
    Warden, Bowser and Jorgik like this.
  20. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Man that skink Chief is amazing. :D
    and I love the purple one too, love the little touches,
    like the war paint and the redish bits in the corner of his mouth.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2016
    Bowser and Zenard like this.

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