On the topic of D&D

Discussion in 'Pen and Paper RPG' started by Thebestlazyguy, Jul 12, 2009.

  1. Thebestlazyguy

    Thebestlazyguy New Member

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    could someone please explain the basic concept of the game? ive wondered how to play for quite some time, and it seems very interesting.
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  2. giant stegadon

    giant stegadon New Member

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    Okay, I'm going to try to keep this short & not ramble. You "roll up" a character. Which means you pick your characters race, class (cleric, warrior, rouge, etc), and numbers. The numbers mean some base number for your strength, wisdom, charisma, etc. You basically join a party of other people, and go on some adventure. Mostly this means killing your way through to achieve the goal.

    When you fight something you will roll a 20 sided dice (d20) and add that you your attack number. If both of those add up to higher than the monsters armor (AC). Then you get to roll damage if you hit them.

    I've started in D&D edition 2.0, then I have played some in 3.5. The current edition is 4.0 (which was kinda controversial but now I want to play it).

    I know this is probably a bad description, if i can help further let me know. It can be a really fun game if you have the right group.
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  3. Thebestlazyguy

    Thebestlazyguy New Member

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    yeah no it helped alot. D&D sounds interesting, and id probably give it a try, its just my friends arent... in to that kind of stuff. i kinda stick out from my group because im the only one into fantasy. so needless to say i could never get a group to play this. thanks for your input anyways, im surprised you found this post, its like over a month old
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  4. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    It is a lot more roleplaying than warhammer, to compare the two. If you are interested there are several PC games that are based on D&D rules and can be made to show all the dice rolls and such, plus the world is created for you and you just run through and effect how the story unfolds. Games such as Neverwinter Nights, Knights of the Old Republic and my favourite, the Baldur's Gate series. There are probably newer ones but I'm still getting enjoyment out of BG. :)
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  5. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    The Bauldur's Gate series was great! I really enjoyed those games, and probably still have them somewhere. I've never been able to play D&D with a group even thought I know a lot of people who do. They're 'purists' who prefer AD&D instead of the newer games.
  6. giant stegadon

    giant stegadon New Member

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    Yeah, there's the definite possibility for waaaaay more RP. I've talked with a few friends that have played D&D & WHF. They really are like ying & yang. D&D you have the rules, but ultimately the DM (or GM) has the final say. But you can totally make up however much or not personality about your character.

    WHF on the other hand has a definite set of rules, but both players have equal say in how things are resolved. There's fluff to WHF, but I feel like the fluff for the armies is more of an after thought.

    To sum up D&D, think back to when you were a kid (at least I did this): you are playing with dinosaurs & GI Joes and saying "my guy kicks your guy" or "pretend this box is a castle." In the same way for D&D all the adventure is narrated, and with the exception of having mini's on the table, totally imagined. WHF on the other hand is all visual.

    When D&D is fun, it can be super fun. But if its bad (for a long, long list of reasons) its absolutely terrible. So thats another important difference, D&D heavily relies on the people playing it, where I think WHF is more about strategy.
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  7. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    LOVE THIS GAME!!! :walkingdead: :walkingdead: :walkingdead:
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  8. Thebestlazyguy

    Thebestlazyguy New Member

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    Strewart, you mentioned a couple of rp games, one being Kights of the Old Republic and the other being Baldur's Gate.

    Ive played KotOR but unfortunately my dislike of the Star Wars saga led to me abandoning the game as well as the confusing plot and quests you were sent on.

    as for the Balder's gate, i looked up some screenshots (the look of a game is just as important as how the game plays to me) and it seemed interesting, but i cant figure out if it is a game which you have to download, or if you need a cd-rom. could you please clarify this for me?

    *edit* ive found a game that is coming out for xbox 360 that looks absolutely amazing. it is called Dragon Age: Origins. Its made by EA games and the makers of the other rp games strewart mentioned (who for all i know are probably also EA games) and is coming out in November 2009. its also going to be for the playstation 3 and the computer. it looks to be great so i suggest you check it out!
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  9. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Any game can be downloaded... It is a cd/dvd game though, a bit old now but still fantastic storyline and gameplay.

    I recently dowloaded a modded version of Baldur's Gate that is the entire series from BG1 and Tales of the Sword Coast leading straight into BG2 then Throne of Bhaal all on the BG2 engine, it is absolutely fantastic. I am right near the end of BG1 having just killed Sarevok and wow, parts of that game are a lot harder than I remember. Against Sarevok I ended up with only 1 person still alive hastily running from him throwing magic missiles and setting off the traps before eventually getting him. So cool.
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  10. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    I made the mistake of starting in BG2 which really screwed me when I had to go back to BG1 and try to learn the interface. Where on earth did you get a copy of BG1 on the BG2 interface, if I may ask?
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  11. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    There are two mods that have done it, I'll give you the links:


    I'm pretty sure the second one is the one I have since my game smoothly went from Baldur's Gate as a quest down south where I was captured by Irenicus and BG2 started.

    There are hundreds of really really cool mods for both games, they really enhanse the game once you have played through it a few times without mods. They can add so many more characters, items, areas and quests as well as making the game a lot more challenging. Wow some of the fights are insane in mods.
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  12. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    Or alternately, ask Boo the Miniature Giant Space Hampster!!! (note: may only be understood by those familiar with the games)
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  13. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Minsc, talk to the pirate lord for a few minutes to get us into Spellhold.
    ..... Is he shoving a hampster in my face?!?
    Boo is a miniature giant space hampster!!

    Interestingly, Elminster believed it and seemed to know a bit more about it than I was able to get out of him.
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  14. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    lol thats them, In the later game there was a 2 handed sword that talked as well, so I had to give it to Minsc, just to have 3 personalities on the one character...

    Regarding DND I've played the most recent version as well as some 3.5 and the recent one to me is much more streamlined for gameplay purposes (no more "grappling" the Succubi!!!) and it really seems to have enhanced the leveling up system so theres no boring lvls (huzzah lvl up! what? I just get a stat point.... great...)
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  15. icecool208

    icecool208 New Member

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    I played DnD a few games B4 WH so i have alot of the books played awhile but abanded it after getting tired of playing with only two ppl. we ran 2 charcters each and then i was also DM so got trying because we where playng on my cousins coffe table.
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