Discussion X'ogro city of the sands and the gura'dai

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Xholankha the lost one, Mar 11, 2016.


would you like a conversion

Poll closed Mar 18, 2016.
  1. lizardmen conversion

    2 vote(s)
  2. skaven conversion

    1 vote(s)
  3. empire conversion

    0 vote(s)
  4. undead conversion

    0 vote(s)
  5. dwarf conversion

    1 vote(s)
  6. ork and goblin conversion

    3 vote(s)
  1. Xholankha the lost one
    Chameleon Skink

    Xholankha the lost one Well-Known Member

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    making the temple city of my army.
    going to include

    fluff(lots of it)
    artefacts and structures
    and me(as a character of the city, yes i have made a model representing myself)
    Bowser and Crowsfoot like this.
  2. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    I voted Orc and Goblin as I feel that would make an interesting conversion.
  3. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Just for clarification am I voting to have a conversion of myself to be a denizen in the city? Or did I miss the point?
  4. Xholankha the lost one
    Chameleon Skink

    Xholankha the lost one Well-Known Member

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    You can if you like, it's more of something fun to do, I could if you wanted me to do so make a version of you as a denizen in but the idea was a conversion of sorts
  5. Xholankha the lost one
    Chameleon Skink

    Xholankha the lost one Well-Known Member

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    You can if you like, it's more of something fun to do, I could, if you wanted me to do so, make a version of you as a denizen. but the idea was a conversion of sorts

    Reposted for the lack of grammar and mistakes
    Bowser likes this.
  6. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Oh no, just misunderstood it! Long day!
  7. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Curious to see what your fluff looks like, certainly have an interesting title!
    Bowser likes this.
  8. Xholankha the lost one
    Chameleon Skink

    Xholankha the lost one Well-Known Member

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    City of the eternal sands or as the imperial scholars of ancient history refer to it as the Great city of Um

    This forgotten temple city was the first built, Itzel the First city was one of a newer design and was infact the second to be created as this one has gone off the geometric power grid. This city is home to the lizardmen and their mythical allies the Gura'dai.

    The history of This place is kept in a building built by something older than the old ones, the fabled Library of Babel, within this mysterious building are books from the past and present and future, the pristine texts of imperial history, thought to have been lost or decayed, small poetry books by authors unheard of that have not published them yet, even the origins of the long lost beasts of old lie here untouched and unread.

    The sand-glass tower is another artefact of great power, its circular disc made from the finest sand and enchanted thrice times gives the occupants the ability to see things that might be thousands of leagues away with chilling detail. this is one of the many works of the Gur'dai, a race of highly intelligent and physically unmatched beings made by something known as the great clay one, of what little is known about it, it is said to have been a being of perfection, and the only living thing that was unassailable or untaintable by the warping nature of chaos, no one knows what happened to it except that it created one final device before it left, a great mechanism connected to a giant oven, that cooked the finest and strongest clay into beings of superior knowledge and strength. While the kin of this being are superior, they do not retain the abilities of their creator so well, they do not retain their creators ability to resist the warping influence of chaos but are still incorruptible, while they are fearsome to look at they are possibly the most harmless thing that love on the old world, they seem to work harmoniously with the Lizardmen of the city and are very useful, the need for kroxigors are minimal as these creatures are better in every aspect, they are even known to protect the spawning pools of the lizardmen as they are in turn helped by them to find the clay in order to make more of them.

    The lizardmen of the city are quite dissimilar to their tropical brethren, while they still retain gills their skin has taken on the aspect of the sand and stone they live on, and have developed a third eyelid for sand storms, a race of lizardmen that is unheard of in the jungles and south lands are sarx skinks, a breed of skinks that are not physically impressive, but instead have four arms and are very agile, therefore making the perfect scout. Another breed is the Xroxs, similar to the salamanders but instead of fire or spines they have a three part jaw and an extended stomach so they can swallow multiple creatures at once, this combined with a digestion rate of about 15 seconds makes them a deadly target to assail.

    The lizardmen treat the Gur'dai like spawn-brothers always allowing them into the most sacred parts of the city and helping them where possible, in turn they do the same, showing them how to make better weapons, interesting contraptions(such as sand globes, these balls are weapons of the sarx, once thrown they shatter on impact turning everything they touch into molten glass or depending on the enchantement a pile of sand)that the slann of lustria would deem too "modern" so to speak. The Gur'dai also help build and improve the city making wonders of architecture that would seem impossible.

    The slann of the city are some of the first spawning and are a sort of pale yellow with sandy patches on them, while many think the city disappeared long ago as they are not connected to the power grid are wrong, the city is connected but the lines are masked by devices around the city, protecting them from prowling eyes.

    Side note: the Gur'dai are like lumpy clay gingerbread men, they are golems, they do not require food or water and do not have stamina

    Another update soon
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2016
  9. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    This is incredible! Really enjoyable back story! Here, exciting new race. Looking forward to more!
  10. Xholankha the lost one
    Chameleon Skink

    Xholankha the lost one Well-Known Member

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    While there are many ancient constructs in the city some stand out more than the rest, the library of babel and the sand-glass tower are such buildings, but on the rare occasion that there are ever trespassers near the city, the sun's wrath is manned, this highly powerful weapon is of great importance to the lizardmen, those who particularly worship chotec. Once manned and ready, the evinces absorbs a few rays of the sun imbuing the device with unnatural heat, it then once pointed at its target, releases the pent up energy into the unfortunate victim, liquidising flesh and bone In an instant, however over the past few years the device is taking longer and longer to charge, the slann think it is to do with the gem inside the machine, they believe it to be warped and malformed from severe heat exposure and so they decreed that a new stone would be found in its place. The slann of course know why this is happening, this is normal for the device as no gem or geode can withstand the heat forever, and they have actually stockpiled these gems in case of emergency.

    The walking city is probably the most well guarded secret of X'ogro, only two of the city's slann know about it, and it is sealed and hidden away. In Arabian legend it is said that an ancient emperor and his adviser went to try and find this mythical place, it is then further said that once he found it, it had already began to move, striding across the desert via great sand legs. This for the most part is true, the legs are actually made of clay as the contraption was made by the Gur'dai as a means of transport and to escape a conflict rather than fight it, deep beneath the city is an enormous clay engine filled with cogs and gears that have been blessed with powerful enchantments and wards to help move the titanic legs.

    Allies and enemies.









    Other LM

    Desert elves


    Flying carpets: gives user the fly and always strike first rule.

    Hand of the great clay one.

    While not even the slann know what it does, this glove made of a flexible and very rare type of clay has the ability to do great things and work miracles.

    Roll a D6

    1. Blessing of ages

    The Gur'dai using this waves his hand over an allied unit and imbues it with the strength of the earth and the courage of a 1000 men.

    For this turn and the opponents turn all friendly within 18" gain + 4 strength and their leadership is increased to 10 and in addition may not suffer any penalties of any kind

    2. Sand storm of despair

    A holing sand storm tears across the field injuring all those caught in its path, and it also contains the screams and moans of all those ever to have perished in the desert.

    Use the small template and roll to scatter, once resolved, every unit it passed over must take a leadership test at -3, if failed then it takes 4D6 strength 4 hits( this does not affect tomb kings or undead or Gur'dai.)

    3. Thunderclap

    The user brings his hands together in a booming clap causing all in its path to spontaneously explode.

    All units on a 12" line take a strength 6 hit no armour saves or saves of any kind allowed.

    4. Raise the army!

    With a mighty shout the grounds rumble as the legendary terracotta legion marches up through the ground and marches towards the enemy

    Summon the Terracotta Army.(I'll make rules for them soon)

    5.pacifying gaze

    The Gur'dai gaze into the eyes and souls of the enemy and send them into a deep slumber.

    3 units may be put to sleep for a turn, which makes them unable to do anything but also makes them immune to any damage except magical attacks.

    6. The great clay one returns.

    (Rules coming soon )

    Sun spite sword:

    D 3 attacks and +1 strength and flaming attacks
    spawning of Bob, Warden and Bowser like this.
  11. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    So much awesome going on here! I really enjoy the specialized magic items!
  12. Xholankha the lost one
    Chameleon Skink

    Xholankha the lost one Well-Known Member

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    Do you have an suggestions
  13. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Well for terrain/scenery you have all these great descriptions of big weapons and terrain features.

    Sun's Wrath
    In it's weakened state this powerful weapon takes some time to fire.

    The first turn the Sun's Wrath is occupied it can not be fired on subsequent turns the controlling player may choose to fire it.
    Range 24"
    6 killing blow/heroic Killing blow/auto kill
    4-5 big hit. (AOS rules 3 mortal wounds)
    2-3 small hit (AOS rules 1 mortal wound)
    1 miss
    Just as an example.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2016
    Warden likes this.
  14. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Interesting concepts!

    I originally was thinking your city was going to be located near @Tlac'Natai the Observer's Poneextlan in northwest Lustria, but based on their "enemies" your city is actually in the northern Southlands! I like how you put the enemies and allies in here, and I have further follow up questions on each of these:

    Araby- do the Arabyans raid the Lizardmen city for artefacts and the LM have to keep fighting them out? And is there a chance the Arabyans have gotten aspects of their culture from this long-lost city?

    Dwarfs- why are they allies? Do they live nearby? How did the dwarfs know about X'ogro since it is so hidden?

    Desert elves- more about these guys! I am curious, are they like desert-wood elves? Maybe a race of fremen-like elven outcasts, who scour the desert in search of hidden spices (aka Dune)??

    Potential Enemies:
    Tomb Kings- what about these guys? I know they just got squatted...:( but we can still include them in the lore! They are not dead in the fluff yet.

    Well they are dead, but not forgotten!


    I liked the flying carpet idea! Its a whole new world for these Lizardmen. Like what @Blakksheep put together for his slann!

    Looking forward to more. :D
    spawning of Bob and Bowser like this.
  15. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Interestingly tomb kings is what I was thinking, as a potential ally to the Gur'dai. I thought of this after reading the item hand of the great clay one and it's raise the army function.
    Warden likes this.
  16. Xholankha the lost one
    Chameleon Skink

    Xholankha the lost one Well-Known Member

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    By dwarves I meant to say the kings and runesmiths, I'll get more onto them and the desert elves soon

    As for tomb kings, I have an army of them on my prized warhammer holding shelf, but I'll tie them in later

    As for the Arabians: yes they do conduct raids on the city, all of which have failed but the city is now forgotten by them, but for how long???
    Bowser and Warden like this.
  17. Xholankha the lost one
    Chameleon Skink

    Xholankha the lost one Well-Known Member

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    Alliance of scale and stone

    This alliance dates all the way back to when gods roamed the old world, a roving group of dwarves traversing the scorching southlands found the city and it's inhabitants, quickly being captured by the lizardmen, they were brought before the slann and the Gur'da, the Gur'dai instantly recognised these strangers as dwarves and requested their release, after their release the lizardmen apologised to them for such quick and harsh treatment(this is the first and last time a slann has ever apologised) and were treated as honorary guests, with a contract signed in blue and red blood sealed under clay, the high king and owners of karaks have held an extremely secret cartel with the city of X'ogro sending golden desert tobacco(the finest in the world that goes very well with a golden foaming pint of bugman's finest) and gold which is plentiful in the sun scorched deserts in exchange for gromril weapons and armour. It is said that once the deal was brokered the dwarves were sworn to secrecy by both their kings and the lizardmen and Gur'dai. If the deeply guarded secret got out then there would be a terrible war of epic proportions.

    The golden alliance

    This alliance is set in gold and baptised in blood, the desert elves are dark skinned in appearance and dressed in splinter cloaks armed with great sand bows, their home is a well concealed citadel in the cloaked basin of one of the mountains. Where they came from is known to but a few, while some speculate that these legends of elven warriors striding across the sands is a myth, but they are very very real. They were actually a third race of elves, not so much in touch with nature or in contact with high magic, they have mastered magics to control the sands and the beasts under and beneath them, they farm a wide range of exotic and rare plants, normally turning them into anything ranging from smoking leaves to fine wines to rival the high elves, even so far as making powerful hallucinogenic drugs to be traded on black markets, maybe to enhance sorcerers abilities or even selling it to kabals and cults for their own practices, but they do not affiliate themselves with chaos and will scour any that may find, during the great catastrophe they panicked that their sandy haven would be discovered and brought crashing down, looking for allies they found the hidden city through powerful spells lifting the spell from their eyes, they made an alliance. So when it came they managed to eliminate every trespasser without any signals leaving the attacking army's, after the catastrophe a bountiful trade was set between them, in exchange for concealing wards given by the lizardmen, the best and finest crops of plants are given to the slann for benefitting the city.
  18. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    You give such great visuals and this world sounds brilliant. I want to write for it. I want to write for it and have studio Ghibli animate it! Okay that's a bit of hyperbole but I can visualize it!
  19. Tlac'Natai the Observer
    Cold One

    Tlac'Natai the Observer Active Member

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    I'm glad to hear of another desert dwelling lizardmen off shoot. I have mine allied towards a sort of "Sand Elf" as well, related heavily to wood elves.

    In my set of lore, I have these Sand Elves as a nomad band with no buildings of any kind. They wander through a sea of dunes from water spring to water spring, sometimes using magic to entice the water out of the ground. They wander with their walking tree friends who settle into the ground whenever they make a stop at a spring, leaving them vulnerable, and the elves spread out to hide amongst the sand with the help of their illusions. The grandest of their illusions are the mirages that mislead enemies into walking in circles until they die out of exhaustion; they can even hide the true placement of the sun in the sky so that experienced travelers never find their way out. While they take a mostly hands off approach to defense, they are known to be ruthless attackers, peppering targets with more arrows than it really required to take it down. Trade is scarce as they are a defensive peoples with a hermit kingdom attitude, but they have been known to push sand on would-be traders; much like the real world Inuit having multiple words for snow, so too do the sand elves have many words for sand and all the different qualities. While the sands are great for glass blowers, the market is small and they end up killing most of their captives at the "negotiating table" so to speak.

    I don't want to muscle in on your Fluff page, but this is what I had; feel free to pick and choose any aspects that you would like to fit into your sand elves =)
    Warden, Bowser and spawning of Bob like this.
  20. Xholankha the lost one
    Chameleon Skink

    Xholankha the lost one Well-Known Member

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    I will write some lore with some of your ideas,t hank you . Muscle in? No it's ok I enjoy suggestions, but I like to think as the desert elves as having one hub and I like the idea of them basically being the narcotic cartel/drug lords of the old world
    Bowser likes this.

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