Blog JORGIK´s work table

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Jorgik, Jan 28, 2016.

  1. Zenard
    Cold One

    Zenard Active Member

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    I can't handle the amount of talent in this forum! The veins look absolutely amazing, liking your work more and more for each post!
    Toltecatl, Jorgik and Bowser like this.
  2. ZebulonXXI

    ZebulonXXI Member

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    I am absolutely blown away by what you've done! Simply amazing!
    Jorgik likes this.
  3. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Very nice, what will you use for the dart?
  4. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Green stuff too, I didn´t feel like using wire :D

    Guys I did some more work, finished the guy and sculpted some snakes on the other bases. Just primed them and waiting for them to dry. I´ll hopefully have some update by the weekend. I also started working on the next bunch of trees so provably some pictures of them soon (very likely to include them on the painting WIP post).

    Until then,
    Toltecatl, Warden and Zenard like this.
  5. Zenard
    Cold One

    Zenard Active Member

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    Keep us updated. :D
    Jorgik likes this.
  6. Toltecatl

    Toltecatl Well-Known Member

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    yeah, awesome work for sure, dead bodies are always a good option :) impatient to see the snakes.

    keep it up!!
    Jorgik likes this.
  7. mousekiller

    mousekiller Well-Known Member

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    The scenery in this thread is absolutely creative, and well executed. Excited to see the end results. What material do you use for the first base, the one with the tiles?
    Jorgik and Bowser like this.
  8. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Ok guys I have been REALLY quiet in this threat and there was no way I could continue it. First of all I´m tremendously sorry for not posting on the past weekend as I said I´d do. As an excuse I´ll use the "had lots of homework" and "I wanted to finish painting everything before posting". I have already done so and tomorrow is friday so I will have absolutely no excuse to not posting. That means I´ll do a huge post on all the painting steps I went trough, mistakes, stuff I want to comment and all that (this sounds very profesional but will provably end up as one sentence :confused:). Also say thank you all for the patience because I´m a total lier.

    I used some already made stones. They are the ones manufactured for miniature castle and house building. They usually go on the model´s walls and there are loads of different shapes, sizes and dimensions. The ones I used in the path are 5*5mm in the cross-section and average 1 cm long (some are longer and some shorter). I bought them in bags of 200 or 300 and they cost me about 5€, and one path takes about two full bags.

    And thanks to all the support guys,
    See you (hopefully) tomorrow with a long post,

    Last edited: Mar 18, 2016
  9. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    First thing you don't need to apologize we don't expect you to make L-O your first priority although you should homework can wait.

    Second we all say were doing this and that and the very nature of this hobby is our ultimate downfall, it makes you start projects and go of on a tangent it is the nature of the beast and cannot be avoided.

    Third your not a lier just got your priorities wrong that's all no biggy :D
    Toltecatl, Zenard, Jorgik and 2 others like this.
  10. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Next update! (It is hugely long, so if you don´t have time and want to read it all at once save if for later)
    So as I promised now onto all the painting. I will explain step by step all the painting. The trees looks like this after the painting (missing the stones on the big and small ones)


    As I said I did prime for two reasons: I didn´t know if the paint was going to hold properly on the superglue I used to stick the lianas with and because I wanted to add some extra grip to the sand on the base. I chose black so I could keep more easily the dark color that the lack of light would cause. Having said this I didn´t go as fancy on the trunk painting as I had described. I initially thought that I would only achieve a good look with many layers of paint and it turned out to be opposite: I ended up applying a basecoat and a lone drybrush and the more I look at it the more I think lots of paint would have made it worse.

    The trunk


    As you can see this was the first color to be applied. I wanted to get a very dark brown basecoat and none of the already made stuff I had was what i wanted, so I decided to made my own by mixing. I didn´t measure the ration exactly as I just added a bit of paint, mixed and adde some more over and over until I got the color I was searching for. Also, I´ll say it is important to know that when paint is still wet it looks a bit lighter than it will actually look like once it´s dried, I made this mistake but was happier with the result, so there´s no problem with that; just saying for a thing to watch out (and also have it written somewhere to remind myself when I forget about it :p). What I did for the recipe is:
    1. Mix some of the brown with the black. I should say that the brown is a earth tone, and that it is also diluted, while the black I used is a very concentrated paint and so even though I mixed them about at a 1:1 ratio it is for sure no the same for colors of other brands. The color you are searching at this point for is a very dark grey that doesn't almost look like containing brown.
    2. After the color loss I thought the best way to bring it back was to add some red and green, as brown was red+black. The amount I added onto the grey mixture were 4 drops of red and 1 of green. I have no idea about the volume of grey paint I had, but if I had to say something it covered about 1 quarter o fate plate I used to mix it at a quarter of a cm high. Im sorry to give you such poor measures but this is all I have, maybe with the next trees I can work out the ratio better :oops:.
    I t is also important to say that i din´t water the paint down at any moment, so it was pretty thick. This made it somewhat harder to apply, but it allowed me to stipple it right when I finished painting the basecoat, which gave me a very very nice texture to do the dry brush on. (And so I realized all the time I had spent making texture on the clay could have been avoided :banghead:). Also, if you noticed I also painted both the explorer and the snake, just to not waste the paint :D, just telling because it may have affected the way the explorer turned out.


    Next was a drybrush of the same brown I used for the mix. I decided to go onto a VERY gentle drybrush and some different strikes in different directions to try to pick out the texture I had made with the basecoat. It is also important to pick out the detail in between the buttresses so they don´t look incredibly shiny, and make sure the brush is missing mostly all of its paint so you don´t paint over any texture (this happened to me some times and it looks real bad, I´ll cover them with some foliage material. Example of the bark texture:


    The details


    The snake

    This one was very simple: mepiston red basecoat, abbadon black strives, and overland sunset lines where the two colors met. Then an agrax earthshade wash and then some highlights with the same colors as the base coat ones.

    The unfortunate explorer
    He consisted of 6 different areas. They were all done the same way: The base coat and once all were done two light washes of agrax earthshade.
    • The white shirt: Celestra grey basecoat. No more mystery for it.
    • The grey pants: I applied a mechanicus standard grey basecoat and then a semi-heavy nuln oil wash to darken it.
    • The leather: Mourfang brown.
    • The red dagger: Mephiston red, I did it at the same time as the skane
    • The metal: Boltgun metal base, heavy nuln oil wash and a orange wash made from troll slayer orange and lahmian medium. (the metallic bits are the sword and the armor he´s got on his right arm.
    • The skin. Started with an old foundation paint I had around (Reikland fleshshade). Then I washed the places around the vein a couple of times with watered down nuln oil and after the agrax earthshade wash i applied a bit of very watered down mephiston red to give it a bit of color. After that I put some pallid witch flesh on the eyes and teeth and some strikes of snakebite leather (again an old paint) on the hair, eyebrows and mustache.
    Close up of the face:


    The sand
    Small thing but still gonna share it :D. Mourfang brown base coat. With this one I didn´t really want to get that of a strong color, so what I did is to take some paint straight out of the pot and rapidly dread it around, and then I dipped my brush in water and put it on top of the paint to help it get in the sand. The reason I didn´t mix it on a pallet was because I wanted uneven quantities of pigment in different areas so the earth would look better, and I didn´t have to preoccupy myself with spreading the paint around :p. Then I lightly was the sand with agrax earthshade to knock it down onto dark again, as I didn´t want the tree to be much darker than the sand. Also, next time I´ll paint the sand fist and then the details because it is real hard to get the paint on the sand without painting on the details. Thankfully I managed, but it was a pain. Then I drybrushed codex grey on the small rocks
    to make them more visible.


    The lianas
    I only painted the hanging parts of them because I really liked how they looked in brown. I used Castellan green and then washed them with agrax earthshade. The picture shows it with out the wash.

    So now I am only missing the foliage and it will final be done! Reall looking forward to do it but again homework will keep me busy this weekend (@Crowsfoot I´d really like to change priorities, but I still live under the rule of my mum and I don´t think she´ll be very happy about that o_O) so I honestly have no idea how much will I be able to do, so better not say any date so I won´t have to call myself a liar ;).

    Also one question guys. Reading through the post agin I noticed it is real long, which can bore someone or simply making them not bothering to read and I thought that maybe If I updated more often I´d avoid that. So the question is if you guys prefer to have long posts sometimes or to get smaller updates more often. I really don´t mind it´s up to you.

    All what I said in the previous posts, feedback, ideas, criticism, doubts (,asking for more pics,) and all please post it.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2016
    Seraphage, Zenard, Warden and 7 others like this.
  11. Toltecatl

    Toltecatl Well-Known Member

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    veeeery fancy. Are you going to go for more bits of painting here and there? Maybe I would add some discreet highlights here and there once the foliage is in place, but that may be tricky and I may tend to overuse highlights myself, so…
    And then, static grass or something on the bases? :)

    Anyway awesome work, hope we'll get to see them with the foliage soon and you'll be able to field those trees with your lizards :D (dont forget to take some pics!)
    Jorgik likes this.
  12. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Yes, I´ll be decorating the bases both with some plastic plants and basing materials to simulate bushes. About the highlight I´m thinking of applying them on the lianas, some sponging here and there to add some random color, as well as somewhat on the tree trunks to represent plants growing on the tree. And I´ll also paint the foliage to give it some shadow and more realism.
    Thanks for the suggestions!
    Toltecatl likes this.
  13. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    So fast update guys, my first small post ;).

    I glued the lichen on the branches of the big tree using some wood-specific PVA. I found out that when it´s half dried it´s far more sticky than normal PVA, and that was perfect for gluing the lichen on. Still took a while though, like 2 hours :joyful:. I fell in love with how it looked, just missing some brown shade to make it look more like the pic I showed from the guy that make that diorama. I only got time this weekend to do this and start the small tree, though, so only the big tree completely "foliaged" :D.
    Well here are the pictures:


    A bit of a long branch to the left, next time I´ll take more care on not making some too long

    Hope you guys enjoyed it and please feedback and all that same as always,
  14. Acrocanth

    Acrocanth Well-Known Member

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    Very pretty tree. :D Great work.
    Jorgik likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    That is a really beautiful terrain piece. Kudos. :)
    Jorgik likes this.
  16. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Thanks guys! I really like it myself, all the time put into it was very much worth it!
    Zenard and NIGHTBRINGER like this.
  17. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Love the trees! They look beautiful so far.

    Also love that snake on the base (and the jungle victim).
    Jorgik likes this.
  18. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    That's some of the best and most creative terrain I've ever seen. Congratulations!!

    I would love to see a picture of the pyramid and the pools, pretty please?
    Toltecatl and Jorgik like this.
  19. Toltecatl

    Toltecatl Well-Known Member

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    Sounds just epic. Man I really loved seeing the trees with foliage on, congrats :D ''you've really made the grade''!

    I'm siding with @Itepixcauh , let's see some 'mids !!! AND pics of both trees and architecture with your models on 'em. That's what they're for after all… :happy::happy::happy:
    Bowser and Itepixcauh like this.
  20. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Ok guys I´ll now go off take the pics, I´ll edit this once they are done to post them!

    EDIT: I have noticed my pyramid, my pools and my towers lost chunks of paint, provably from hitting them by accident during battles, packing and all that. So this is what I´ll do: I´m going to fix all of those bits now and tomorrow I´ll post the promised pictures. And then provably will spend some time in sealing them to avoid this from happening. Cheers guys for the patience!
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2016
    Warden, Toltecatl, ZebulonXXI and 4 others like this.

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