Hello, I have been playing Warhammer for a while but not with Lizardmen. I thought I would check around the site before buying any models. I want to get a 500 to 750 point army to test and play with but I don't know what to get. I got the newest Lizardman army book but no models. Can anyone help me?
Hi Finnegan, welcome to the site! I suggest you read through the rulebook, particularly the descriptions of the different units, and look at the pictures in the middle and see what you like best. There is almost nothing in the LM army that is never worth taking, everything is well balanced and useful. Jungle swarms and razordons being the two exceptions, though lots of people still use razordons. There are several main types of LM army; saurus heavy and/or carnosaur, skink heavy and magic heavy. Think about what type of list you want to bring. The battleforce is not a bad start if you want to grab some models and start playing around with them; you can use the Temple Guard revered guardian as a scar vet hero and have a small army to play with.
Welcome to the site! I run 500 point games quite frequently. Do you play warband rules or normal 500 point rules? If you can let me know, I'll send you a list that I've used before.