Fiction The Extermination

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Bowser, Mar 23, 2016.

  1. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Chapter One

    The ground started rumbling and began to crack. The dwarfs nearby were scattering and running for cover. It wasn't the first time this day the big rats had come from the ground. Massive rat beasts with heavy plated armour, had emerged from the ground. Two of them with large multi barreled guns mounted on their arms, one with what looked like drills for hands. The rapid booms came from their arm mounted guns as soon as they burst from the ground. Dwarfs and Skaven alike were being gunned down. Red mists of blood spraying over comrades, enemies and dyeing the ground red. Cannons were pivoted to aim at these filthy, mobile war machines. Engineers shouted out calculations and adjustments. The cannons roared as the explosions hurled the shells to their mark. The huge rat, standing out front, firing the ratling gun at nothing in particular, didn't notice the cannon ball until it was in his face. The rat's head exploded and chunks of bone and brain peppered its company. The next shell smashed into the drill armed storm fiend, shattering its pelvis, buckling its legs. The third shell narrowly missed the last rat. It laughed maniacally as it aimed its rattling gun in the general direction of the cannons, obliterating anything in between him and the war machines. Overhead a squadron of copters rained down bombs on the surviving fiend. The bombs exploded around it, blowing off limbs, sending fur and chunks of armour flying.

    A streak of green lightning bolted through the sky, making contact with one of the copters. One of the copter engines exploded, raining shrapnel down on the battlefield. The pilot was struggling with the controls to try an emergency landing away from the battle. It was too late, his copter caught the landing gear of another copter. The second pilot attempted to initiate an emergency landing that would save them both. The smoking derelict clinging to his copter was dragging him closer to the grave. The pilot braced for a hard landing. He raised the nose hoping the ground would pull the wreckage off of his tail. The landing was hard but the first pilot had survived. The second pilot took his landing a few hundred meters away, trying to kill as many rats as he could with his spinning rotors. The first pilot surveyed the area around his landing site. Searching for the nearest group of dwarfs. Three hundred meters, the copter that he had taken down and one group of emaciated, poorly armed skaven. These skaven seemed ready to rush the copter. Death seemed to be in every other direction that had to be the safest bet. The pilot slid out of the cockpit and started running towards his brother. His pistol cocked and ready for revenge. Another green bolt streaked through the horizon low to the ground. The bolt shot into the spine of the running pilot. His muscles began to twitch and spasm uncontrollably. His blood began to boil, and the pressure caused it to shoot from his nose and ears. The pain looked excruciating. The corpse hit the ground hard and continued to spasm after death. The emaciated rats looked back, most of them were sure it was a warning shot, a warning to them that the dwarfs will be merciful compared to their own. They rushed forward to the damaged copter in front of them.

    Jezzail teams shot gleefully through the slaves at the copter, fifteen shots were fired. Two rats fell over dead, the rest of the shells bounced off of the hull, the pilot ducking inside the cockpit as the bullets clanged like bells. The beasts started clawing their way up the body of the copter toward the cockpit. The pilot pulled the trigger on the Brimstone gun, right as the one creature dumb enough to try to pull itself up from the barrel of the gun put its face in the sight. The foul little monstrosity screeched in pain, the flesh and fur melting clean off of its skull. The burning corpse fell to the ground, the Jezzail teams cheered and laughed. The pilot waited until the canopy was covered in the critters, then dropped his bombs and initiated the ejection function. Rat beasts were scattered as the canopy was jettisoned from the copter. The seat launched the pilot high up into the air, a parachute flew out from the back of the chair and opened. The bombs exploded, killing most of the emaciated rat slaves nearby. Chunks of copter and rat rained down on the Jezzail teams, who hid behind their pavise shields. The pilot’s chair crash landed on a rat, the weight of the chair and dwarf caved in its skull. The dwarf pilot quickly unbuckled himself, hurrying out from under the parachute. Looking down at him were several monstrous ogre-like rats. Disembowelment looked, and sounded, far more painful than anyone deserved.

    A deafening thunder pierced the air, the sound came from the dwarven cannons. One of them had backfired, killing the crew. The rats kept coming, the dwarfs were outnumbered, outgunned, and were as good as dead. The Dwarven drums beat out an erratic beat. The signal to fall back. The dwarfs in the front lines new that it was their death sentence. They needed to protect the home. So they spread out and trotted forward to make as many targets and as big of a threat and distraction as they could. The dwarfs closest to the hold started galloping back to seal off the mountain. As the last of the dwarfs got in to the mountain they shut the great doors. Sealing themselves in. A general feeling of dread crept through the halls. It had never been this bad before. It was only a matter of time before those disgusting creatures would break through the door, only a matter of time before the names and family lines in the hold were extinguished. The clamor outside was the only indication of how long they had left to make their final arrangements. Get all the bastards inside and collapse the mountain. The charges were set, the engineers double checked the calculations. The clamor outside grew quieter and closer. The halls started to fill with song, all joining in to the funeral dirge that would guide them to the next life.

    As the chorus swelled the noise outside grew louder. It sounded like a stampede of magmadroth outside the doors. Had the Slayers come home to help out? Without the promise of ur gold? It seemed impossible. But the shrieking of rats and the fact that they hadn't reached the doors yet suggested that it had to be them. Not that the king wanted help from the Slayers. Old wounds still not healed.
    The doors were ordered open, the old women and the children were left with one engineer who would instruct them on how to collapse the hold. Every fighting age man and woman formed up and began to march out lead by King Dargrim Steelbeard. To their surprise the giant lizards outside were not magmadroth. Giant beasts with sharpened horns jutting from their heads. Lizard like men destroying the foul rat beasts. A floating throne seemed to be their king. The dwarfs did not wait for the invitation from their saviors and began fighting alongside them. It felt good to watch the rats get eviscerated. A massive brute lizard was fighting off a unit of the slaves. It had one in its jaws and swept its massive hammer through the crowd. Bone and blood went flying. The emaciated, mangy little monsters began to panic. They started slashing at the brute and each other, they were trampling over each other, pushing each other back towards the monster lizard in their panicked escape. One of the rats was pushed right into the arms of the beast. The rat immediately started stabbing at the massive lizard's hands. The survival instinct had kicked in and the rat went straight for the scaly throat. Teeth sank in deep and tore out the throat. No blood ran. But the hulking beast became a beam of light. Skaven watching the ordeal gave a quick cheer before running to catch up with the slave. Scurrying back to their hidden portals.

    The skaven threat had been thwarted, and by legends. These were unmistakably seraphon, but none suspected they were real. They were fireside tales, fables, and myths. Yet, here they were. The throne floated toward the king. The being sitting on this flying chair stared at the king. The king stared back, in awe. A great power seemed to flow forth from this being. Dwarfs knelt down before it. Fear and hope penetrated all of the dwarfs present.
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Special thanks to @spawning of Bob for proofreading and offering advice even with his busy schedule.

    Wrote this first chapter 3 or 4 times. Mostly taking Bob's edits into account. I think my favourite was "I think you can toy with him a bit more."
    My second favourite was "really, expert explosions? "
    Shhhhh! It was meant to mean the calculations were expert. Fine. Shut up.
  3. thedarkfourth

    thedarkfourth Well-Known Member

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    thrilling. it feels like a prologue....hint hint
    Paradoxical Pacifism and Bowser like this.
  4. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    There is 21 chapters! Story is complete, just don't want to bog people down wih the full thing. 1 or 2 chapters a day I think would work better for most. But feel free to pm me for the full story sneak preview.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2016
  5. Otzi'mandias

    Otzi'mandias Well-Known Member

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    Ooh, I like it! Cant wait to see more!
  6. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Chapter 2

    Skavenblight. The city smelled worse than it looked. Considering it looked like a rotting corpse, that's saying something. The individual clans parted ways to count the survivors. The slaves went wherever they could to avoid a beating. The one that had ripped the throat from the Kroxigor slunk into an alley to lick his wounds. No major wounds. His mouth still burnt from biting into that monster, but he never used his mouth for much anyway. Out from the shadows a cloaked figure revealed itself. He watched the figure as it moved close and crouched down next to him. The two made eye contact. He said nothing. The cloaked figure through him a bit of food. The slave crammed it in his mouth greedily. The cloaked figure chuckled. It could have been poisoned. Most skaven will take a small bite and if they don't vomit then continue to eat. When you're a slave though, vomiting just meant a second meal.
    "I saw you kill the monster. I can work with you. You work with me?" The cloaked figure said in hushed tones.
    The slave said nothing. His whiskers twitched.

    "I am Ghost Shadowstab. You got a name?"

    The slave said nothing and started sniffing at the stranger.

    "Back up. I give you more food and some warpstone. You help me. You vicious." Said ghost looking around.
    The slave twitched its whiskers.
    Ghost noticed the scars on his throat. It looked like his throat was sliced wide open and stitched back together in desperation, an old wound, looked like he had had it for a long time.
    "Can't talk?"
    The rat twitched again.

    "I call you Twitch Nosqueak. More food for you, then we make deal?"

    Ghost tossed a nice piece of meat to Twitch. Twitch inhaled the food.
    "You learn my symbol and I tell you who to kill. You take the place, no more slave. Put my mark on all I tell you and you can lead this clan."

    Twitch looked at Ghost suspiciously.

    "My clan works different from yours. I belong behind the scenes. I am sure you have figured out by now. “Ghost stuck out a paw with some warpstone tokens. Twitch sniffed at the paw. A new understanding crossed his face. He picked up the tokens and swiftly hid them in his sparse clothing. Twitch shook Ghosts Paw. Ghost produced a large patch of skaven hide and a dagger. In the top corner was a symbol.
    "You learn this symbol, my symbol. Practice. You do it right more food. More tokens. You do it right you are the big boss."

    Twitch picked it up and started tracing the symbol. Then practiced freeform beside it. "Pretty close."
    Ghost left a bit more food and tossed a couple more tokens at him, then disappeared into the night. Twitch ate a little slower now as he practiced.

    "Why you not kill the beardthings?"
    The grey seer smacked the warlord across the jaw with his staff.

    "They brought the liz..." a tooth flew out as the staff connected with his jaw again.

    "The lizards? Again? Why you not capture one?"

    "We tried. It turned to light and cured my cough." He flinched out of habit.

    "We know how. We just need better than your pathetic clan."

    "Give me time. My clan will be biggest."

    "No pay until you bring me a lizard. And beards are all dead. Last chance."
    Warlord Cutthroat bowed low and scuttled out of the hall. His chieftain, creature 1138 met him outside and walked behind him. They walked to doors of Clan Woons. They kicked in the doors and all inside looked at the two interlopers. Warlord Rustshank walked up to a safe distance. "What you want?"

    "Make a deal?"

    "You got nothing good."

    "You give me a hundred tokens I give you 1138. Good chieftain. Programmed good. No backstabbing leader, doesn't want tokens, food, or does. Just wants to kill."

    "Only a hundred? What else?"

    "You take a job off of my hands. My clan too weak, not strong like yours."

    Rustshank straightened up. "Of course you reasonable. My chieftain will bring you the tokens."

    "No tricks. We trade at the same time."

    "Of course."

    The chieftain brought the sack of tokens to Cutthroat and 1138 walked over to Rustshank.
    Cutthroat took the sack and examined it. He nodded to Rustshank and as soon as the chieftain turned to go back to the boss Cutthroat grabbed him and cut his throat. Creature 1138 bit into the face of Rustshank and broke both of his arms.
    "You are all part of Clan Hanta now. Anybody want to challenge?"

    Creature 1138 bit into Rustshank's abdomen and tore it open. What was left of the warlord was tossed onto a table.
    "Eat up. Now before my boys move in. Someone show me to the does. A storm vermin stood up and lead the way.
    Cutthroat surveyed the does. He saw the litters on the floor. All the little ratling bearing Rustshank's markings. He pulled out his trusted knife and began to end the bloodlines. Slicing the throat of each pup.
    "Going to need new pups."

    The remains of Fangleader Clawtail of the third regiment of Stormvermin for Clan Tikk, were displayed prominently on the street. The mark of Ghost Shadowstab etched into his back. None who knew him were too surprised about this after the noodle incident. The rat wearing his armour had a huge scar across his throat. He was mangy and didn't quite fill out the armour. There was something unnerving to the rest of the regiment about a rat that didn't speak. Some started asking questions and vocalizing their mistrust of a quiet skaven. The new Fangleader pulled out his dagger and carved a new symbol he had just learned onto the table. It meant no squeak. No further questions were asked.
  7. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I attempted writing squeakish, but quickly gave that up. I also wanted a Dashiell Hammett style of writing for Skavenblight, but gave that up as well, I could have done hardboiled detective for an oldblood, but just didn't seem to work with the rats. Except for city description. That works out quite nicely.
  8. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Can't wait to see were you go with the story, loved it so far :)
    Paradoxical Pacifism and Bowser like this.
  9. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    I once tried to talk @Scalenex into "Generic Sam Marlow" style writing for one of his stories. I suggested something like this:

    "The broad left an impression when she walked into my basement office. Two impressions. One with her stiletto, the other with her face. One legged ogre dames shouldn't tackle the stairs to this joint without a chaperone. Or at least a handrail."

    He hasn't got back to me yet, but I am sure he appreciated my advice.

    Bowser style is fine for you, Bro. Although you are the only writer on L-O I have ever suggested write longer sentences.
    Paradoxical Pacifism and Bowser like this.
  10. Otzi'mandias

    Otzi'mandias Well-Known Member

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    Ooh. A lustrian slave (or just captive) is wanted, a new assassin is born, and a clan grows a fair bit bigger. Also, noodles. Exciting stuff!

    Oh, also @spawning of Bob, whats wrong with the sentence length? I would say that that it was perfect. If anything, the little bit at the end bemused me - it went suddenly 3rdperson.
    Not a challenge, you are still undisputed king of Lustrian fanfic, please dont kill me.
  11. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    well be prepared for the long haul!
    who wants longer sentences when I can get the point across with less words.
    Hemingway could do it so should you! :p
    You may never know the importance of the noodles, unless you read on, then you might. Then again probably not.
  12. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Chapter 3
    the large toad on the floating throne stared at the king. It did not seem to move at all. The king however seemed to be having a conversation with it nonetheless. Most of the seraphon stood on guard.
    "Thought you were a myth." Said the king.
    "No they won't help without ur gold or something of great value."
    The king replied, though no one else could hear the other side of the conversation.
    “Magmadroth? No, we have no experience handling such beasts."
    “Well of course we can learn! If they can we certainly can." The king said as if a little offended.
    "You don't understand. Yes he is my brother, but I will not work with the likes of him."
    "Highest bidder."
    "Long story, old grudges... that isn't any of your business."
    " They started showing up when we mined out some green rock. Made the men sick so we closed off that part of the mine."
    "Of course we scout. They seem to come from nowhere, but everywhere all at once." He noticed his fellows staring at him as if he had gone mad.
    Yes I know where to find them. Yes those too. Fine, just get out of my head and start talking to everyone." The king was a bit startled that he hadn't noticed that the Lizard King wasn't speaking out loud. He felt a little violated, but knew he needed the help.
    "Fine. I'll bark the orders then." He said before puffing out his chest. "You lot go with these little spear lizards to the Magmadroth breeding grounds. They're going to show you how to catch and tame the beasties. Then you'll learn to breed them. Then we will sell them. New business. You four take the big ones out to the river they will watch for green skins, you will pan for ur gold. The rest of you can come with me." He said it with confidence in spite of the fact he wasn't very confident.
    The large toad started to move. It seemed like an impossibly long time for it to unfold itself from its resting position. It removed two armlets from its right arm and a wristlet from the left. It threw these little circles of gold to the ground in front of the king. It always thought it had a natural talent for tossing things. Lord Orkin, champion tosser, it mused. Quite proud of itself, the Slann turned to the doors of the great hold and invited itself and its guards in.
    Not one to be a rude host, whether he intended to host or not, the king shouted, "Make sure my guests are tended to!"

    The king picked up the ur gold rings. He had a few days journey ahead of him. He watched as the men loaded up the wagons. He hated his brother. The thought of working with him left a bad taste in his mouth. How dare he take such pride in dishonor? How dare he continue to walk among the living after what he had done?

    Some saurus went out with the handlers, they boarded some mule drawn mining carts. The Dwarfs with them attempted to make conversation. The skinks helpfully tried to explain that they didn't understand their language. The dwarfs couldn't understand what the skinks were saying. The saurus, trying to keep stood up in the carts but were having a bit of trouble with the bumps, just ignored the noise coming from the two groups.

    A couple of skinks rounded up the Kroxigor. Then joined the dwarfs headed to the river. A group of warriors joined them. It was the closest destination. This side was green skin free. The other side was Orruk territory. They would have to be somewhat on their guard just in case the Orruks got bored.
  13. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Originally the slann was only going to speak telepathically and leave the reader with one side of the conversation like you see above with the dwarf king anseering questions. I decided to scrap that idea as, it could get confusing and two silent characters was pushing it. The Slann would basically have to talk in questions to get accurate reader inferrence.
  14. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Chapter 4

    The orruks were bored.

    Warboss Grimdar Steeljaw was pushing orruks around seeing if anyone would fight him. Gorgum Bigtooth decided to turn around and smack him. The stick that was used to replace his left arm broke in two. "What you go an' do that for? That perfectly good arm." Grimdar grinned. He was going to tease him a bit before beating the hell out of him.

    "Not good like old arm. Damn stunties."

    “You only use it for scratching stuff."

    "Stick don't scratch the same. And don't smack the same." Gorgum pulled the remains of the stick out of his stump.

    Grimdar yanked a spear out of another Orruk's hand and shoved it into the stump.

    “There. Now it a weapon hand." The grin on his face widened as Gorgum wailed in pain. Gorgum swung his new spear arm and Grimdar caught it. Grimdar wrenched the spear out and shattered it over Gorgum's head. Gorgum went to swing his good arm, but Grimdar had tackled him to the ground. Grimdar started pounding his fists into the one armed Orruk's face. Bone crunched as Gorgum's cheek broke. He swallowed more teeth and blood than he could spit out. Grimdar got off of the defeated foe and jammed another spear into the stump.

    "New arm for ya tough guy."
    Gorgum used his new arm to help himself to his feet. He was dizzy and his face hurt. He coughed up a blood, tooth, and phlegm cocktail.
    "Dinner is ready boss" he slurred pointing to the mess he had just spit out. Grimdar smiled a big wide grin at him. Or maybe it wasn't a smile. Maybe he was just showing his teeth.

    "I quit. Starting my own band across the river." Gorgum stuttered.

    "Yeah good idea. Need someone new to fight." Grimdar said turning away from his new enemy.

    "Anyone going to join the suicide band?" Grimdar shouted.


    “I don't need you. Going to find a better lot. Them ones with the black armour. I be the big boss of them." Gorgum shouted as he started to walk away.

    "Let's go raid that human town" said Grimdar.
  15. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    What? I felt like writing orcs. Let's just leave it at that.
  16. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Chapter 5

    Warlord Nosqueak of the former Clan Nitch put on his new armour, it was bit snug, but the title suited him just fine. It may have been the fastest promotion on Skaven History. Slave to warlord in a matter of days. Chieftain Isker and Warlord Clawface were found on the doorstep of Greyseer Antler. Their tails shoved down each other's throat, eyes and ears removed from both corpses, and placed on a Clan Nitch banner. Both corpses had the mark of Ghost Shadowstab carved onto their back. Their involvement in the C.H.I.C scandal no doubt had something to do with it. A Greyseer with no horns. Unthinkable. Greyseer Antler rubbed the nubs where his glorious horns used to be. He would grind these fools up into some prosthetic horns until they grew back.

    Twitch Nosqueak carved out his new banner on the back of warlord Leaky of the former Clan Ploosh. Seems Ploosh and Nitch had had a bit of a merger and were now Clan Nosqueak. The slaves were all given a promotion to clanrat. The biggest clanrats were given a promotion to Stormvermin. The dissenters were made into new banners by the rats who were all too happy to gain a better position. Now he just needed someone that could read.

    Ghost Shadowstab had been given quite an entourage of new gutter and night runners. The mark of the ghost seemed to show up in multiple places at the same time. Effective and efficient. Meant more tokens for the clan. Ghost was swiftly becoming a legend amongst assassins.
  17. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Last edited: Mar 27, 2016
  18. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Ah, the Clan Haze Intake Committee. Those rats were dead honourable.

    This Tikk-Nitch-Ploosh clan seems to have "ambitious" as the only entry criterion.
    Paradoxical Pacifism and Bowser like this.
  19. thedarkfourth

    thedarkfourth Well-Known Member

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    I like the phrase "bit of a merger"
    Paradoxical Pacifism and Bowser like this.
  20. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    You know those skaven, don't like to fully commit to anyhing!
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.

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