7th Ed. make your own lizardmen unit or character

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by camo-skink, Aug 6, 2009.

  1. camo-skink
    Chameleon Skink

    camo-skink New Member

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    awesome replies everyone. you know what would also be an awesome character, a skink priest on a giant snake in honor of stoek!

    skink war priest: 125 points (lord choice)

    skink war priest
    M:6 WS:4 BS:3 S:4 T:3 W:2 I:8 A:2 LD:8

    special rules: cold blooded, aquatic, jungle poisons

    weapons and armor: hand weapon, light armor

    magic: level 2 wizard. may only choose lore of the heavens

    magic items: up to 75 points

    upgrades: upgrade to level 3 wizard . . . 75 points

    mounts: giant serpent of stoek . . . 100 points

    giant serpent of stoek
    M:8 WS:4 BS:0 S:4 T:4 W:4 I:10 A:4 LD:4

    special rules: cold blooded, aquatic, jungle poisons, always strike first, corrosive toxins*
    *corrosive toxins creates a -2 armor save modifier

    weapons and armor: fangs (hand weapon)

    Skink War Priests are marked by extremely rare spawnings with pale white scales and unusually large crests. They are rater eccentric, independent, and stubborn, and this matched with their uncanny magical abilities and physical strength makes them incredibly powerful. Though they still reside under the Slanns' command , they are very keen on having the Slann use them as puppets though their mind and decide to sever this connection, and when given commands by voice, interpret them into what is much like advice. A Skink War Priest's only true master is the Great Serpent God Stoek himself, who gives commands to his most loyal servants. To honor their great god, the priests often take up Giant Serpents of Stoek as mounts. These incredibly fast, agile, nimble minded, and most lethal of creatures have perfectly honed senses that help take down almost any enemy. Together, these to creations of the Old Ones combined make a horrific and dangerous adversary to any foe bold enough to even challenge them.

  2. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    I think it's awesome, especially for this new god named stoek!!!! :D
  3. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    Skink Dragoons (rare choice) Unit size: 3-6 Pts cost: 40
    M:- WS:3 BS:3 S:3 T:3 W:2 I:4 A:1 Ld:7

    special rules: cold-blooded, aquatic, skirmishers*, Venom of the Firefly Frog

    equipment: light armor, shield, spear, javelins

    Cliff Racers (mount)
    M:8 WS:4 BS:- S:3 T:- W:- I:6 A:2 Ld:-

    special rules: cold-blooded, aquatic, skirmishers*, spectacular leap, keen eyes

    * = While this unit is cavalry (US 2), it still receives the -1 to hit bonus against shooting.

    spectacular leap: At any time during their movement phase, the racers may attempt to leap as part of their movement. The speed of the cliff racers will determine how far the leap can carry them. For every 6 inches of movement distance remaining, the racers may instead roll a D6 + 2. They may then treat that distance as flying. During a march or charge, they may roll 2D6 + 4 for an even larger jump, though this would cost you 6 inches of marching or charging per roll. During a march it should be noted, that two separate jumps may be made if desired. During a charge, only one leap may be made, and only at the end of the charge movement (up to the last 12 inches). If they don't reach the target of their charge, the charge fails and they stay where they landed.

    If they are attempting to pass over an impassable feature or unit with this jump and their move places them inside the unit or feature, they are placed 1" away from the unit. This represents them gliding back down to safety after seeing they won't make the jump. If while attempting to charge a distant unit they contact a nearer unit by landing on it, they are considered to have charged the intervening unit.

    If an enemy unit is charged by a unit of gliding cliff racers, each racer does a single strength 4 impact hit as they land upon their target.

    Finally, if a jump begins from an elevated feature (hill or otherwise), the player may add +2 inches to each D6 roll for the jump if the jump concludes on a lower point of elevation. Conversely, jumping from a lower to a higher point of elevation negates the original +2 bonus for the jump.

    keen eyes: Able to spot prey from great distances, cliff racers are adept at tracking their targets. They are able to ignore skirmishing units for purposes of determining their line of sight.

    Let me know what you think...

    (Image not to scale)...
  4. thesecondman
    Temple Guard

    thesecondman New Member

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    Horned one riders.
    Normal skinks on non-stupid movement 8 cold ones with poisoned shot bows and non poisioned spears.
    Special Choice, OR 2for1. (Core would be really really dirty in lizardmen).

    *Additonal**For you sneaky wee beasties out there, YES, these are pretty much identical to the old d.o.w unit. Make them a real unit and POINTS-COST them properly, and we would be complete.
  5. camo-skink
    Chameleon Skink

    camo-skink New Member

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    oh, my bad. i meant it to be sotek. :oops:

    but, i guess i could add a story to it saying that stoek is sotek's twin.
  6. camo-skink
    Chameleon Skink

    camo-skink New Member

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    i think it's really cool man! but about the movement d6+2 role, it should be for every 6" move you can roll that amount. this representing their forward momentum of movement helping them glide farther.
  7. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    "i think it's really cool man! but about the movement d6+2 role, it should be for every 6" move you can roll that amount. this representing their forward momentum of movement helping them glide farther."

    I think that's how I described it... you can substitute 6" of movement for D6 + 2 flying. The average comes to 5.5 flying movement (3.5 on average, +2), and maxes out at 8. That's a max of 20" march or 20" charge if you roll perfectly. Or 24" if you start on a hill! They'd be the fastest in the game starting on a hill, if they end their move at a lower point of elevation.
  8. camo-skink
    Chameleon Skink

    camo-skink New Member

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    oh, cool. sorry i didn't understand. awesome unit!

  9. Azrik
    Jungle Swarm

    Azrik New Member

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    I have three new units:

    1) skinks on Culchans (flightless birds from Southern plains) - core

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld
    skink: - 3 3 3 2 1 4 1 6 hw, spear, shield, javelin
    culchan: 9 4 - 3 - - 5 1 -
    rules: cold blooded, fast cavalry
    unit size: 5-10
    cost: ? i think about 15

    2) Kroxigor artilery - special
    M WS BS S T W I A Ld
    6 3 4 4 4 3 1 3 7
    weapons and armour: grat weapon, giant bow
    rules: cold blooded, aquatic, fear, scaly skin 4+
    giant bow rules: range 36, strenght 5, damage D3, no armor save, move or fire´(they are for krogigors like crossbows)
    unit size: 3+
    cost: ? i think about 75
    I will certainly convert these from Krogigors and spare Giant crossbows.

    3) Giant Kroxigor - rare

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld
    6 4 0 6 5 6 1 5 8

    weapons and armour: 2x hand weapon, light armor
    pravidla: cold blooded, aquatic, large target, terror, scaly skin 4+, unstoppable assault (like bone giant)
    unit size: 1
    size of the baze: ? (please, do you know size of the base of bone giant?)
    cost: ?? i think 180-250

    Coments and cost recomendations welkome
    PS: excuse my english
  10. Cuauhtémoc

    Cuauhtémoc New Member

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    I got an idea, but I'm too tired to points cost it, so I'll only describe it and let you decide guys.
    Kroxigor cavalry!!!
    They will be basically like COR but in the difference that they are Kroxigors riding STEGS!
  11. Azrik
    Jungle Swarm

    Azrik New Member

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    Another ideas:

    4) pair of skinks with one portable giant blowpipe (skirmishers)

    5) saurus warriors each with long range blowpipe (convertet giant blowpipes)

    6) big saurus (like carnosaur) with two saurus wariors on the top - ekvivalent of chariot

    7) salamander tamer (upgrade of salamander hunting pack) with whip
    - enables to change a distance rolled on artilery dice plus minus 2 inches
    - if missfire is rolled, only D3 -1 (0-2) skinks are removed
    - salamander tammer is removed last

    8) engine of the gods carryed on palanquin by for templeguards

  12. camo-skink
    Chameleon Skink

    camo-skink New Member

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    well the culchans couldn't be cold blooded since they're birds, but you can make them just a feathered reptile. they could be another sub species of cold ones call beaked ones. they are much faster, but weaker and smaller, and skinks rider them like you said.

  13. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    but the chulcans wouldn't need to be cold blooded because they have cold-blooded riders
  14. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    I got another one....I was looking through my book today when on page 5 I saw a creature with a skink priest rider soaring through the air....so I though I'd make rules

    Insert name? 200pt mount-skink priest

    rules-fly, cold blooded, magic resistance 1

    M:2 Ws:3 Bs:0 S:5 T:5 W:4 A:3 I:3 Ld:6
  15. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    It's a "Coatl"
  16. TheAncientOne
    Cold One

    TheAncientOne New Member

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    These are AWESOME!!!!
    Nice ideas, guys!!
  17. camo-skink
    Chameleon Skink

    camo-skink New Member

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    i wish that every time a new army book was about to come out, it held a contest for the races players to create a new unit or character, and the winners entry would be included. that would be awesome!!!!!!! :smug: :D :D :D :smug:
  18. TheAncientOne
    Cold One

    TheAncientOne New Member

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  19. novatomato

    novatomato Member

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    Palanquin Chariot. 100 points (not sure if this is a fair price, probably not)
    Rare Choice, two of these may be taken as one rare choice but this may only be done once.

    Saurus Chariot Master - M/ WS4 BS/ S4 T/ W/ I2 A2 LD8
    Skink Handlers (2) - M/ WS2 BS3 S3 T/ W/ I4 A1 LD6
    Cold Ones (2) - M7 WS3 BS/ S4 T/ W/ I2 A1 LD/
    Chariot - M/ WS/ BS/ S5 T5 W5 I/ A/ LD/
    5+ armour save
    Unit Size 1

    Weapons and Armour
    Saurus Master: hand weapon, spear, shield
    Skink Handlers: Hand Weapon, Javelins
    Cold Ones: Teeth and claws (hand weapon)

    Special Rules: Cold Blooded, 5+ Scaly Skin (Saurus only), Jungle Poison (skink only), Fear, Stupidity, Chariot Master, Palanquin

    Chariot Master: The Chariot Master is a particularly skillful Saurus and can issue and accept challenges. If a character takes this chariot as a mount (skink and saurus only) he replaces the chariot master.

    Palanquin: The chariot body floats above the ground being pulled by the vicious cold ones, as it doesn't make contact with the ground it does not take damage from entering difficult terrian. It still takes D6 S6 hits if it runs into obstacles or impassable terrain. The palanquin offers the chariot a 4+ ward save

    Upgrades: The Cold Ones may be replaced by Horned ones (M8 I3 and lose stupidity) for 35 points.

    Now I just have to think up some fluff for why a Slaan would allow his rare palanquin to be ridden to battle by a saurus and some skinks.
  20. lupercal

    lupercal New Member

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    i have to say chariots in the jungle are kinda bad just kinda like WE chariots would be a bad idea i think a coatl would be a good monut for a skink character kinda like a character upgraded mount

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