7th Ed. Several Questions; Fear Cauing and Killing Blow

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Dreq-Kai, Aug 24, 2008.

  1. Dreq-Kai

    Dreq-Kai New Member

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    Hey guys, couple questions;

    1. So, if I outnumber a unit, and my unit causes fear, do I autobreak them even though they may have passed their fear tests?

    2. What does killing blow do?

    3. Temple Gard is 0-1 per Slann, so can I not take any without a Slann, is that right?

    4. With Bound spells, if they are dispelled, I can recast them again and again, until it goes off?

    5. Gleaming Pendant of Chotec, do they effects last your turn AND the opponents turn?

  2. Ninjaskink
    Cold One

    Ninjaskink New Member

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    1.) Yes, even if the unit you're facing has passed its fear test, they still auto-break if you win combat and outnumber them. (BRB pg 50-51)

    2.) Killing Blow states that if you roll a 6 on your to wound roll, you slay that opponent. The opponent doesn't get regeneration or armor saves to stop this, but may take ward saves as normal. Note that these attacks can only be against models with unit strength 2 or less, to include riders of chariots and riders of monstrous mounts, provided the riders have the previous unit strength, and the attacks are directed at said riders. (BRB pg 95)

    3.) Yes, Temple Guard units can only be taken with the Slann in play, and only one unit may be taken per Slann on the field. These are the bodyguard units, and the Slann must be placed within these units when they're fielded. (Lizardmen book, pg 25 & 61)

    4.) Bound spells are cast automatically, without need of the power dice, but can only be cast once per turn. If the item doesn't specify, then it can be used each turn. It's a shame that all of our bound spells are one use only though... you'd think the Slann would know how to make these better. (BRB pg 121)

    5.) No, the effect lasts until the end of that specific turn, so after your close combat phase, it ends. (lizardmen book, pg 54)
  3. Dreq-Kai

    Dreq-Kai New Member

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    Great! Thanks for the help Ninja!

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