Fiction After the day of Fools

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Y'ttar Scaletail, Apr 2, 2016.

  1. Y'ttar Scaletail

    Y'ttar Scaletail Well-Known Member

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    In reply to Bob's tale, here's my take from a Skaven perspective. :p

    Cast in order of appearance
    Shrouded Councillor One – A member of the Council of Thirteen
    Shrouded Councillor Two – A member of the Council of Thirteen
    Shrouded Councillor Three – Another member of the Council of Thirteen
    Higrik – A message-rat
    Ratty Gnawtail – Lord Admiral of the Council’s fleet, and seated sixth on the Council.

    Scene 1: [Interior of Council Chambers at Skavenblight. The chamber is very dark, the warp lamps barely giving any light and shadows shroud what Councillors are present.]

    Shrouded Councillor One: So, they have take-gained Lustria Online back?

    Shrouded Councillor Two: Yes-yes.

    Shrouded Councillor Three: It is to be expected. The invasion was only a test-thing of the lizard’s defences.

    Shrouded Councillor One: Indeed. But I had hope-hoped your Clan’s forces would have held on longer. We may have take-held the lizard-thing home for much longer.

    Shrouded Councillor Three: [seems to shake with laughter] No-no, the lizard-flesh had a backup plan that would have driven us away anyhow.

    Shrouded Councillor Two: Yes-yes.

    Shrouded Councillor One: But I fear-fear if your Clan had held on longer we may have learnt much-much more about how they did it. We would be prepared for the real attack-thing!

    Shrouded Councillor Three: [Pauses for a while] Which-which Clan was mine again? It’s so dark in here I for-forgot who is who.

    Shrouded Councillor One: [Is also quiet for a long time] I think-think I might be Vorg...but I’m not-not sure anymore. Weren’t we mean-meant to pay the High Warlock’s warp-energy bill?

    Shrouded Councillor Two: Yes-yes.

    Shrouded Councillor Three: Maybe I am High Warlock Matik? Or was I Gnawtail?...

    Shrouded Councillor Two: No-no. Gnawtail was taken prisoner by our invasion forces.

    [All Councillors start to laugh]

    Shrouded Councillor One: At leas-least there’s good news from all this. I’m sick-sick of all his talk-squeaking of boat-things and fish.

    Shrouded Councillor Two: Yes-yes.

    Shrouded Councillor Three: I still don’t know-know why he infiltrated them himself. Crazy-mad that one.

    [Enter Higrik. He peers into the dark with a look of confusion.]

    Higrik: My lords?

    Shrouded Councillor Three: Speak-speak fool-meat!

    Shrouded Councillor Two: Yes-yes.

    Higrik: Lord Gnawtail has made-made it back, he wants to speak-squeak with you all. Some-something about being taken prisoner by Clan Mors and several unspeakable things we wish-wishes to do to whoever ordered that-that.

    Shrouded Councillor One: Of all the luck!

    [Enter Gnawtail looking furious]

    Ratty Gnawtail: Who-whose idea was it to have their Mors goons grab-snatch me?! [Pauses] Why-why is it so dark in here?

    Shrouded Councillor Three: We might have forgotten to pay the warp-energy bill.

    Ratty Gnawtail: What warp-energy bill? [Turns on the warp lamps revealing three cleaning rats sitting at the Council table, there is a note on the Horned Rat’s chair that all Councillors are out to lunch.] Typical.

    Unshrouded non-Councillor One: [Looks down casted] we still get to keep the chairs?

    Ratty Gnawtail: [Long pause] Yes-yes, but I have a little job-thing for you three first...

  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    And they would have gotten away with it too, if ot wasn't for those pesky skinks, and their razordon too!
  3. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    I hope there is more...moar?...Mor!
    Paradoxical Pacifism and Bowser like this.
  4. Y'ttar Scaletail

    Y'ttar Scaletail Well-Known Member

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    But cliffhangers are great! :p
    Paradoxical Pacifism and Bowser like this.

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