KoW KoW - GW army equivalents

Discussion in 'Salamanders Discussion' started by Itepixcauh, Mar 31, 2016.

  1. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    This one will be quick I promise. @Crowsfoot asked and just in case anyone wants to know what the other GW armies could be used as in KoW here is a handy chart:

    High Elves - Elves / Maybe Bassilea
    Wood Elves - Elves
    Dark Elves - Elves / Twilight Kin (*Temporary list, TK will probably be changed soon*)
    Bretonnia - Brotherhood / Kingdoms of Men
    Empire - Kingdoms of Men / League of Rhordia / Maybe Bassilea
    Chaos Demons - Abyssals / Night-Stalkers
    Chaos Warriors - Varangur
    Beastmen - The Herd
    Ogre Kingdoms - Ogres
    Vampire Counts - Undead
    Tomb Kings - Empire of Dust
    Dwarfs - Dwarfs
    Chaos Dwarfs - Abyssal Dwarfs
    Lizardmen - Salamanders
    Skaven - Ratkin
    Orcs & Goblins - Orcs / Goblins (They are two sepparate armies in KoW, but you can use allies with almost no penalties)

    As @Tecuani noted:
    Levels of variation differ by a large margin between armies, and even where an army list is close parallel to a WFB list, such as ratkin and empire of dust, the differences between the two game systems mean that the army is likely to play quite differently.

    Hope it's helpful
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2016
  2. Jack Trowell
    Cold One

    Jack Trowell Active Member

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    I suppose that you listed Basilea for the high elves for those that would want to ally Basilean to get the Phenix ?

    In a similar way some players use a mix of Elves and Forces of Nature for their wood elves, to add things like the eagle riders (the centaurs can also make decent wild riders)

    Some players also use their wood elves with the twilight kin list (their blade dancers make perfect war dancers) allied with the Force of Natures to get the forest spirit.

    Also for the wood elves, if you happen to own lots of different types of treekin and treemen bought across the ages (official GW treekin, Raging heroes version, Mantic version, ol GW metal treeman, new plastic one ...) then one option if to use the different types to represent a mix of tree and earth units :

    - your smaller treekins => "young treekin" => forest shamblers
    - slightly bigger ones => "Old barks" (slower without vanguard) => earth elementals
    - third larger (or more detailled) => "Elder treekin/Dryad tree" => shambler hero (forest warden I think ?)
    - old GW metal treeman => "Young treeman" => greater earth elemental
    - plastic treeman => "Elder treeman/Durthu" => forest herder

    ... or a different mix, as long as there is no confusion for your opponent
    Itepixcauh likes this.
  3. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    I know this might be asking too much or it may not even be needed but would a unit for unit list per army (like you did for lizardmen to salamanders) help new players?
  4. Tecuani

    Tecuani Member

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    Overall a good list, but I'd recommend a correction for the Twilight Kin-the current list isn't a Beta testing version of the final list, it's a temporary list until the next book comes out, which will fully develop Twilight Kin, Ophidia and the Northern Alliance as Kings of War factions. The important difference here is that, while a beta testing list can be expected to be similar to the final version, the current Twilight Kin list is likely to be replaced by a quite different army. I'd also say that the KoW elf list is useable for a dark elf force.

    Generally, it's probably worth adding a note that levels of variation differ by a large margin, and even where an army list is close parallel to a WFB list, such as ratkin and empire of dust, the differences between the two game systems mean that the army is likely to play quite differently.
    Itepixcauh likes this.
  5. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Thanks for the fedback, edited the original post to the corrections.
  6. Jack Trowell
    Cold One

    Jack Trowell Active Member

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    Most other "faction forums" already have a similar list.
    For exemple there is this list that I made on the Ogre Stronghold : http://www.ogrestronghold.com/forum/index.php?topic=30050.0

    However note that there are often several options some units so you don't have to feel restricted to an "official" convertion list, for exemple most daemon players might use the abyssal list, but others might prefer the night stalkers or a mix of the two, it depends on your own preferences, in this case often on the god or gods the army is themed around. Abyssals are perfect for Khorne based army, and have decent options for the others, so it also works very well for undivided armies, but if you like the concept of a mono tzeench, nurgle or slaanesh, the exotics entries in the night stalkers might provide a better fit (maybe with a few allies from the abyssals)

    If you need help to convert other players from your group, don't hesitate to ask, there is almost no model that cannot find a place in Ko, but sometimes you have several options.
    Itepixcauh likes this.
  7. Jack Trowell
    Cold One

    Jack Trowell Active Member

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    I just got an idea for another option for your Slaan mage priest : the supplement Destiny of Kings introduce a few named heroes that can be taken with multiple armies, and among them there is an human wizard named Danor

    While he has not spell at a very high level, and in fact most of his spells are at the lowest level in the game, he got a very powerful rule that allow him to cast *all* hist spells during the same turn, so he is great if you want versatility rather that raw power, think of a Slaan, and this rule is very unique so it make him feel different and powerful, even if each inidividual spell isn't.
    In addition he also have another rule where he can extend the range of a spell once per game, together those two rules make him a wizard unlike any other

    And he is available in the Salamander list (not as a ally), so we take take him to represent a Slaan.

    The only problem is that he is not inspiring, and as a living legent cannot take artefact to get it, but well .. we already know that Saurus cannot understand the Slaans after all.
    Crowsfoot likes this.

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