KoW What terrain features work best in your KOW games.

Discussion in 'Salamanders Discussion' started by Crowsfoot, Apr 6, 2016.

  1. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    So guys,

    I have 2 citadel woods a watch tower, some walls and I can easily make something else, I have a lot of AOS scenery but it does not fit the theme.

    So if you had a 8*4 table and could put anything on it scenery wise what would it be?
  2. Jack Trowell
    Cold One

    Jack Trowell Active Member

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    I Like to put at least one or two pieces of terrain or building outside the deployment areas so there are decent but not extreme cover, this helps prevent a lone ogre shooter horde or similar unit from covering the whole of the table by splitting the table in two or three main areas and force some interesting tactical choices during the game. After that some additionnal pieces can be dispatched to each player starting areas.

    Or were you asking about ideas for building your own thematic terrain pieces for a salamander army ?
  3. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    I think that forests are essential to the game, a couple of hills are ok too (or just one), maybe some fences and stuff (better for the more experienced gamer) a river works well too. An then some obstacles as obstructive terrain (houses, ruins etc) Also any theme can do.

    Usually on a 8x4 table you will want around 6-7 pieces of terrain on it. I would say, look at my battle reports to see haw much terrain should be in the table but you want your table to look nice an terrain-y :D
    Warden likes this.
  4. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Just in general as I want ideas for some future KOW projects.
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  5. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    6-7 sounds about right and I like the idea of a river, I have an ork fortress and 2 watch towers nearly finished along with 3 orc huts so that theme is almost finished.

    I love the terrain aspect of this hobby so if I need terrain I'm happy.
    Jorgik and Itepixcauh like this.
  6. Tecuani

    Tecuani Member

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    My own guidelines are to try and have at least one terrain piece in each two foot square section of board, and maybe a few obstacles.
    As to the different kinds of terrain-
    Woods are good, since they both limit movement and obstruct LOS, but without being quite the obstacle of impassable terrain. They also make sure that units with pathfinder have a chance to use that ability.
    Hills, or to be more accurate raised mounds, also do well at breaking up LOS, but I'm careful about putting them too far into deployment zones, since for some armies they give more of a defensive advantage than I feel terrain should grant.
    A few pieces of impassable terrain are good, but best keep them relatively small, so that you aren't cutting off big sections of the battlefield.
    Difficult ground such as marshes that restricts movement without blocking LOS like a wood can be interesting as variation, but it's best to have a good amount of LOS blocking terrain available.

    Overall, I generally try to avoid large areas of open space, and aim for terrain that will give both players at least a bit of a headache trying to adjust to get around it, but can be used to gain an advantage with careful movement.
    Crowsfoot and Itepixcauh like this.

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