I want to paint my Troglodon as a true albino. I thought all white with a touch of pink would be too boring so I made a pink glaze and then heavy-drybrushed white over it: I don't know how I feel about it. My other idea is to paint it all white, with pink accents and then a sizeable pink coloration on the flanks (as some albino reptiles have.) My issue is that I won't know which I prefer until I see them both. Thoughts/suggestions?
I think the skin parts look good atm but the scales are too pink, I would paint the fins and centre spine pink highlighted with white and do the scales a light cream (screaming skull) highlighted with white. That way it will still look white but will also be broken up too not look monotonous.
I like it! Very nice color you created on the troglodon's scales. I agree with @Crowsfoot, maybe try to break it up with some reds or blacks? Add a bit more substance to the model, with the spines or claws/teeth. That's what I am trying to do with mine (though mine is still very much WIP) Spoiler: My Troglodon You could also try making the sail a bit darker, kind of like the standard GW one. Hope this helps.
I would also suggest to make the scales more white or creamy colour as they are thick plates of horn covering the skin. The skin looks perfect as it is, but maybe like the others said try to make the fins a bit more pink... But leave the rips ( spikes?) more bonecolored...
I think it is also interesting one color! Why not just leave it as it is? I think it´ll stand out more from regular troglodons like it is now. I do actually really like it all one color, it´s a very attractive scheme!
Thanks very much for the feedback, all. I will leave the Troglodon as is for now and paint some more test Saurus (poor chaps!) to play with more true-to-life (and difficult) albino color schemes.
I like the pink albino trog. It looks like it would be strawberry cream flavoured. Mmmm. I think n810 hit the nail on the head - maybe do some of the rougher/thicker scales a creamier colour. But really you've pulled off the scheme quite neatly and that's more than I can claim to have done!
As above, really. More white and creams as atm I think the colour is a little homogenous. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea, but atm I think the colours are a little too pastel - it reminds me a little of an iced macaron. Breaking the colours up (e.g. more white highlights; variation in the paler hues; deeper pinks at key areas...) would help with this. I like the albino trog' though. I'm now imaging a whole army with the paint scheme
I really like it when people want to do more realistic color schemes on their models, so I'm definitely interested to see an albino Troglodon! I actually tried to do my Troglodon to also have that albino kind of theme: Spoiler: My Troglodon Keep in mind that there's a lot of different albino variations in reptiles, so you don't necessarily have to use pink. I don't like pink so I chose to paint my albino more creamy colors. Kinda like these fellas: