8th Ed. COC and Raptor Riders

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Lawot, Apr 6, 2016.

  1. Lawot

    Lawot Active Member

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    I'm interested in some of our "less competitive" units, and particularly in how usage, rather than points and stats, defines how well they do. I saw your post in another thread about always using COC and being pleased with them, while most people generally ignore them. So here's my question for you, as well as anyone else who has used them to good effect:

    How do you use Cold One Riders in order for them to be effective? Obviously they're not traditional "heavy cavalry". So what do you do in terms of target selection, army synergy, movement etc. that makes good use of them?
  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    #1 avoid engaging Great weapon units and other high strength units.
    they will void you best advantage, great armor.

    #2 try and get a flank or rear charge is possible.
    this reduces the attacks coming back at the unit.

    #3 skink priest are your friend.
    either default buff spell, makes this unit amazing.

    #4 when you have to face other knights head on, make sure you charge first.
    this eliminates their lances from the equation, and these units usually have less attacks than us.

    Also the way you set up the unit gives it different roles.

    A) Cheep fast flanker
    just take 5 with no upgrades, not even spears.
    this might also be your secondary cav unit.

    B) Shock troop
    take 6 or 7 with full command and fully kitted out scar-vet or oldblood.
    run them single file, use these to take out enemy characters and general use.

    C) horde breaker
    take 10-12 in 2 ranks with a BSB (razor banner is good) and an fully pimped out oldblood.
    this is for destroying large enemy rank and file units, probably their core.

    They also combo well with our monsters:
    throw a carnasaur or stegadon in the front to a unit and cav on the flank,
    and watch that unit disappear.

    They also work well with our fliers,
    terradons fly over a unit and drop their rocks, turn around and shoot them from the rear,
    next turn, double charge the unit, cav in the front and terradon in the rear.
    With rippers I suspect, they are usually in the front with cav in the flank in the next turn.

    They even combo nicely with swarms giving them all poison attacks,
    or Trogladons roar giving them even more attacks.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2016
    Warden and Jorgik like this.
  3. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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  4. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Thank you for this @n810! I like the combos you have mentioned.

    ONLY thing I would add is don't forget the fear factor, both on the board and the psychological factor that you can play with some opponents. The cold ones don't seem quite as good as other cav units with super heavy armor, but their mounts cause fear (nice when facing hoards of beastmen, or bretonnians...:shifty:)

    I normally run them in small groups as option A) cheap fast flanker, that is normally mowed down by enemy fire because they are scared of if the cold ones ever reach enemy lines they will cause more havoc than they probably will anyway. Make sure you mention to your opponent just how deadly and scary and devastating these guys are (it helps keep the shooting away from my skinks and bigger beasties sometimes). When not using the cheap flankers, option B) Shock Troops works wonders when that scar veteran or cold blood makes contact with his chosen target :)
    n810 likes this.
  5. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    10 COR + 3 characters + tetto'eko . Kill everything. :D
    Warden, Jorgik and n810 like this.

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